Who has a say in abortion Males or Females?

Jae Rose


       People have different opinions on who should have the say in abortions. I’ve had many conversations with some of my friends about this situation because it’s something that people think about if they were in this situation. Both audiences (males and females) have their opinions whether on who really has the say. Men feel left out when women have an abortion because since it’s there child too, the feel that this is some part where there words matter. For the females, they believe that since they will be the ones carrying the baby they should have the say because there doing the heavy lifting During this assignment I would like to persuade my audience that females should be the ones to decide whether or not they should  keep the baby or not. My messages would get across by me writing 2 separate letters to the women and men having it in clinics. The purpose for me having these two separate letters in clinics is to have the males and females have a just a certain mindset about having a say in abortions. They should listen to me because of the research I’ve been digging up and just that it’s straight facts that they should take into consideration.


Dear males,

This message is for you guys. I know that you guys feel that you guys also  should have a say in this situation but it is the females body and they do whatever but only to a certain circumstance. Females have up to week eight to have an abortion. They have 8 weeks because the fetus is not yet developed as of yet. According to “Thebump.com” it states “During week 8 of your pregnancy the baby is big as a raspberry and weighs about 0.4 ounces” so from this statement females have until week eight to have an abortion because it’s not developed. If it’s over this limit then technically it’s killing it. Women should be the only ones who decides to keep a child. If they don’t they don’t get rid of it on purpose. That’s what you guys have to understand and respect the fact that they have abortions because it would interfere with things like there education or work at that moment and they are not yet ready for a child. According to “Guttmacher.org” it states that “ in the study, researchers from Guttmacher Institute compared quantitative data from 2004 and 1987 surveys and found that the main reason women cited for ending pregnancies were the same on both: having a baby would dramatically interfere with their education, work or ability to care for their dependents or they could not afford a baby at that time” another good statement women get abortions is because of personal reasons like rape. Just put yourself in a situation like that. If a man raped, would you keep the baby? According to “CNN.com” (“women have abortions for many reasons aside from rape an invest”) it states that  “the reasons why women get abortions are varied and personal. For some, it was because they were victims of rape or incest. Some were in abusive relationships and others weren’t ready”. From this I’m trying to say that you shouldn’t pressure a women on having a baby because it’s gonna be her carrying it. I had came across an women stated her opinion on the topic that completely backs up the statement that women should have the final say in having an abortion. According to “yahoo answers” this women say that a women should have the final say in having a baby or not. She had made an example “what else the women was raped”. She states no matter what you think about abortion, if you’ve never been raped, if you’ve never felt the shame and the self hate , if you’ve never spent a year unable to sleep because the man who raped you is always in the shadows…then you absolutely have no right to judge . You have no idea what it feels like to complete carrying the child of the person who violated you” this person goes deep and I feel that she’s right. Where I’m trying to get at is that women should have the say to keep or baby or not because they go through a lot of stress. They should be able to decide whether or not to keep it. I’ve brought up the tapes part because I’m showing that women don’t have abortion on purpose. I’m staying that women should have a say because it effects there life. I hope you guys get what I’m trying to say. It’s just up to a women to make the final say whether on not they should keep the baby or not.

Sincerely, Jae Rose




Dear females,


Even though I’m on your side about you guys having the final say in having a child or not I would just like to inform you guys about the risks of having an abortion just to have in mind when having one. Having an abortion can do many things to your body that you probably didn’t know about. According to “ramahinternational.org”, abortion may lead to future medical problems for the mother. This source states the abortion risks for the mother. “ A cut or torn cervix, incomplete removal of unborn child, placenta or contents of the uterus requiring an additional operation, complications from anesthesia such as respiratory problems, nausea, vomiting, and headaches, inability to get pregnant due to infection from operation, and also heavy bleeding”. Another statement is that having a abortion can sadly lead you to not have any more children.According to nhs.uk(“Can having an abortion affect my fertility”), it states that “there’s a very small risk to your fertility and future pregnancies if you develop a womb infection during the procedure that’s not treated promptly”. The infection can actually spread to your Fallopian tubes and ovaries. If you have an infection get  medical advice as soon as possible if you experience any signs of infection after an abortion. This last statement I feel is the main think you guys should pay attention to because it’s really important. There is a such thing as an unsafe  abortion. So be careful. Unsafe abortion occurs when a pregnancy is terminated either by persons lacking the necessary skills or in an environment that does not conform to minimal medical standards, or both.According to “world health organization” it states that “They are less safe, when done using outdated methods like sharp curettage even if the provider is trained or if women using tablets do not have access to proper information or to a trained person if they need help. Any woman with an unwanted pregnancy who cannot access safe abortion is at risk of unsafe abortion. Women living in low-income countries and poor women are more likely to have an unsafe abortion. Deaths and injuries are higher when unsafe abortion is performed later in pregnancy. The rate of unsafe abortions is higher where access to effective contraception and safe abortion is limited or unavailable.” These are some of the risk that women would need to be reminded of when getting an abortion. So females, please be careful when having an abortion. Make sure you speak to your doctor and stay safe.


