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Photo Exhibition Extra Credit

Visiting the Museum of the City of New York was a great experience. Through a different Lens- Stanley Kubrick Photographs and Interior Lives Contemporary Photographs of Chinese New Yorkers were two of the exhibit I visited.  Stanley Kubrick was known for working for Look magazine, but he’s also known as filmmaker. With the experience he gathered he later when on becoming a director for such amazing films 2001: Space Odyssey and A Clockwork Orange. Kubrick’s work always told amazing stories through he’s images, his focal point was life in New York City. He was inspired by the daily life of people in NYC, from celebrities, families, to kids at the park.

The exhibit of Interior Lives- Contemporary Photographs of Chinese New Yorkers also showed how Chinese immigrants lived life in NYC. Capturing the harsh living conditions of the families. The photographers showed the identities and the places this New Yorkers lived.





Extra credit 1


The Museum of the city of New York was a fun experience I decided to take my sister with me who also had a great time. Not only is it right across the street from Central Park which was awesome but I have never been to this museum at all and was excited to see what was inside.  We went to the 3rd floor to view the exhibit called “Through a different lense “ but on the wall there was photos of women which caught my attention. It was also titled “ Rebel Women”  it showed what women  was like back in the day. It talked about women’s rights and how the beginning of women freedom came about. They displayed a corset and a red shoe ..the red shoe was worn to show they stand for women’s right so basically they started using there clothing to make a statement. The corset looked to small  and uncomfortable I can’t imagine how women were wearing these things.


Then we entered the exhibit “ Through a different lense “ and I don’t know why I noticed this part of the exhibit but they had red walls and black frames for his pictures who were in black and white. I thought that it attracted the pictures more to the eye. It also didn’t distract to much from his pictures the pictures were so cool to see how New Yorkers were like years ago. Capturing different moods and moments in people’s lives. One showed Coney Island still looks the same but then onvioulsy the people were different culture was different in New York. Overall I really enjoyed this trip and would defiantly do this again.


Fairytale Project

For the Fairytale Project I decided that I would shoot Snow White. I wanted to narrate the story of a young modern Snow White being targeted by a evil witch for her beauty. I still kept true to the story with the idea of the poison apple putting Snow White in a coma. When editing them, I made sure to pay close attention to the temperature of the colors in the photo, making the photo more cool toned where there are notions that Snow White is in trouble. Example: the Witch looking in the mirror and hiding behind the tree. I used very basic wardrobe, because I wanted to emphasize that this is a modern retelling of the story we all know.