First OpenLab Assignment

Your first OpenLab Discussion assignment is to introduce yourself to your classmates.  This assignment is due Friday, February 5th, at the start of class. Late submissions will receive partial credit.

Assignment. Add a comment in reply to this post introducing yourself to the class.  Your comment should be at least 2 paragraphs in length.  In the first paragraph, introduce yourself in whatever way you wish. You could include your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns, if you wish).  In the second paragraph, choose ONE of the following two topics and write a response. Don’t forget to tell us which topic you chose.

Topics (choose ONE).

  1. Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?
  2. Sometimes people can recognize a time when their opinion of math dramatically changed either for the better or the worse. Tell us about it.

Extra Credit. Get to know your classmates! For extra credit, write a response to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you feel the same? Did you learn anything? Do you have any advice? Be kind.

49 thoughts on “First OpenLab Assignment

  1. Amy Guerrero

    Hi my name is Amy Guerrero this is my first semester at City Tech, I’m a health science at the moment but I’m trying to apply for the Rad Tech program here at City Tech. I enjoy working out and going for walks at the park with my family. I’m currently 34 weeks pregnant I’m excited but at the same time nervous to start this semester but keeping myself positive.

    Math wasn’t always my favorite subject growing up, I’m from San Diego California and I moved to Mexico when I was younger and attended school there up to 9th grade. School got easier but the math didn’t for me, teachers had a different way of teaching and there wasn’t after school tutoring to help the student understand more the subject, because I didn’t understand it I didn’t like math till I moved back to California and attended high school there and got the help and tutoring I needed. I believe because I didn’t understand it I always try to avoid it, I’m not going to lie I still struggle a little bit, and takes me longer to understand it but now I wouldn’t say I don’t like math I think I would say is a challenge and just have to put a little more effort to understand it that’s all.

    1. Asha

      Hello Amy,

      Congratulations on your bundle of joy, wishing you all the best for this semester. Staying focused and maintaining great time management are some factors that will play in great this semester. I am also a Rad Tech major working my way up to bachelors to do MRI’s. I agree as well that math is a challenge and it takes a lot of practice; most of the time I did not understand what was being taught or some problems were so complex to find an answer it became a bit overwhelming. Again good-luck with everything and be safe.

      Asha P

    2. Gurwinder Kaur

      Hey Amy!! My Name is Gurwinder. I agree mathematics has not gotten easier for me even though I learned English fast after coming from India. This is a subject I have to study really hard for and take tutoring for as well. Its not a subject I hate but its definitely a challenge. We will put in the effort to pass this class! We are also in the same major. Hopefully we will run into each other in other classes . Have a good day and rest of the semester :).

    3. Michelle Wu

      Congratulations! I hope you have a healthy baby and you are safe as well. There would always people there to help you if you ever struggle with something. I often mess up on my math problems. A good way to study is you can always look online for more practice problems using the same technique. Tutoring is the best idea.

    4. Elizar Yelizarov

      Hi amy, congrats on your baby ! I am also trying to pursue a degree in radiology at city tech. I agree teachers always had a different way of teaching math so sometimes it would be confusing. Im currently going for my bachelors degree. In a way I was nervous to take math because I really would need a good grade in the class so that I can get into this program since math is my struggle. It also takes me longer to understand but honestly something that helped me was to review my notes every night before bed for at least half hour to an hour to memorize better. I hope all the best for you this semester !

  2. Asha

    My name is Asha Powell. This is my second semester at City Tech after attending Molloy College and Hunter College with hopes of majoring in Biology. After working in the medical field for over three years I have decided I rather do the back-end work with less patient interaction. I am now a Rad Tech Major with hopes of becoming an MRI technician. In my spare time, I enjoy cooking and interior design.
    Math is a very challenging subject for me, it has always been my least favorite subject. One of the things I dislike the most is memorizing the formulas and plugging in to find the answer to solutions. Willing to practice more in order to get a better understanding of different topics and problems.

    1. Nelcida Ramirez Garcia

      Hi Asha,

      Like you I’m also looking for a change, I been in the medical field for 5+ years now. I’m looking for a change, I’m applying to Dental Hygienist program because I would like to have a closer contact with patients and be able to educate them on oral health. The opposite in your case because you want to be less interactive with patients. Good Luck!!

    2. Victor Lee Post author

      Hello Asha,

      You touch on a very important subject in mathematics – memorizing and plugging into formulas. I cannot deny their existence in mathematics and many students in mathematics feel that they are the end-all goal for mathematics. It is far from it actually. Formulas exist because there are situations in which they make lives easier.

