Communication Design Theory

COMD3504 - Section OL10 - Spring 2021

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Or Szyflingier_Assignment 2 for February 22

Language can come in various forms, as long as it depicts speech, or represents an idea. We understand the language that we inherit, and the language we inherit is being affected by the environment.  For instance, eskimos can have more than ten words to describe snow or ice, because their survival depends on it. However, people who live in urban areas such as New York, don’t necessarily depend on the condition of ice, or snow and wouldn’t need ten ways to describe it.

What interests me the most is the fact the written language started as pictographs, documenting people’s day-to-day lives. As time progressed language became more abstract and we eventually got phonetic signs. With all the “progress” we made through the years learning how to express ourselves, it feels like we are almost going backwards in time. Emojis are definitely how I would describe; modern pictographs. 

Pictograms are based on physical objects, and as language evolved it became more abstract, and ideograms emerged. Emojis are symbols that represent our feelings, ideas, and we can always group multiple of them to make up complete sentences, or describe concepts better. Pictograms were found on stone tablets and cages, where our modern ideograms, aka Emojis are found on phones and other electronic devices.

Overall I thought it was interesting how I was reading through the articles, and realized there are so many pictograms and ideograms throughout the whole article of Lupton Miller, called “Design Writing Research”. It is clever how each icon is being introduced separately to the reader, allowing them to get familiarize with the graphics and the meaning. When the symbols/ icons showed again on different pages, readers already know the meaning. I have never saw a book written this way, and incorporating design elements into the text definitely made it more appealing, interesting and fun to read. It feels like the writer kind of made his own language. 

Salome Mindiashvili – Assignment 2

Language is a complex tool of communication that involves structured system consisting of both speech and gestures. Majority of languages have a visual or graphical representation encoded into symbols, or a writing system composed of glyphs to inscribe the original sound and its meaning. Communication is a way of interchanging messages or information between two or more people. Overall, communication has a wider scope than language, as communication encompasses language. 

Symbols and icons are directly related to language as they are signifiers of any material thing, whether that’s an idea or a word. They are just like words we see on the image, with one difference, for understanding, they go through a brain area where the associations are made between the graphic imagery and the word or an idea vs. just a word. Symbols and icons are also heavily influenced by the cultures are being used in. Unlike language, which requires generations to shift and change, symbols and icons are more mutable. Signifier and signified together make up the sign which is then used for communication.

Both design and language are forms of communication that actively reflect the ideas, attitudes and characteristics of the current societies. Language directly influences design since its main goal is communication. Since the language shapes our very basic methodology and structure in the process of communication, therefore, the design would clearly reflect that methodology, perhaps in more subtle ways.

In today’s complex and interconnected world, the fluidity of a design thinking and universality has become more and more crucial. With humans’ constant need to communicate and the growing active internet users, the endless ideas are being communicated in the form of visuals. Good, neutral and universal design can simplify the complexities within the communications usually caused by drastic differences in language and culture.

Assignment #2

Language is the most important part of human connection. Although humans around the world have different forms of languages they are able to be translated and learned by others. The Languages that we see today have grown so far from their prehistoric symbols, signs, gestures, and later on written text. Language can be distinguished from other communication is by the system of verbal and non-verbal to send and receive from one & other. Throughout history, the language was a tool of communication that we use to keep a collection of information from history, story, and culture. Symbols are the most creative and flexible use of expressing human emotions and communicating them to others. Symbols are what sets apart cultures from one another and how they developed throughout the centuries.

General communication is a system that uses a design that delivers a function that speaks strongly for everyone. Some examples are signs like a crosswalk where a design of a person in the motion of walking sends a message to walk and a red hand in a position that sends a message to stop or halt from crossing the street.  Language shaped design historically is by creating a message that speaks to the audience and delivers that it easily communicates to everyone. 

The relationship between language and design in today’s culture is that as the time change more people changes their view on design, for example, the monster energy drink can. The design was the letter m transform to look like a monster claws mark. Unfortunately, a group of people who believe in the catholic religion views the can as anti-catholic that they would find symbols in the design that would find it demonic or satan. So it depends on the audience if the design and language work together but there will case that someone will view it differently from how you see it. 

-Daniel Rodriguez

Assignment 2

Language is the universal arbitrary and generational medium of communication that every person uses to deliver a message. Language can vary depending on many different factors and can be as mutable ( that has been or can be modified) or immutable. It’s a speechless speaking action that loses its freedom once a large group or society takes over it. In comparison with other forms of communication, the origins of language and its transformation are completely unpredictable.

Another form of communication related to language is symbols or icons. Symbols can mutate or change like language, and their impact can become universal and cultural once a mass starts to use it enough. Like any other medium, it has to be learned to understand its message. Sings are signifiers for its development where it can stay static and preserve the relationship with its meaning or idea expressed. This makes signifiers easier to be employed in general communication and graphic communication like a male or female restroom icon indicator or even a strong design that delivers a function regardless of not using words.

This success has been accomplished by the continuous evolution of this medium. It has changed design historically by its impact on people’s principles or beliefs like politics or even religion. Making design to shape mindsets according to the message being transmitted. Knowing this connection we can say that design can accomplish things that language cannot, for its ability to connect in a universal way. However, it doesn’t discard the trait that design depends on language as well, which can be noticeable in today’s culture. Design will go around the context of language to ensure its cultural impact I.e, gen Z language is not the same as millennials, and understanding this guarantees an easier outcome.

Jasmine Domena – Assignment 2

    When I usually think of language my first instinct is spoken and written language. While reading I was reminded of other factors that also contribute to language such as signs and images. Images being very similar to hieroglyphics. Most signs and images seem to start off as universal but then slowly start having multiple meanings depending on the country you reside in.

