Wrapping up LIB 1201

It’s been a great semester – thanks for all of your questions, attention, patience, enthusiasm, and hard work this semester. Group documentation project presentations take place today and Wednesday. Be sure that each group posts the link to their project to this site by 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 20. Each student should submit a self and group evaluation to me by the end of the day Wednesday:

Evaluate your work on this project and the work of the other students in your group.

Each student in your group is responsible for writing an evaluation of her/his own work on this project and the work of others in her/his group. Please answer all of the following questions in your evaluations:

  • Self evaluation (minimum 200 words):

What project tasks did you complete on your own? How would you describe the amount of effort you put into your work on this project? What do you think your strengths were in your work on this project? How could you improve your work on this project?

  • Group evaluation (minimum 200 words):

What project tasks did you complete as a group? Was the work shared evenly between group members? How effectively did your group work together? What do you think the strengths were of the group’s work on this project? How could the group improve its work on this project?

Best of luck with finals, everyone! Enjoy the summer.

~Prof. Leonard

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