Kelvin Medina’s ePortfolio

Kelvin Medina’s ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Communication Design
Portfolio Description

I am an undergraduate senior at the New York City College of Technology, with in-depth knowledge in the visual art, brand design, art direction, and content. I consider myself an expert at designing 360 campaigns, expanding from print, web, and video to social media; editorial publications; as well as shooting community event and portrait-styled photography. I can comprehensively use Adobe Creative Software Suite and eloquently communicate in English and Spanish. I have executed campaigns and designs that have been featured in various student shows of the
Communication Design Dept. of City Tech.

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I updated my resume

I redesigned my resume to submit to the MAIP application and to refresh the look and feel of […] See MoreI updated my resume

Logo progress and drafts

This assignment consists of building a personal logo for ourselves in the Digital Media […] See MoreLogo progress and drafts


This is the first post on your Learning Blog. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! The […] See MoreWelcome!

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