    In the excerpt it discusses the differences between the standard isotypes for male and female. What I found funny and interesting is how it addressed that those two isotypes are most commonly seen for the restroom to identify which is male and which is female. However, they still appear standing instead of for instance sitting on a toilet. Yet even though the figures are standing it is still universally understood that behind the door is a bathroom. 

The excerpt continues on how every other isotype by default uses the male unless there is a second person. This person would then be the female and the female would be providing a service. This reminded me about how sexist language can be. This factor is really similar to spanish. How a group of boys is ellos and a group of girls is ellas but a group of boys and girls is given the masculine form ellos. You would think language would be extremely specific but it appears that it really isn’t and is up to persuasion and perception just as much as an abstract piece of art.

Assignment 2

Language is a bridge that connects people in communications. Language is something verbal, gesture, or written. Languages were unique compared to signs, symbols, and icons. Since you have to know the language that someone speaks or written to you for you to understand what the person is trying to say. Not only that we have to understand the language, we still need to understand the tone, the vocabulary (since words have different meanings) that they are talking to us as well. If we don’t then we will misunderstand. Also, there’s a ton of language in the world, which makes people harder to communicate with. Because of that signs and icons are being developed. To read the sign, you don’t have to understand that specific language, you can read and understand it even you are coming from another country. Since icons and signs are like a pictogram, such as bathroom signs (male or female or unisex), construction signs, a danger sign, and these signs we don’t have to know that specific language. We can read it and understand it with our knowledge.

Signs, signifiers, and the signified are working together to make people understand and communicate better. Signs can replace words, and it’s bigger and easier to read compared to words. People can be notified by signs easily compared to words. Signified are images or graphics that designers create, signifiers are more toward languages like slogans, and when signifiers and signified form together it creates signs like logos. Just like a yellow letter M, we can understand that as McDonald’s.

I would say language historically meant a lot. People are going toward languages more in the old day. However, in today’s society, we still work with language like slogans a lot in advertising. We work with posts on social media, we still use language to communicate with people. But we are starting to have it less and less. Just taking McDonald’s as an example again, “I’m lovin’ it”, the slogan that you can read or understand it as McDonald’s. But the time of saying I’m lovin’ it has become lessor. People tend to read the logo or the graphic first other than “I’m lovin’ it”. So it turns out people read graphics faster compare to words and in graphics the simpler the better.

assignmemnt 2 language

language may range from anything human beings can interpert such as mandarin spanish portuguese french cantonese english or anything activity such as martial arts and weight lifting. communicating with language is different than other because with humans tend to communicate with words by speaking rather than just a symbol which interperts humans beings in photographic sense such as school sign or construction sign. symbols and icons are related to language because most symbols and icons represent settings and events in most cases such as billboards which advertises concerts and food. graphic design is communicating by having headline and tagline in advertisements to get the message out to a wider audience. language has changed historically by having new grammar rules and it varies accents depending on language spoken for example hong kong was originally british territory of the united kingdom english words are mixed with cantonese that are still being used after colonization is over. the relationship between language and design is no different because as long as people understand what the audience wants thats all that matters, design and language can accomplish things equally.

Assignment 2

Language is verbal communication system that is governed governed by rules to follow in order to communicate clearly with other.  Language is different from other known form of communications.  Language is unique because it is strictly a human form of communication that both the speaker and listener must understand the same language in order for their to effective communication.  If one person misunderstands a word or phrase it could change the meaning of the the whole conversation. Just like language, symbols are also a form of communication.  Symbols or icons can be used to replace words or writing and just  like language, must also be learned, since different culture view words differently.  Symbols can also be filled with cultural bonds, likewise with language.

Signs, signifiers and the signified all work together to communicate to get an idea or message across.  The signified is the concept the designer comes up with.  The signified would be the images and or graphics the designer creates or gather that is associated the signifier.  And the sign is connection between the designers idea and images or graphics that that is designed to convey a message visually and clearly.  

Language has been passed down through the generations, and every generation has their own unique spin to it.  If the younger generation wants a simpler life or to get their message of idea across, they’re going to make designs that meets their needs and wants.  Even though language is universally used by every albeit different culture to culture, design can deliver quicker and in a more engaging way than language can.  Design also can be used in different mediums such as digital platforms, print; billboards, posters, magazine ads. 

Today, language and design are intertwined with each other.  Language usually comes with culture and customs, design helps builds bridge for a better communication between the different languages.

Assignment 2 for Feb 22

The word ‘language’ is a visual source to communicate with one to another, a key to keep everyone on the same page. ‘Language’ is an essential part of communication but what makes this differ from other forms of communication is this commonly used to directly make contact with other individuals by hearing, speaking and reading. Symbols and language are two conflicting concepts but they have something to relate. Symbols are known for viewers to know that its visual are to be read through more its shape, color and contrast, while language can relate symbols to be read orally. Understanding is the issue where language and symbol both share. Signified and signifiers both play an important role for communication because these two elements are use to describe both ideal and reality through language. Signified would fall certainly in the general communication because its ideas and/or meaning can be read expressively through it orally. Signifiers would best fit in the graphic communication because its sign is described based on its physical platform, shape, form, etc. Language were developed by most in the times where there was mostly an enlightenment or a evolution. For instance, let’s talk about the evolution of numbers, when the Homo Habilis walk around earth, they counted their numbers with objects such as sticks, stones, etc. Speeding forward when the Indians found a way to identify numbers (0,1-9) for the first time after the roman numbers or any other form of numbers, the numbers we use today spread around the world. These digits were successful enough to reach out to us and no wonder we are using these language today. The relations between language and design in today’s culture is they can both be identified visually, meaning it can be read through and understand its message. Design can associate almost every form of communication besides art such as language, symbolism and expression. The essence between language and design is what makes a design unique and understandable when these two sources merge.

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