Professor Kate Poirier | D772 | Spring 2023

Project #3 Draft


  1. Ken Mei

    After looking over your draft I think you picked option A. It’s well organized and easy to follow. I liked the structure of the paper and I think the draft is well made and only needs simple additions to it. If I would make suggestions that you could implement into your project is to have the sources on a separate page. You mentioned at the end of your draft about the importance of the differential equation and I think an example that uses the equation could help reinforce the idea of the differential equation being important.

  2. charlie

    After reading your draft, I like how it gets straight to the point and that you provided some equations to work with. However I think you should show an example of how each formula works, as well as fix the ending of your draft. It feels like some information is missing but overall it’s a good report. I believe you went with option A for this report.

  3. Danny Mizhquiri

    After rereading your draft, I see that you got started introducing the real-world problem along with data from history. Then you introduce the differential equation on showing how it is connected to an incident in the real world. Including providing a particular equation where you give us the explanation of each component on what it respent. The only thing that can make it better if there was more information on the differential equation that you found and how it connects to the real-world problem. For that, I think it would be option A because of how accurately you introduce real-world problems and it connects.

    • Danny Mizhquiri

      Ignore the previous comment

      Here is a updaed comment:

      After rereading your draft, I see that you got started introducing the real-world problem along with data from history. Then, you introduce the differential equation on showing how it is connected to an incident in the real world. Including, providing a particular equation where you give us the explanation of each component on what it represent. The only thing that can make it better if there was more information on the differential equation that you found and how it further connects to the real-world problem. For that, I think it you went with option A on your darft.

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