Disappearing internet content

This Article appears to cover how the internet isn’t 100% reliable when it comes to citations. This is of no surprise to me on an honest level as its man-made and bound to have some type of flaw to its work. One example is with sites like the Wayback machine. It might have a decent way of getting the images of how sites appeared at one point but it still has limits as it lacks the amount of servers to get every single website on the internet. I personally do not see this as ever possible however as the internet is an environment that is constantly expanding to no end. This just goes to show that nothing is limitless in our world.

1 thought on “Disappearing internet content

  1. William Maldonado

    Although the internet is constantly expanding to no end as you said I believe that one day websites like web.archive.org which provide an online tool such as the wayback machine will in fact one day actually be capable of actually storing at least 4/5’s of the internets history. The reason I say this is because although the internet is expanding to no end our technological hardware is getting smaller in size but bigger in storage capacity what explains this more thoroughly is “Moore’s Law”. So as this technological hardware is getting smaller and more powerful, the wayback machine may one day be able to store almost all of the internets history. In conclusion one day we will be able to make online citations without us having to worry of them ever pulling the vanishing act.


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