      I’ll admit that my teaching style involved deriving formulas from different situations for use rather than outright giving the class them to begin with. Please bear with me as I hope to take an explorative process and not cut to the chase.

  3. Alexander Alvarracin

    Greetings my name is Alexander Alvarracin . I am 22 year old retired Marine ,I did 4 years in the Marine Corps as an 0311 infantry rifleman , I have been deployed to Europe and Asia where I have experienced the best worst of both continents . I was stationed in Camp Lejeune located in Jacksonville North Carolina . Im originally from Cuenca Ecuador , but I was raised in Brooklyn New York. I enjoy working out and playing soccer on spare time. I like watching war movies , black hawk down is my favorite movie and one of my inspirations to join the military.

    Math was my favorite subject in high school , specifically in my freshman year, I enjoyed algebra 1 , my teacher made my class enjoyable by creating lesson plans where he engaged with the whole class and focused on the people that had trouble understanding . I enjoyed functions , equations and systems of expression, although I am a bit rusty I do remember that algebra was indeed a good time.

  4. Hilary Y

    Hello everyone,
    My name is Hilary Yang. I graduated with an associate degree two years ago. Last year, I decided to go back to school and I pursued my dream to become an architect, so I decided to apply to New York City Technology of College. I like to design and sketch buildings surrounded by natural environments. I like to spend my spare time watching movies, TV shows or visiting museums.
    Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?
    Math is not my favorite subject. I remember when I was in 7th grade back in China, I had to memorize a lot of formulas. It was confusing and I had trouble memorizing them at that time. Even now, I still think math is a complex subject for me.

    1. Jadah Stone

      Hi Hillary,

      It is amazing to hear that you have taken the leap to pursue your dreams! I wish you all the best. Architects are the back bone of the modern world! I wonder how math classes outside of America are structured? I have heard that in places of the world like China, they are very rigorous. I hope we will all be able to excel this semester.

    2. Vjram3494

      Pursuing a dream is not easy: I also decided to pursue a higher education after obtaining my associates degree. I learned that our biggest motivator in life is ourselves . Believing that you will eventually achieve your dream is a good driving force to achievement. My advice to you is have an open mind just because your focused on one goal still be willing to try new paths that open up , you never know when something will peak your interests .

    3. Michelle Wu

      Memorizing formulas makes it feel as my brain would explode. But if you write it down and annotate anything you don’t understand. Slowly and surely you would understand! Just hang in there. I enjoy looking at buildings and scenery as well. I rather spend all my time watching it than doing homework honestly. I have always been to big cities and one day I would want to explore places around the world. I want to see how things are different in New york.

  5. Jadah Stone

    Hello fellow classmates! My name is Jadah Stone, I am 20 years old, and I am a freshman at the New York City College of Technology. My major is Computer Information Systems which I chose because I am highly passionate about technology, and have a strong desire to work, learn, and grow in the IT/MSP Space. I am currently employed by the New York City Health + Hospitals working as a Micro-site Registrar. There I direct and facilitate self-testing at COVID-19 Micro-sites. I am also due to begin work on Agile Workspace Project for Viacom! In my free time I enjoy reading and tinkering with my computer.

    To be quite honest, I have always had a bit of disdain for math. Although I wasn’t necessarily bad at it, I have vivid memories of crying and getting frustrated in elementary, middle school, and even high school when I did not immediately understand what was being taught. I don’t think math was really the problem, more so than my rigid sense of perfectionism. I enjoy math and the benefit it can have in making life easier and it is quite satisfying when I am able to solve difficult problems. I think sometimes I just need a different way to think about things in order to process it properly. I am excited about this course and being able to tackle a math class, which is something I have not done since I graduated high school!

    1. Victor Lee Post author

      It’s amazing what you’ve accomplished so far.

      The burden of perfectionism. I can unfortunately relate. Sometimes it goes, but then there are the moments when it returns. Different ways of thinking – an awesome concept. Consider looking up different learning styles. Think about what is ideal for you and then work on the perspectives that do not match your own. It’s great to have the one tool in the bag, but are there other tools that would be acceptable? Can you repurpose one of your tools?

      I’d like to tell you a story about my friend’s grandmother’s butter knife… (begin crazy old man rant)

    2. Hilary Y

      Hi Jadah

      We have a kind of similar job environment. I am working in a doctor’s office. But I am not working in the IT area. I am working with patients. Hopefully, the COVID 19 will get better in the future and we all can meet on campus.

