Beyond The search Engine

Before last semester, i would use google to find everything research i would need for my research papers or answer i would need. I found out there’s more search engines that can get you more information for researches. Some of the good search engines are at the libraries or school libraries. Also to add to that, I didn’t know words like “AND,OR,NOT” can help people find what they are searching rather than just searching for the topic by itself and not being specific. Search engines records  what people have searched for and what is common searched by people. It is amazing how the search engines are aware of what people might be searching for.

1 thought on “Beyond The search Engine

  1. Johnathan

    Its true that search engines record what people search for so it can suggest them to the next group of searchers. Its a great feature although it can be abused. Coordinated groups can just constantly search Google for the same subject and make certain suggestions appear over others. A harmless one would be typing in “Why won’t my parakeet” and looking at what followed.

    However there was an interesting use of this in the “Women Are Campaign” which used incomplete searches such as “Women need to” or “Women shouldn’t” to show the kinds of things that came up.


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