Badke Chapter 3

From beginning to end of chapter 3 in the book “Research Strategies by William Badke” I was in absolute awe as I kept reading. I have been searching databases for a very long time; I also knew that the use of “keywords” are very important when searching databases. But from reading this chapter it took it to a whole new level. Badke imparted so much information in this chapter that will be  very helpful to me especially as college student.

I do researches regurlarly  and never knew that I was actualy doing it incorrectly, especially when searching for  information pertaining to a specific research topic; In fact, most of the times I usually just google the information needed using a lot of keywords. It never occurred to me that keyword must be very specific and words such as AND, NOT and OR plays a huge part in getting much better and specific results when searching databases.

In this chapter I think Badke was extremely thorough  in divulging valuable, resourceful information that will help me and many other students.

2 thoughts on “Badke Chapter 3

  1. Steeve

    I too have written what seems like a ton of research papers, especially since attending college. To understand how to do a proper search now feels as though I wasted a lot of time writing my other research papers. This seems like something every 1st year or 2nd year student should know how to do, but some students don’t learn how to perform proper searches until much later. I would go as far as to say that performing a proper search should be taught in high school, to help get students more prepared for the life of research papers that awaits them in college.

  2. Alessandra

    Now that I am reading multiple of my classmates posts about Chapter 3, I feel somewhat relieved that I wasn’t the only student that was in shock. Steeve, and Crystal have both expressed the same thoughts as me. Steeve, I agree with you. I feel this class or this information should be a mandatory class to take once you enter college, not 3 years later! I also feel as though I have wasted a lot of time researching the wrong way. On the bright side of things, lets not look at it that way. Now we know both methods of researching, and we find Badke credible and helpful, rather than just a book we had to read for school!


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