Author Archives: markh

Pesto Fest

It was a small group that harvested a lot of leaves and pureed a big batch of pesto last evening. Basil that was planted two short months ago moved into high gear under the influence of full sun, drip irrigation … Continue reading

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Sprinklings, inklings

A slow steady rain is welcome after the heat and bright sunshine of last week. It will give the roof plants a moist respite. Butternut squash have been relatively free of bugs so far, but after this soaking we will … Continue reading

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We planned for basil to be ready to harvest sometime in Sept, after classes started. But the seeds we scattered just about a month ago shot up quick like spouts. Then, after they were spread out and about, they really … Continue reading

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Spring planted arugula and tatsoi had bolted and flowered, a few forgotten radishes went all tough and mealy. That got yanked and tossed on the compost pile: soon it will break down and return to the raised beds as a … Continue reading

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All those chard, kale, spinach and komatsuna seedlings that were started inside by various members of the Garden Club are transitioning now. Yesterday they went from the warmth and security of the greenhouse to a rather harsh environment — the … Continue reading

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First day of spring was a perfect time to replenish the raised beds for another season of garden greens and beans.  Shellita, Dah-wei, Sarah, and a white-haired professor spread a few hundered pounds of organic compost and then planted redleaf lettuce, … Continue reading

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Snappy Seeds

There is a wonderful seed company that goes by the name Seeds of Change. They have a snazzy catalogue. And their website is glossy too: Though I seldom order from them, they are inspirational in their mission … Continue reading

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Cloudy w/ a chance of Pak Choy

In spite of threatening weather, new garden club members Sarah and Kenneth were on hand today to transplant young Swiss chard seedlings, pick tomatoes and give the purple pak choy a shot of organic fish fertilizer. They did the same … Continue reading

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Tour on Thursday

All new garden club members are invited to take a tour of the Hospitality Garden  this coming Thursday Oct 10. Interested members should email Prof Hellermann at We will meet at the Cumberland St entrance to the Brooklyn Navy … Continue reading

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Fickle Friend

It gets very breezy on the roof top where the Hospitality Garden grows. So it isn’t surprising that  the tomato plants so delicately staked and cared for by Dah Wei took a  hit in Thursday’s high winds. The Brandy Wine … Continue reading

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