NYT Travel Section

In this area you will post a reaction paragraph (ten sentences minimum) to an articleĀ you found in the travel section of the New York Times. This section can be accessed through this LINK.

Please take a look if anyone else has already written about an articleĀ before you duplicate it. AlsoĀ make sure to read the “36 Hours in…” articles from September 1st onward. You will be replicating it in an assignment later in the semester.

Article reactions are due by class time each week.

104 thoughts on “NYT Travel Section

  1. Victoria A. Gaston

    Travel Section Assignment – Victoria A. Gaston

    In the article “New Hotel Checkout Time: Anytime You Want” written by Charu Sur, in the New York Times Travel section mentions a new beginning of the very few hotels in different cities that are turning over a new leaf on the checkout policies. Hotels such as the Yotel, are now introducing late-checkout pricing plans and a new app that allows guests to choose any of the late-checkout plans offered at the hotel. Other hotels such as the Patina Hotel & Resorts, The Absalon, Peninsula Hotels, and the Capella offer a 24-hour stay, where guest can stay and go whenever they want. I believe that this new change will benefit those who travel frequently and book hotels to stay at during their travels. Having the option to checkout when you can without being forced and/or scheduled to can really make a guest feel more at home as oppose to being told when you have to leave. A guest should always feel comfortable wherever it is that they are staying at, and if hotels are making changes like these, then I believe they are looking out for the guest best interest during their stay. Giving guest the power to checkout when they want, can possibly turn them into returning guest, satisfied guest who will help hotel ratings increase, and that’s what many people review before selecting the hotel they wish to stay at. Changing the checkout policies within the hotel industry in my opinion is a very smart move and I think that it will allow many hotel businesses to progress and become better. Hopefully this new policy can reach all hotels soon, I’m sure there would be a lot more business if it does. I know that I would definitely start staying at hotels if this new policy is introduced to them all.

    1. clotilda

      Clotilda Hamilton
      Prof. Duchamp
      HMGT 1101
      N.Y.T Travel Section
      Title: On Dominica, A Carnival Celebration As it Was Meant To Be

      I’m the article, the author talks about choosing to go to Dominica a very small island, not very popular by Trinidad standards when it comes to Carnival.

      Nowadays, most of the Caribbean islands have lost their traditions and heritage when it comes to Carnival, but in Dominica the people pride themselves on their authenticity of their culture. ” The island prides itself on a carnival that stays true to its 18th – century roots: a European pretty lent baccahanal, co-opt ed by slaves mimicking the French and British colonizers and infusing the festivities with west African folklore.” Dominica is one of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean. It’s lush and green with 365 fresh water rivers. I would love to visit for the carnival.

  2. carlos_amaro

    In the article ‘ What New Rules Means for Travel to Cuba” the author discusses the rapidly changing legal regime surrounding travel by American citizens to the island nation of Cuba. As a result of the recent rapprochement between the historically antagonistic nations there has been a loosening of travel restrictions on Americans visiting the island and a broadening of the legally sanctioned categories under which travel is permissible. The author goes into precise detail on how said legal changes are for example allowing American cruise lines and airlines to travel directly to Cuba and maintain active operations there. They also speak to the expansion of categorical license in travel to Cuba, so that now American citizens can visit simply if they have family on the island. They also are given license if they report that they have a vague professional, educational or religious goal behind there visit.
    This article particularly intrigued me because as a person who for many years lived in South Florida, where a plurality of the nation’s Cuban-American population lives, this current state affairs would of been considered a miracle of sorts. Few people, including myself, would of thought there would of been such a expeditious tidal shift in policy on the part of the American government, but I can honestly that I am proud of how swiftly the U.S. government has abandoned its previous antiquated Cold War policy with respect to Cuba. Although in the article it states that Americans still cannot travel for purely touristic reasons, the twelve delineated categories of permissible travel allow enough room for the vast majority of current would-be travelers to obtain legal entrance. It is this progressive development that makes me personally look on with optimism at the future of the relations between both countries and the tremendous opportunities that lie ahead for the hospitality industry.

  3. London

    Sept. 15, 2015 / In Transit: By Shivani Vora

    Quote: RITZ-CARLTON RELAXES AND RECASTS ITSELF: “The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company has a new voice. In an attempt to appeal to younger and more global travelers, the brand is becoming less formal.”

