First Analysis

An initial thought of mine as I saw the title of this class was “Topics in Graphic Design” is a really vague title for a class. Graphic design is a big disciple and profession and many things fall under this umbrella. Things such as typography, graphics, illustrations, flyers, layouts and so on can fall under graphic design. Going over the syllabus helped just a little. The course description reads, “Explores the role of graphic designer in contemporary visual communications with related design assignments and research. Graphic design trends; the impact of computer technology; examination of the work of major 20th century designers; global graphics; the ongoing dialogue between advertising and graphic design”. One there is a lot there to think about, one could think it has to do with how graphic design helps to communicate and two it’s vaguely specific, which is a good thing.

Being vaguely specific provokes questions like the ones we mentioned in class of things we would like to know and learn in class. There were questions that were shouted out like “how to market yourself as a designer?” and “how to freelance?” Some of my own questions were “how to adjust to emerging media?” “How important is a designer’s branding?” and I had questions about the gig economy and freelancing. Some of this questions I think could be easily answered by looking them up online but I would like a more in-depth look at them and really learn what the future holds for graphic design because I do want to be prepared for it.

Although, one does prepare as much as they think they need there is not a true way to be truly prepare. Things and people change. Graphic design is bound to change. It’s changing everyday as technology advances. However, I did find something the professor said was really well said, about the fact that she likes learning new things and challenging herself and that’s what motivates her. I somewhat aspire to be like this, willing to learn as I go.

Although I will have to learn as I go, the basics and the foundations of graphic design will always be there everywhere I go. Some of these basics were mentioned by Chip Kidd when he described clarity vs. mystery. It is all about communication and the kind of reaction a designer wants to get. Whether it is that I’m making a public service announcement to inform and provide clarity, or a film poster and mystery would be the right emotion to evoke. I understand it’s all about that emotion. Emotions create reactions, but language does as well. When I talk to my friends I use different language as when I talk to a professor. There I’m tailoring my language for two different target audiences and that’s something one has to do in the graphic design world. Design and copywriting play a role in hooking the right audience

All in all, I’m optimistic and anxious to start this class. I love graphic design so I look forward to learning about the various topics this class will cover. I see that many of my questions and the students’ will be answered vaguely specific in that not everyone is the same so people’s cases will be different and not everything applies to everyone. I’m hoping to learn more about the reactions design draws from audiences and how both clarity and mystery are used in design more. It sound like there’s much to learn.