Sincerely, Jae Rose



•“The fetus is not yet fully developed” https://www.thebump.com

•”women don’t get abortion just cause”


•”having a baby interfere with what a women has to do”


•“what else the female was raped”



•“abortion can lead to future medical problems”


•“Can lead to not have anymore children later in your future”


•“unsafe abortions”





















My reflection

Jae Rose


In my bibliography my genre was about hip-hop. In my bibliography I wrote about the artist who made statements about politics and what was going on in society. I wrote about this because I felt that these artist use there platform in a productive way by informing there audience expecially the young people about what’s going on and they should be aware.

While writing my bibliography I notice what all my sources had in common with each other. The First common thing my sources had was that the artist were all trying to inform and let there audience know about what’s going on in society and things we should be aware of. They informed us about things like police brutality racism and other major events that had happened over the past years. The second thing they all had in common was that the artist wasn’t afraid to speak up. They were all our voices to speak up against everything(politic wise). Using there platform to describe how they or we feel about different situations. For an example, for my source number 1 “Be Free” j.cole talks about the death of micheal brown who got shot by a police over selling cds and choke was the people voice speaking up on this horrible tragedy. The third  thing my sources had in common was that they had a unique type of tone. They all use a high tone so you can feel the energy and that u can get the message as well. For an example in source number 3, “I’m not a racist” Joyner Lucas is speaking as a Caucasian and a black African American. He raps with high and loud tone about race  and society and a heated discussion about race relations from the perspective of white men and black men. The last common thing my sources had in common was that they all share the same mixed emotion which is anger and sadness. They all share that they are tired of the same type of horrible events that goes on in the world either it’s to deal with police brutality, people killing each other over nonsense, or other horrible events that effect us. For an example in source number four “changes” Tupac talks about what goes on In the neighborhoods and also the police brutality. He influences his audience by just telling them don’t kill eachother and we should just love one another instead of being violent with one another.
After writhing my bibliography about politics I still want to learn more about different events involved with the politics that goes around the world. I feel like people listen mirr if it comes from music expecially if it from there favorite artist. The reason for me the learn more about this because it gives me (the audience) knowledge about what’s going on in the world. Just from writhing this bibliography I learned a lot about myself as a writer. As a writer we all have strengths and weaknesses. My weaknesses as a writer is that I make broad statements meaning I write a statement and never quite back up my statement. Another weakness I notice about my writing is that I don’t organize my thoughts correctly . I can be on one topic a jump to the next in the same paragraph. So that’s something I need to work on more. My strengths on writhing is that I have good punctuation and grammar and I can brain storm lots of ideas about a topic. To become a better writer I would need to do a couple of things just to improve and become better. I would need to read more books, articles, magazines, comic books and etc. From doing this I would improve my vocabulary and I can add big words to when I’m writing and not just plain simple words. Overall this bibliography assignment had benifit me because I gained  knowledge on how to improve my writing and also just being informed by my these talented artist about society/politics.

Hip hop

Introduction-Hip hop is one of my favorite genres of music. It’s been around for many years impacting society in many ways. There are all kinds of beats, rhythm , and lyrics. From jazz to pop to hip hop, the types of music people listen to and can have an impact on them. Hip hop has been promoting social and political awareness for the people of today.

Central idea- Rap music educated people from several different perspectives and raises many social issues. Rap helps people speak freely about their opinion or view on either political or social issues. And by speaking freely,  it causes teenagers today to become concerned and aware of the things these artist talk about. This is important because it helps bring positive change in society. Hip hop is just a naturally way for people to express themselves or to relate to.


Source#1-J.Cole (“Be free”)


Annotated-When I listen to hip hop I can feel the energy the artist bring. Either it can be sad, happy, sad and etc. For me hip hop music just calms me down and it’s just gets you in a vibe. I have 6 different artist that I like to listen to and each one of these artist has a song that I strongly like.One of my favorite hip hop artist is J Cole.Cole is an American rapper, mixtape producer and music producer.He is known as one of the very few artist to never miss platinum standard of recording industry association of America. The reason why I like JCole is because the way he tells stories in his songs you can just feel his energy. One good song I like from him is called “Be free”. He talks about the death of micheal brown who had got shot by a white police officer. So he wrote the songs about how he feels and people like me feel where he’s coming from and feel the way he feel.”All we wanna do is take the chains off,All we wanna do is be free” this verse from jcole persuades the audience that we we just wanna be free from cops killing us.And this is why I like his music because he just tell great stories with his lyrics. J.Cole influences his audience to follow their dream to become a better rapper or just to become successful in life and you can achieve anything.