    We all know that The Ritz-Carlton is known for its stellar hotels and resorts across the global, where they embody the finest in luxury experiences and service standards for their guests.
    Could you possibly think that such a prestigious brand as The Ritz-Carlton could get any better than what they are now? Some would say, ā€œNo,ā€ but they would be wrong. They have found a way to identify with, and maintain relevance in todayā€™s market, with, and I quote (a small portion),

    ā€œThe Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, has a new voice.”

    Impressive and Innovative! What is this new voice saying? This quote drew me in, I know I would sit up and listen, because I myself love to travel. Clearly they have found a niche to lure in Generation Z, by adapting to the changing culture of today. Generation X & Y enjoyed the comforts that they were provided with, based on their wants, needs and expectations.

    Now itā€™s Gen Zā€™s turn! It just makes sense!

    The Ritz-Carlton is not afraid of a challenge or CHANGE, and in order to keep up with todayā€™s markets and trends, here are some examples of how they developed and fully implemented this evolution over the course of 10 years. By:
    1. Providing a more tranquil atmosphere: through their dƩcor, which is locally sourced at each location. Therefore establishing a unique difference in dƩcor design. Instead of its usual standard uniformity.
    2. Redesigning staff uniforms: which were once-upon-a-time very formal, but are now much more relaxed in design, and being created by talented, novice designers.
    3. Staff are encouraged to engage with guests, on a less formal platform. They are also able to sport their own personal artistry, such as tattoos and/or piercings.
    4. Personalizing each guests stay: such as at the Beijing Financial Street property, where they have hired Chinese artist Liu Li, who hand crafts, glass animal sculptures that can be found at the entryway of each guests room.

    These are just some of the key components as to why the Ritz-Carlton is and will remain an industry leader, in the hotel business, because they allow themselves the time to nurture and develop the environment that they want to create, to enable a desirable following of those they are seeking to attract.

  4. SoniaJ

    NYT Travel Section Assignment #1 S.Jobity

    In Transit By ELAINE GLUSAC, Article “Resort and Tour News: Hiking in Trinidad & Tobago; Snowmobiling in Wyoming” I focused on “Hiking in Trinidad and Tobago”.

    In the article the author was discussing how Trinidad & Tobago has just opened the first of five 600 mile rehabilitated hiking trails. The first set of the hiking trail will be on the northeast coast of Trinidad that follows a jungle route with occasional views of the ocean. The 2nd larger program they are working on as the Eco-Adventure Trails Project, that is aiming to restore trails that was originally created by the indigenous Amerindians, within the next 5 years.

    I picked this article because I am from Trinidad and left there at a very young age, and anything that talks about the country bringing in tourists and rehabilitating it, is news for me. Even though Trinidad has the trails and the birds, Tobago is known for the beaches and where tourists dwell. So knowing that both islands are working together to bring back these trails is amazing. Even though the Eco-Adventure Trails Project Lacks signage, at least they have the northeast coast open. After reading this article I will like to walk these trails and experience what the Amerindians walked.

  5. Joe

    Johandry Veras
    Perspectives in Hospitality Management
    Prof. Damien Duchamp
    October 6, 2015

    New York Times Travel section assignment #2 in the group HMGT 1101
    Traveling another country can be fun but also stressful. When I mean stressful I am referring to the language. We want to meet cities and wonderful places but when we get there we get lost. well, now with the new app Bravolol.This is an amazing app that can translate in more than 200 languages. What makes these digital phrasebooks stand out among languages apps is that when you tap a phrase, the app speaks it aloud. So, there is not guessing within you are pronouncing it right or not, this app tells you how to pronounce it and if you are good at all with the language, you can just let the person who you trying to communicate with listen to the app.I think that is breaking the technology and it is very helpful for everybody. What got me freaking out is that the app can translate words from a picture being taken to the meaning on your native language. I had to experience that and I downloaded the app to try it and I wa impressed. I took a picture to a spanish book title and it translated to me on english. All i have to say is that through this app people will be more comfortable when they are traveling, since they will have a eassy translator, not only from words to words but also from pictures words to words and from words to sounds (language pronunciation). I think that Bravolol is a great help for travelers.

  6. SoniaJ

    NYT Travel Section Assignment #2 S. Jobity

    In Transit By ELAINE GLUSAC , Article “Cruise and Resort News: Bangladesh Itineraries; Wellness in Mexico” I focused on CELEBRITY CRUISES ADDS OVERNIGHT STAYS

    Every year my Aunt goes on a mini vacation on a Cruise Ship, either traveling over the weekend or for the entire week. When she goes I always tell her I’ll travel with her, but that never happens as I do not care to travel.. Fear of leaving my family for such a long time, who knows. So when this article popped up, I guess it was calling me..