  6. Juan Tavarez

    Hi everyone my name is Juan Tavarez I’m from Santiago Dominican Republic, I move to the USE at the age of 13, I’m currently 18 and I graduated from Gregorio Luperon High School last year (2020). This is my first time in college I hope I do great and I would try my best to be a good student.

    I interesting in studying a few things but I need to start with something, I start with Computer Engineering I will also like to study Computer Science and Engineering in general. I’m too shy I understand this is a problem for college but I will try my best to interact with you guys, but if you notice that I am too quiet don’t worry about it that’s how I am, one advantage is that I pay too much attention and I learn fast, I also like to go out and walk I prefer to walk where is no people and where is quite. Math was my favorite class in middle school I enjoyed math at that time, what makes math my favorite subject was the graphic because you can do a lot of interesting things with the graphic, unfortunately, when I was in high school I didn’t start hating math but it wasn’t my favorite subject anymore because I noticed that there were more problems than graphic also my teacher was terrible at explaining.

    1. Victor Lee Post author

      New to college. Awesome.

      It’s a good thing that we have a lot of Computer majors in this class. You will likely have class with a them in other classes also. Interacting with them will help you build connections.

      You sound like a visual learner. I hope to be able to help you make mathematical connections both visually and in other ways.

    2. Hilary Y

      Hi Juan

      It is nice to know you. When I was a freshman student in college. I was the same as you; very shy and afraid to speak up in class. But don’t worry, you will get better. Enjoying your first semester of college life.

  7. Gurwinder Kaur

    Hello, Professor Lee. My name Is Gurwinder Kaur, I am a freshman student and new to the whole online class game. I have been working in Brooklyn Hospital as a front desk receptionist. In my spare time I love playing with my 4 weeks kitten Bandit, working out and watching the show Mandalorian. Grogu or Baby Yoda is adorable! I am majoring in Radiology and Medical imaging at City Tech. Coming from India my first language is not English. Math has been a challenge for me than a favorite subject. I took statistics and got A which is a shocker. Took a lot of hard work and tutoring. My professor Mr. Chang for that class made it really easy to engage in class and I had access to tutoring. His patience with me was a great help because no question was big or small. I am just very rusty in math but with practice I will be back on my groove.

  8. Vjram3494

    Good evening

    My name is Viji Ramsubhag, you can call me Victor. This is my 2nd semester here at city tech, I am a mechanical engineering major hoping to eventually pursue a masters in biomedical engineer. I currently work in radiology imaging as an ultrasound technician. After getting started in my field I couldn’t help wondering why the machines do what they, which is why I chose to pursue a degree in engineering. In my spare time I enjoy being active and learning new things and hobbies. I never say no to new experiences.

    Math and I have a love hate relationship. I have always excelled at math in high school however I see math as a challenge and I will work towards solving an equation with no problem. I really do enjoy learning how to solve something and being able to work out equations. It’s the simpler things like formulas and the various rules that need to be done with a calculator that always gave me issues. Having to memorize all these things always made math difficult. This is my 2nd time taking this course, the first time I struggled a lot towards the end of the semester with the more complex concepts. It’s funny that I have passed physics in my previous degree but still struggle with this course.

    1. Victor Lee Post author

      “love and hate” relationship with math… Many of us have had that. Math is the language of science. And since you passed physics, a lot of these concepts should be familiar to you to an extent. Let’s help you get a better grade this time around.

  9. Nelcida Ramirez Garcia

    Hello all,

    My name is Nelcida Ramirez, this is my first semester at Citytech, I am a transfer student from QCC. I will be applying to the Dental Hygienist program for fall 2021. I’m originally from Dominican Republic and been living in NY for 15 years now. I work as a Medical Assistant at NYU Langone Medical Center.

    I’ve taken algebra courses a couple of times since I started college and it is not my favorite subject, but I never had a problem with it, I always get good grades. I hope this semester goes well for all of us. I do enjoy solving math problems and solving equations, I’m just a little nervous about the Trigonometry part of this course because I never took Trigonometry course before, I hope is not hard. Good luck to all!!

    1. Victor Lee Post author

      Am I going to get guff for the dollar Arizona can? I’m saying this because every Dental Hygiene student I’ve ever had has tried to stop me from drinking my beloved Green Tea Arnold Palmer at least once. It would have remained a funny running gag (for me, at least) if we were back in the classroom.

      I hope this semester goes well for all of us too. I would love to say “it’s not hard”. The problem is the most dangerous word any educator can say is “simple” or something synonymous with the term. I welcome the honor of trying to teach you trigonometry and I hope to make it easy for you.

  10. Mo Alokolaro

    Hello everyone.