Source #2 – Dave East (“Don’t shoot”)


Annotated-  Dave East  is never afraid to speak his mind especially on social and political issues. The thing I like about Dave East is that he says what feels and don’t care how people feel about a situation. Dave uses social media exactly for what it was intended for which is to connect with his fans and just being an influence to others. In his song “ Don’t shoot” he adjust his voice to tell an envolving story of police interactions from child to teenager to an adult. His encounters become increasingly more alarming and violent, until his last one marks the end of his life. “This attitude is programmed/ Imagine getting harassed for you whole life/ All day and the whole night/ They say prison is the new slave ship”. When he says this he basically mean that the  police  want us african Americans in jail and they doing anything they can to do just that which is mest up.



Source#3 – Joyner Locas (“I’m not a racist”)


Annotated- Joyner Lucas is one talented artist. To me his one of many people I look up to when it comes to creativity. His audience is influenced about him because he raps to inform you on certain topics. And in his music videos he tells creative stories that goes with his lyrics which sends his message towards us. Joyner Lucas made a song called “I’m not a racist”. In this song he talks about racism, police brutality, and politics. In his song he basically shows a African American and a Caucasian person talking to each other but with lyrics. He says “ we were all humans until race disconnected us, religion separated us, politics divided us ,and wealth classified us. In this part of the song he just basically stating what’s going on in the world based on these titles.


Source#4 –  Tupac (“changes”)


Annotated-  Tupac was one of the greats to ever rap in the industry. In his rap he talked a lot about society. No artist has had that effect on so many people as Tupac did. He gave the inner city kids a voice. He helped pushed rap popularity to the global scale. He influenced a society full of teenagers, adults, and children. He made his fans feel alive and important because he cared about each and everyone of them. I feel that Tupac was a brilliant artist who used his platform to inform his audience about the world we live in. In his song “changes” he talks about society and police brutality. In his songs he says” Come on come on I see no changes wake up in the morning and I ask myself Is life worth living should I blast myself? I’m tired of being poor and even worse I’m black My stomach hurts so I’m looking  for purse to snatch Cops give a damn about a negro Pull the trigger kill a ni**a he’s a hero”. This is powerful statement because this something that goes on in today’s society which is sad


Source#5- Meek mill (“what’s free”)


Annotated- Meek Mill has more than earned his spot as the most important artist. His contributions to the culture are not measured by the quantity of music releases but, by his humanitarian work regarding criminal justice reform and underrepresented youth. Meek mill influence us as his audience to stand up for ourselfs. I find him brave. The reason why I say this because he is one of the few many that doesn’t care what nobody thinks involving political things. He says how he feels and uses his platform to say so. He uses his platform continuing his fight for social justice, using his platform to advocate on behalf or marginalized groups and against police brutality. Meek mill lyrics in his songs has powerful messages behind them. One  of his songs called” what’s free?”One line in his song was”What’s free?Free is when nobody else could tell us what to be

Free is when the TV ain’t controllin”He want us to see the meaning behind “free” and he describes the meaning of freedom and what what it really means to be free in his understanding of the word “free” for us to understand in today’s society.



Source#6- Kendrick lamar (“Alright”)


Annotated- Kendrick Lamar is one of the most admired artist in the hip hop industry. Kendrick not only wants to make gray songs for his audience but he want us to learn from him through his music. In his songs he talks about what goes on in the world either being police brutality, racial profiling, slavery, and other important events going on in the world. His audience love him because he is a one of a kind type of artist who not only talks facts but we can all learn from him. He had made a song called “ Alright” talking about what goes on around in his neighborhood and in the world. It is one my favorite songs from him. Kendrick said “ we hurt people that love us/ love people that hurt us”. This makes me think about how I should treat people and how they should treat me. He taught me that I can succeed by working hard.


Conclusion- Hip hop music can touch on many topics such as politics and just about anything. Rap music has helped a lot of teens in many ways. It helped us find our ways out of difficult situations, using the lyrics to relate to our lives and finding a meaning in them. Those words help us understand the world and help us understand ourselves. It’s something for us to fall back on.

