Pirozhki (Russian puff pastry)

Cabbage Pirozhki (Russian puffy pastry, fried)

Who knew I would find myself on the beach in 25 degree weather? Taking the Q train to Brighton Beach on a cold November day I spotted a brave street vendor selling an assortment of Russian treats. One of these items were Pirozhki, a Russian puff pastry stuffed with sweet or savory filings, served either baked or fried. For me, I went with a fried cabbage stuffed Pirozhki. The pickled cabbage pastry had a nice fried outer shell, yet a soft inside while the filling itself taste like a savory egg roll, with less grease. For $1.50, these Russian grab and go items are worth a second bite!

1 thought on “Pirozhki (Russian puff pastry)

  1. Michael Krondl

    So curious how one name can represent such different dishes. I’m familiar with Polish pierogi, which are boiled dumplings. These seem almost like some Slavic cousin of Balkan/Turkish boureks. Are they Georgian maybe?


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