Why a Zine?

IMG_1741 devotion


I chose to do a zine about Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago, because it is part of my culture; a part of my culture I aways participate in, but was unable to this year. This zine depicts all the interesting and amazing parts, slangs and objects of  Carnival the greatest show on earth. Instead of reading a lengthly article about Carnival this zine gives all the details in as few as 8 pages. It was a great experience creating it.

1 thought on “Why a Zine?

  1. Kelly

    When you presented your zine in class I really enjoyed it. I can tell you really took your time in preparing that for the class, which I appreciate as a student. I love learning about different cultures besides my own, and your zine was perfect for learning a little bit about your culture in its festivities. Your zine was short but to the point, and the images were beautiful. I thought your topic would best be described in a zine if someone just wanted to learn what it was like to go to the Carnival in Trinidad and Tobago, within just a couple of pages.


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