Week 11: Presentation Techniques

The first Ted talk was from Chris Anderson. Anderson makes four great points about how to make your public speaking a great success. He repeats the word idea a lot throughout the video and says that ideas are how we view the world around us which is why different world views have different reactions. More importantly, he says, ” ideas are very powerful because they shape the human culture.” This is a very powerful quote and as I keep hearing it over and over he is correct. He uses the cat and leopard as an example. When we see a cat we think it’s cute and when we see a leopard we know it is dangerous. This demonstrates why our ideas are so important because if communicated properly, they are capable of changing how some view the world. Anderson then finalizes his Ted talk by telling us to limit only speaking on one idea at a time, to keep in mind the audience, ( ask thoughtful questions) and make your idea worth sharing.

The second Ted talk was from Amy Cuddy. Cuddy speaks on how our body language shapes who we are. She says our body language and the way we posture our body can change our life. She later then goes into the experiment she did and says that social scientists have spent a lot of time analyzing our body langue. Our judgments affect the way our body will react because our reactions affect our body’s emotions. To demonstrate, she shows images of our bodies when we make big movements, it shows that we’re happy, are in control, and have power. Yet, when we are closed up it shows we have less power or we are at a loss of power. Hearing her speak and showing the images of the people with the body postures reminded me of a time when someone asked me if I was okay because my body posture we very closed and when they see me I usually have bigger movements. I was surprised by this comment and immediately fixed my posture. She ends the Ted talk by saying, ” tiny tweaks make big changes.” I agree with this quote because even if they are small you’ll notice a big difference with time. Already after watching this second video, I cannot stop thinking about my posture.

Both Ted talks are very informative and can help for any future presentations. Having strong body language and a main idea when presenting a presentation can make the audience stay focused and allow you to have their undivided attention in the long run.