I have gotten accepted to the company FullBeauty, the most trusted comprehensive resource for plus-size women and men seeking fashion inspiration, style advice, and clothing tailored to their individual needs. They have over 100 or so employees working with them over different sections of the company, the fullbeauty brand has extended its branches from NYC to Texas, they work to have the best customer services available but also be the most trusted fashion icon for plus size individuals. The company is public company that is dedicated to eccommerce and also fashion, they had many names before they began to know themselves as fullbeauty.
The company has various typed of clienteles but they are mainly dedicated to plus size individuals that want to look good but also feel good. The customers are individuals with various fashion sense who want to be independent from the ideal that even if you are a plus size you can not find anything to wear, thats why fullbeauty is dedicated to show and empower such individuals to cherish and love their curves even though they are not a size 6.
The section of the company that I would be working under would be the creative team, under the supervison of karen the art director. My title at the company is creative web intern meaning that I would be working mostly on web items rather than print, even though I’m a graphic designer I can still manage to work with the web, both mediums come in hand in hand and I’m still utilizing what I have learned through out the years at city tech.
An online article http://www.bustle.com/articles/132053-this-holiday-clothing-ad-from-full-beauty-is-ridiculously-body-positive-video
Gave a positive out reach towards how fullbeauty used #ownyourcurves campaign to bring body positivity, this video was seen by many and were applaud with the amount of effort showing that having curves should not stop you from being fashionable.