Language is verbal communication system that is governed governed by rules to follow in order to communicate clearly with other.  Language is different from other known form of communications.  Language is unique because it is strictly a human form of communication that both the speaker and listener must understand the same language in order for their to effective communication.  If one person misunderstands a word or phrase it could change the meaning of the the whole conversation. Just like language, symbols are also a form of communication.  Symbols or icons can be used to replace words or writing and just  like language, must also be learned, since different culture view words differently.  Symbols can also be filled with cultural bonds, likewise with language.

Signs, signifiers and the signified all work together to communicate to get an idea or message across.  The signified is the concept the designer comes up with.  The signified would be the images and or graphics the designer creates or gather that is associated the signifier.  And the sign is connection between the designers idea and images or graphics that that is designed to convey a message visually and clearly.  

Language has been passed down through the generations, and every generation has their own unique spin to it.  If the younger generation wants a simpler life or to get their message of idea across, they’re going to make designs that meets their needs and wants.  Even though language is universally used by every albeit different culture to culture, design can deliver quicker and in a more engaging way than language can.  Design also can be used in different mediums such as digital platforms, print; billboards, posters, magazine ads. 

Today, language and design are intertwined with each other.  Language usually comes with culture and customs, design helps builds bridge for a better communication between the different languages.