    My name is Morounsope Alokolaro. Lol, I know that’s a tough name to pronounce but it’s because I’m Nigerian, and where I’m from, we are given names with meanings. Just incase you might want to know; my full name is Morounsopefoluwa and it means “I have found something to thank the good Lord for”.

    This is my second semester at city tech. My first semester was in 2015 (fall). I took sometime off from school due to some personal issues but I’ve decided to come back and get my degree as a civil engineer to end my college chapter properly as I should. I currently work with the New York city housing authority as a resident communication coordinator. I like to cook, travel, play soccer, play a lot of FIFA (If you want the smoke- add me on PlayStation @ mo_theflygerian lmaoo) and I also enjoy challenging myself with things I have no idea about, like currently, I’m working towards getting some IT certification with amazon which totally has nothing to do with being a civil engineer.

    Math was never my favorite subject but since my mother is a math teacher, I have no choice than to at least be decent at it. Math can be nerve racking at times due to the fact that it generally consists of a lot of formulas, but as a civil engineering , a lot of math and physics are needed which I’m well prepared for because I believe whatever challenges I face in class or college in general, might just be a little of what’s to come in the future, but regardless of that, I’m ready to have fun in class and be well prepared for the future. Good Luck everyone!

  11. Yadira Vazquez

    Greetings my name is Yadira Vazquez. It is my first year and my first semester at City Tech. I’m the first child out of my five younger siblings to go to college, I hope to be a good example to them. I also come from immigrant parents, and I’m ambitious and working hard to give them a better life. I’m planning to go for my master’s and graduate early as I did in high-school. I want to become an accounting professor because it has a lot of benefits and I will be able to have time to pursue my dreams, aside from having a career. I’m building a bigger platform with my business and social media. I hope to build new friendships and gain more knowledge.
    Math has always been an easy subject for me, I just need to take notes and memorizes the formulas (which can be challenging at times). I know college won’t be easy but I won’t give up easily. I will ask questions and work with peers. I will try my best this semester!

  12. Massiel Mejia

    Hello Everyone! My name is Massiel Mejia. I’m from Dominica Republic. This’s my first semester at City Tech, my major right now is undeclared but I’m doing my prerequisite to apply for Nursing program next semester. I have an Associate degree in Medical Assistant. I’m excited to come back to college after two years. I’m an Uber driver with two kids, I know it will be hard but not impossible.

    Honestly, math is one of favorite subject, it become my favorite when I started high school, I was doing excellent. Math can be difficult, stressful but is just need to be confused. I’m not the perfect one in math I do my mistakes but I enjoy doing math. One part I don’t like from math is trigonometry because you have to memorize a lot formula. I hope to do good this semester.

  13. Erick Valencia

    Hello Everyone My Name Is Erick Valencia. This is My Second Semester at City Tech After Graduating From Queens Technical High School in June 2020. Currently I Am Majoring in Computer Engineering Technology. I Chose This Major Because I Have Prior Experience With Programming and Circuitry After Taking Classes in High School and While in The NYU CrEST. I Enjoy Building Computers, Fixing My Broken Technology, Playing Video Games, and Trying To Find Different Sources of Income To Benefit Me In The Future. Recently I Have Been Trying To Start Streaming Again After Trying Back in Middle School but was bullied out of it.

    Math Has Been My Best Subject At Times And My Worst At Others. I Struggled With Algebra in Middle School And Was Always Behind My Classmates Even Though I Was In An Honors Class. I Took Geometry in My Freshman Year Of High School And Started off Pretty Well However Began To Fall Behind In The Second Half Of The School Year. When I Took Algebra 2 As A Sophomore I Passed With Ease And Was The Best In My Class Even Though I Was The Only Sophomore In Algebra 2 When Everyone Else In The Class Were Juniors and Seniors. However After That My School Said I Had All The Math Credits Required And Didn’t Assign Me Any Math Or Science Classes So I Had No Experience With Numbers or Formulas Till College. Hope I Can Get A Good Grade An Make Friends With You All

  14. Michelle Wu

    Hello, my name is Michelle Wu. I am a freshmen student at City Tech. I am trying to major in Nursing. I like learning anything involving science that has to do with learning with my hands. I volunteered in the hospital a lot in the programs I was in. It might be scary especially during covid. I like the hospital environment. I don’t have great academics. It is pretty average. I tend to hand in homework late and score low as well. However, I will still try my best to do what I can do. During my spare time, I enjoy watching videos and sleeping. It helps me to relax my brain after I finish my tasks.
    Math is my second favorite field. When I was younger, my parents would teach me whatever they learned in school. Science is my favorite field and chemistry is my favorite subject. I like doing experience where substance would change colors. There is always something new to learn. For example, scientist are always expanding their learn on a topic that they finish covering. I am not a huge fan of Math. I feel that is all about calculations. However, I don’t dislike learning it. Math is easier than learning English.