Hip hop

Hip hop is on of my favorite genres of music. It’s been around for many years impacting society in many ways. There are all kinds of beats, rhythm , and lyrics. From jazz to pop to hip hop, the types of music people listen to and can have an impact on them. Hip hop has been promoting social and political awareness for the people of today. Rap music educated people from several different perspectives and raises many social issues. Rap helps people speak freely about their opinion or view on either political or social issues. And by speaking freely,  it causes teenagers today to become concerned and aware of the things these artist talk about. This is important because it helps bring positive change in society. Hip hop is just a naturally way for people to express themselves or to relate to. When I listen to hip hop I can feel the energy the artist bring. Either it can be sad, happy, sad and etc. For me hip hop music just calms me down and it’s just gets you in a vibe. One of my favorite hip hop artist is J Cole. The way he tells stories in his songs you can just feel his energy. One good song I like from him is called “Be free”. He talks about the death of micheal brown who had got shot by a white police officer. So he wrote the songs about how he feels and people like me feel where he’s coming from and feel the way he feel. And this is why I like his music because he just tell great stories with his lyrics. Rap music has slowly envolved into different things. It had helped people today in many  ways  meaning finding ways out of difficult situations, using the lyrics to relate to there lives and finding a meaning to them. This words help us understand  the world and it help us understand ourselfs. It’s something for us to fall back on. Even though there a lot of good things to say about hip hop ,the one special thing I can just say is that it brings people together

Overcoming my problem

At this point in my life I find myself in an interesting predicament regarding my attitudes toward reading and writing. For anything that I wanna become In life reading is a major part of it. Everything involves reading. I just want to thank my past teachers and parents cause without them I think I would have the passion to read or write anything. When talking about reading and writing, I think about elementary school to now. Throughout my years in school I was lucky to meet teachers who had live to read and help me with this subject. Reading and writing wasn’t really my favorite subject. I wasn’t bad at it, I just didn’t like to read. My parents and my pass teachers helped me progress. They helped me understand passages even though they would be boring at times. My mom or dad would have me pick from a news paper if it was from the sports section or cartoons and have me summarize it. They would also choose 10 words from the dictionary and have me write each word 5 time each, know how to spell them, define it , and know how to use it in a sentence. So as I said, I didn’t like to read often. If I even see a big paragraph I would just skim through it. I wouldn’t read it clearly.

My middle school teacher ms Craig also had a big impact on me. She would have a way for me to read boring texts. She also thought me to express myself in my writings. If we were writing on a topic in class she told us to brain storm and jot down notes that relates to the topic for 10 to 15 minutes. After she would tell us to write introduction, body number 1, body number 2, counter claim and conclusion on our papers. From there we would use the ideas we brain storm about the topic and put it in those categories to organize our thoughts. This strategy actually had helped me become a better writer because not it helped me become a better and improved writer.

Before I learned this strategy I had a bad experience. One of my experience was when I had to write an essay and present on a topic based on martin Luther king. So back then I would just write non stop and not even look back to see what I was writing. So when I was writing on Martin Luther king jr, I was just trying to finish fast. So my time had came up in my class to present. As I was reading I had notice that I wrote all over the place. It wasn’t organized right. I had written some topics on Martin Luther king over and over. I was basically repeating myself . So I was embarrassed. So at the end of my presentation out of 1-4 I had gotten a 2.5 which kind of bad. I did t get that high grade because of me not organizing my writing.

A literacy narrative is a popular way for writers to talk about their relationship with reading, speaking, and writing. It is basically free writing that makes your brain get loose. You are supposed to write non stop until you can’t write no more on a topic. From there you organize your writing from what you have wrote . I can honestly say that if anybody is writing about any topic they should recommend this strategy. It is helpful in my opinion. It helps you develop your reading/writing skills for your upcoming future

Personal experience

My name is Jae Rose and I was born in kings county hospital May 3.2001. My mom and dad are role models for me because they always push me to be great. Reading in general was my weakness. I hated reading. My parents notice this from when I was young even my English teachers.From young, my parents helped me be better at reading. On weekends they would make me read a news day article from the daily news and make me summarize it . Another way they helped me sharpened my skills was learning new vocabulary words. My mom would select 10 words from a dictionary and then I I would have to know how to spell, know the meaning, and how to use it in the dictionary every week. As time went on I started to get 80s and higher on my report card. Reading and writing has played a big part in my life so far. From my elementary days to now.Many different things shaped and influenced my learning and now reading and writing have become a big part of my life. As life goes on I would hope to develop these skills even more and become an expert at it

Sandra Cisneros “Only Daughter”

Sandra Cisneros purpose into writing this story is to have readers picture what she was going through in her family .She was an Mexican American growing up with 6 boys being an only girl. From just knowing this you knew  it was hard for her. It was hard for her because she was the only one looked down on in her family and all her brothers are being looked at as most important. Her relationship towards her father was off. I had found it interesting that her father thought that she was wasting her education because she didn’t get married when she was finished from college.. From my understanding, I thought that the father was basically saying that with all the knowledge she got from school  she wasted it by not having a family to pass it down to her own family. Being an only daughter left her to think a lot and she wrote on her thoughts. The best moment in the story was her father reaction towards her writing and she was finally noticed by him