Vanishing Act!

Reading Chapter 5 of the “Vanishing Act” I was a bit confused, because with the multiple papers I write every semester and never used any footnotes nor did I pay attention to any information about the changes. The authors information provided information I was not aware of.
Footnotes obviously have come a long way according to the authors; “some have survived and some hasn’t”. When citing newer websites in recent times; the authors mentioned that the older the website the more accessible it will be.
It was also interesting to learn about top level domain (TDL) this means the ‘Internet page with a parent URL”: for example “com,” “gov,” “org”. “net” which are some of the most common top level domains. The authors also give information about the most reliable and most stable of all the top level domains.
All of the information in chapter 5 of this book give more information that will be helpful in citing and collecting information for my research paper.

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