  15. shazad

    The power of the mind will always be the superior benefit of human life. These words always meant something to me and is actually another reason why i started college this semester. My name is shazad and I’m finally pursuing my dreams of owning my construction sites and learning the engineering onto why buildings are created the way they are presented to us. I grew up in a single parent home in Brooklyn NY as a the middle hardworking child with dreams and goals. although I had older siblings I felt powerful with the obstacles I went through and now I’m finally making my family and myself proud. At 18 years old I got a stable job started college and creating a pathway to others in my situation. I love to workout and play video games but my social life needs work even though I know how to get my way around people at times , Everyone still needs time to grow in their own individual way.

    Math was always fascinating to me in my academic career. Although it may get very complicated , math itself states that problems always have a solution and obstacles that get to that specific solution. this can be used in real life situations and learning the fundamentals allows anyone to use real life problem solving skills. Math benefited me at work, at school, and at home on my lazy days because its all around us and helps us figure things out. In high school I was excited and had a great experience with geometry because of the process of calculating shapes and slopes. this is very beneficial for anyone into engineering for looking deeper into the structure of anything being built.

  16. Elizar Yelizarov

    Hello, my name is Elizar Yelizarov. This is my first semester at city tech. I chose to go into city tech because I have heard they have a great radiology program. I am 23, trying to pursue my dreams into becoming a radiologist one day. I chose this major, because I find it interesting to learn more about the body and how it works and because I love helping people. I enjoy reading books to help you succeed in life. Such as growing to become a better person, or stocks, such things that will get me far in life. I enjoy listening to hiphop or rap most of my days, this is what keeps me pumped through the day. I don’t really watch tv, I usually play video games on my spare time. I am a huge gym rat, I go to the gym about 5 days a week and healthy, I also work 5 days a week. I always had a hate and love relationship with math. I grew up going to a private jewish school when I was younger up until the 4th grade. I struggled in math alot, there were some levels of math that I was great at, but as the levels got harder I struggled. Because of this it was hard to say math was always my favorite subject. I would say I started struggling with math once I got to junior high and it was my least favorite subject. Once I had gotten to high school I had gotten a tutor and gotten better at math and slowly but surely it started making sense to me and I started enjoying it. Once i started loving math I loved learning and doing the homeworks for the math but once i started taking tests for math I started freezing up and felt like I didnt know anything. So that was my biggest struggle and I’m pretty sure it was alot of peoples struggles and that is tests!.

    1. Victor Lee Post author

      Math test anxiety is quite common among City Tech students. Only you can overcome that. I would love to never have to give tests. But then again, how else would you I know how well you’re doing in my class? Sigh, think of your tests as homework if you think it would help.

  17. John Moon

    My name is John Moon. I am a computer information system major. This is my first semester here at city tech. I came from a seminary school and transferred here, because of many reasons such as possessing an interest in this major, future job opportunities, and supporting my family financially. My sole purpose at Nyack was to become a pastor (since growing up as a kid, I was born in a christian community). However, I felt like my time to become a leader was not the right time now, so I decided to pursue a different major to get into the likes of understanding the worldly people and how they live and work, while continuing to mature spiritually (when I said becoming a leader wasn’t the right time now, I mean that I still need to continue developing). I enjoy reading books of any kind and I like to watch action movies.

    Math is a challenging subject. Back in high school, I remember doing really good in algebra until I ended up in the second year. That was where I started losing focus and messed up on exams. I nearly failed in math in high school, but I’m willing to try again at city tech (since Nyack did not offer a math course). Math was my favorite subject up until now. I feel like it is overwhelming sometimes, and it requires a lot of concentration and practice. Repetition sometimes may not be enough for me in this course, so I would look online and look for easy techniques to help me finish exams more efficiently, while doing good on them.

    1. Victor Lee Post author

      Oftentimes, the easiest techniques come from the result of reading patterns and simplifying algorithms based on our conclusions. There will be moments in which you might hate me for making you look for patterns in class, but in my opinion, the revelations (put not intended) that come as a result are worth it.

  18. YonghengHuang

    My name is Yongheng Huang. My major is computer science. I pick this major because I very like to play vidoe games so I want understand more about computer then I choice this major. In space time I always love to play video games and listen to mucis.
    1,Math was my favorite suject.
    Yes math was my favorite subject, because I was very enjoy solve every math problem.

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