
Herbert Bayer “OnTypography”


April 14

In the text Rhetoric of the image, Roland Barthes is mainly trying to examine and understand the messages that images contain. He is also asking how ideology charge image and transmit an education purpose to the society. He uses the Panzani ad to see how deferent messages are conveyed trough system of signs.

He classifies the message into 3

1-The Linguistics “both the caption and label of a product’

2-the code iconic message “all meanings associated with images

Like for example the open bag signifies freshness and the color signifies Italianicity

3-A non-coded iconic message the literal element which Roland basically identifies as a signifier and signifies message code

March 24

This ad is done by dove in 2017 and its a racist ad because its viewing the African woman with a brown t-shirt and the white with a creamy color  t-shirt which expresses the color deference and then the African woman removing the brown t-shirt to turn into white.

This an ad done by orly and this is a diversity ad because this is orly first ad for muslim breathable nail polish and a muslim hijabi model

This an ad done by dolce and gabbana. This ad is a type of racist ad because they were making of the Chinese not being able to eat Italian food with chop sticks and its so racist because chop sticks is part of Chinese people culture .

March 17

In Understanding Media, Marshall McLuhan describes technology and media as “extensions of man”. The media is true a way for human to communicate and help people transform their messages, but I also agree with Mcluchan that the media has changed the way we behave by making us think in a certain way. Like for example emojis is a way of communication with images that states or identify a certain message. Meanwhile media can change the people’s brain through technology, because messages reach people through technology.

Society is very much dependent on technology either they know information from twitter or Facebook or they use their phones to communicate. I think designer can use the media in a way that either they can spread a message or take a message. They can also use media as a way to get inspiration and not basically use it in a way that can change the way of thinking .




Art was Seventeen thousand years ago, humans painted realistic images of bulls, bison, stags, horses, and other animals on the walls of the caves. Art is not only drawn figures, art is colors tint even shades. Art can be an abstraction of shapes done in a composition.

In the first reading by  “Walter Gropius; The Theory and Organization of the Bauhaus (1923): Gropius_Bauhaus” he states that forms and color gain meaning only as they are related to our inners self like for example that color Red it reflects a meaning of emotion than blue or yellow.

In the second reading by László Moholy-Nagy ,it talks about typography and typo photo and how typo photo gives the typography for meaning.  Photographyis highly effective when used as typographical material. It may appear as illustration beside the words, or in the form of “phototext” in place of words. I think its simple to what designer do in advertisement that the photograph basically speaks for than the word.

In the 3rd reading by Herbert bayer i reaaly like his statement which is “typography is a service art, not a fine art” i think by which he means that typography is a way that communicates the meaning through geometric shapes but  not fine art.



February 18

Technology is something that I believe has no end and its renewable. Although not all generation are up to date with the technology. Technology is however something useful but needs to used right.

In the article by El Lissitzky, I learned from the part where he stated “We know two kinds of writing: a symbol for each idea = hieroglyph (in China today) and a symbol for each sound = letter” and then he gives example saying that The hieroglyph is international and if a Russian, a German, or an American impresses the symbols (pictures) of the ideas on his memory, he can read Chinese or Egyptian (silently).And its true people can relate and understand despite that is relative.

I also think what is inspiring and I believe help in improving the technology was the invention ofGutenberg, the inventor of the system of printing from movable type. I think without his invention we wouldn’t have printers today.

In the article who we are the author I think is stating that humans are the ones who built technology because the ways we design through technology now was invented in the 19th. The square—1915, the line, grid, point—1919.



February 11

What distinguishes semiology from linguistics? Semiology is the study of sign process. Meanwhile, linguistics is the study of the language. In the excerpt by Ferdinand de Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics, he states that “Linguistics is very closely related to other sciences that sometimes borrow from its data” and he provides an example that linguistics is related to social psychology. I agree that linguistics­­­­­ is related to social psychology because in every day language people speak differently. However, they understand one another despite their pronunciation. ­­

Saussure stated in the excerpt that Language is a system of signs that express ideas. This is why we use signs in everyday language because when using signs, it states and ideas or gives a meaning. Like for example, when texting we use emojis and every emoji implies a deferent feeling or meaning. Signs, signifiers and signified are employed automatically because signs are a language that conveys a message that is basically put into a symbol. A sign consists of a signifier which is the word like for example “justice” and the signified is the object.

I think that language and graphic communication are really related because graphic is the visual part of the design and the verbal part is the word and without both the design wouldn’t be balanced.

February 4th

While reading Helen Armstrong, Graphic Design Theory. I really got inspired by the definition of “Theory “which is questioning “why”. I believe as a designer we basically ask ourselves why it works. Why is this design attractive and by asking out selves why?  We learn from our mistakes and we basically start looking for inspiration. I also remember in one of my typography design we were required to design a book cover, after doing the first draft we had to stop and look and ask why?. I also liked how she expressed the process of being a designer is on focusing on the “How”. It’s true after we know “why” we usually think about the “How”. Like for example how to use to this certain design or how to use the software. When we know the “How” by that it impacts use as designer to become better and more inspiring.

Another thing that inspired me while reading Graphic design theory, I Liked the quote that “In the early 1900” As graphic design took shape as a profession, the ideal of objectivity replaced that of subjectivity”. I think this quote is a lesson for contemporary designer. It teaches that not because it feels good that it has to be right. And I think that that’s how designers are being taught. I remember in one of my communication design class I was so determined to use a script font because I thought that it was nice. However, after doing the project it was not nice. Then I learned that not because it subjective doesn’t mean its objective.

In the reading Ellen Lupton & J. Abbott Miller, Counting Sheep, Period Styles, Language of Dreams and Language of Vision from Design Writing Research: Writing on Graphic Design. We as contemporary designer we learn from books from ancient history. Like for example Period style, Greek history. We designers learned from them. We learned that a group of horizontal lines equal to a paragraph. we also learned all basic principles of typography from ancient Greek.

Without the old writing and printing techniques, Graphic design wouldn’t have become modern and contemporary designers became inspiring.