Assignment #3: Experimentation / Iteration

This is my finished product. At first painting was difficult. For me what was difficult was the mixing and getting the right value. This paint get lighter when it dries, so this made it difficult as well. I pulled it together figured out a way to get these values. For the photoshop part of this project, I understood. Although I had to refresh my memory about photoshop, I atleast knew hot to crop, copy, paste and move.

Here are some photos:

photo 1(7) photo 3(3) photo 2(8)



*will post up more pictures*

Value Scale

photo 1(5)

Mixing the paints was very difficult. I had to start over about 2 times before I got the feel of what do do. I thought it was easier instead of painting one square, to paint a whole row, switch contained about 4 squares. I was able to pick out which parts I liked. This is the outcome:

photo 2(6)

This helped me understand the scale value more. Hopefully, I am ready to move on.

Aural Topographies: Pattern Mashup

This part of the project was fun, but difficult. At first, I had to draw 12 thumbnails, 6 staccato and 6 legato. I drew more than that.

photo 1

photo 2

Then I had to pick 3 legato and 3 staccato out of these 12.

photo 3

After that, I had to mash them up. This part was difficult. I get every picky with my own work and want it to be perfect. I ended up being abit behind cause I could not make up my mind but I did it. I went through changes throughout my drafts.

photo 2Drew it out on my sketchbook.

photo 1When I got frusrated and wanted to start over. I went back to my first drawing though.

photo 3Before I started inking. I made a few more changes after this.

photo 1(3)Done.

photo 3(1)

Aural Topographies: Research

It was hard to pick my favorite piece of music because I listen to a lot of different genres. At the end I picked the band Coldplay. This band is one of my favorite. Their music is so unqic and always has a messages to send out. Also, every song is not the same. Some song are more legato and others are stacato. They may mix them up as well.

In theses Coldplay songs, you will hear the Vocalist, the other band member singing along. You would also hear different intrusments. Such as the piano, guitor, drums and many more. With this, they are able to create different sounds. When I listen to the sounds, I feel the music, but I can also see it. It has a pattern. Not a monotony pattern. Its more of intervals and pacing patterns. You never get bored with Coldplay.