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Homework 1

There are wonderful abstract photographers it was really hard to pick one artist who’s work stand out the most. I do say Landscape photography got my attention the most. From the Landscape category I decided to focus my eyes on Alex Noriega work. He really captures the beauty of Mother Earth like no other. I also like his retouching skills bringing out the color and showing where the real beauty was hiding. There is one photo I took into liking and it’s from is 2011-2013 album of work from his website. He named the photo the gravity chamber taken in Washington DC 2012. I was first confused at the photo and that’s what got my attention from first glance it looked like a wave from the view of a suffer. But then I took a second look and I thought of a storm as the clouds are forming. Then I realized it’s just a crazy abstract cave that I must look at myself and take pictures. This image requires alt text, but the alt text is currently blank. Either add alt text or mark the image as decorative.

Homework #1 Adam Pretty

The photographer that I chose is Adam Pretty who is a news photographer. What really made me interested in his work was his mini bio, seeing how he works with advertisement and photography with huge brands like Nike and Adidas was super cool. When I went into his portfolio I looked into sports action reason being is because I love movement photography. His photography amazes me because he captures beautiful shots while in motion which is really hard to do in some cases but he makes it work. I love the picture below because it looks very peaceful and is showing a message which reads to me love and peace. They are both joined together and the birds flying in motion with the humans is what makes this piece so strong. The editing with the black and white makes this stronger and the contrast and negative space makes this picture simple but very strong. Even with the city in the background the main focus is the people and birds while the background being blurry helps the symbolism in the photo.



Homework #1 Francesco Gola

The photographer that I chose was Francesco Gola who is a landscape photographer. In his bio he said that he loves the art form of nature and his work shows it. The way his photos look it really pops out to you almost like it was perfectly painted. The blue is the real eye catcher with it’s realistic look it really what makes the photo what it is.  The photo that has the red is nicely contrasted with the blue and gives the photo that warm and cool feeling. The lighthouse in the back makes you feel like your actually in the photo and you’re entering a spooky and abandoned place.


Michael Muller

 Michael Muller is a magnificent photographer. This photo in particular, speaks volumes and uses a major property in photography. I may not be able to remember the name of the property but, Muller is focusing on the eyes of his model in this photo, I feel as though the photo being in black and white also assists in the ability to focus more on the model. There was another photo that i did enjoy of his but unfortunately had trouble including it. Michael Muller seems to pay attention to small details and exploits small things like in this photo. Muller blurred the background and had the face of the subject close in the camera making her that much more dominant.

Homework #1

Select a photographer from:
Explore their work and choose your favorite image by that photographer. Create an OpenLab post including the photo and explain why you were drawn to that photo, and what you feel makes it a great photograph. Include any of the information you’ve learned about the rules of composition in relation to how that photo was made. Be prepared to discuss at the beginning of next class.