Skincare Anarchy is entering a new chapter. As a result, SA has changed its design. From color, we are just now following a black and white format (or grayscale.) Before the change, the color palette was pastels and off-white colors. The team has been expanding too. I love the work I do for Skincare Anarchy. Ekta former Ceo and founder of SA is very direct and open about what she expects and the goals for the future of the podcast. My internship requires all art or designs to have the companies trademark or logo. Any photograph used is credited by the person/creator. If a designer on the team created it, they are credited as well. Another important detail is that the internship that I am currently working with did not have me sign any confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement. My boss is excited about what’s to come because SA has now hit its two hundred episodes. Excited for SA and how far it has come, EY has decided to show on her main social media platform (Instagram) the team that works for the podcast and its founders. I feel like this makes it official. I’m so excited to be a part of the team because it is very diverse and we are all so talented in our distinguished way.
Since SA is all about skincare the topic we talked about this week was Eczema. The research team created a short article and needed some artwork for the newsletter. To make the artwork, I needed to do my own research to find inspiration. Usually, when I create a design I research for about an hour maybe a little more. Especially since the look for SA is very different and minimalistic. This will always be a challenge because I have to keep the color palette minimal and in the grayscale. When I begin to design there’s a lot I want to showcase, so whenever I present a design to the team I give them at least four to five designs so they (Ekta) can choose which they prefer best. For this article, I did a total of five different artworks. Ekta picked the two she liked the most and wanted to showcase both having them alternate in the newsletter.