    The author states that normally when cruise ships travel overnight it is to offer the consumer more daytime in port, so they can shop and go site-seeing during the daytime hours. But, “Celebrity Cruises” are actually flipping that around to offering consumers overnight port stays (interesting). The company will be implementing this in 2016 and 2017 which will be a total of 43 sailings. Basically every Caribbean cruise 10 night or longer cruise will offer the consumer an overnight in port that may include ” a sunset small-boat cruise with live music in Aruba” (nice) or “a tasting at a winery in Willemstad, CuraƧao” (even nicer)! This will be called ” An Evening Around the World”. This seems wonderful, but it comes with a price tag which will start from $45…, including the overnight cruise fare at $898 per person.. Maybe this is why I haven’t traveled.

  7. London

    Headline: For Loyal Guests, Hotels Bring Back the House Call
    Aug. 28, 2015 / In Transit: By Lindsey Tramuta

    Quote: In the hotel industry, customer relationship management has evolved to keeping notes on a regular guestā€™s favorite foods or room preference. But now some of the countryā€™s most celebrated properties are reviving an old service for an even more personalized connection: ā€œThe House Call.ā€

    It seems as though an old time niche is back on a new trend. ā€œThe House Call,ā€ helps me understand that the hotel industry will stop at nothing to retain the patronage and satisfaction of its guest. Itā€™s not enough that during the guest(s) stay that they are pampered endlessly. Whether theyā€™re provided with the hotels standard services or individualized needs are required. The hotel industry now decides, that it doesnā€™t have to end there. What can we do for our guests in addition throughout their stay, and even after theyā€™ve left?

    Being that these services are so much more customized to each individualā€™s needs and personalities, I feel that youā€™ll find a deeply warming sentiment being exchanged between the hotel and its guests; From the timing of receiving the service they each need (ā€œjust in the nick of timeā€ moment), to the (ā€œah-haā€ moment) that makes you feel extra special, ā€œjust because they get you!ā€

    The time taken in the past getting to know your guest beyond just their name, but intricately, eventually pays off in a big way, where youā€™re almost able to think ahead for them, and anticipate their very next thought. Just masterful!

    Examples of “The House Call,” from the article:
    1. Luigi Taglialegna, a makeup artist and beauty specialist for the Guerlain Spa in the Towers of the Waldorf Astoria New York, often makes house calls to brides, celebrities and executives, many of them regular guests at the hotel, before weddings and other important events. Often his consultation turns into a lesson in skin care. A makeup application costs $300 plus transportation and gratuity.

    ā€œMy clients become more open in their own surroundings, and I can better connect with them in order to customize the service to their needs,ā€ Mr. Taglialegna said.

    2. At Rosewoodā€™s CordeValle property in San Martin, Calif., Benjy Robins, the tennis director, routinely develops drills for guests to practice once they return home. And now he is taking an extra step. Recently he began making house calls to loyal hotel guests who live within a three-hour drive of the resort. His visits are $110 an hour, the price of a private lesson at the resort. He also runs clinics at guestsā€™ local tennis clubs.

    ā€œThese house calls have become a great way for us to further build lasting relationships with our guests,ā€ Mr. Robins said.

  8. Ambre Farrington

    “An Island Getaway Where Storms are Welcome”
    By: Celeste Moure

    This sounds like my ideal getaway. Apparently Vancouver Island has four lodgings made perfect for a specific group of tourists (storm watchers). In the Fall and Winter months (my favorite time of year!), the Wickanninish Inn, Pacific Sands Beach Resort, Wya Point Resort and the Blackrock Oceanfront resort offer rooms with “unparalleled views and a roaring soundtrack to match”. Winter surfing is very popular in this area, as the waves that come in from Japan’s coast are decidedly ferocious. Since these resorts are structured to embrace the wild nature of storms, guests come prepared for outdoor activities and are provided with hiking and surfing gear if they are not. The First Nations locals who run the resorts offer paddleboard and surf lessons as well for first timers adventurous enough to brave the storms.
    I may not go surfing as I am not partial to hypothermia (I’ll probably change my mind at the last minute), but I will definitely be adding at least one of these resorts to my bucket list because I am an avid storm watcher and these views are insane.

  9. Daniella Martinez

    Daniella Martinez
    N.Y.T Travel Section
    Prof. Duchamp

    Tour & Resort News: An African Trip Through Human History

    It seems like nowadays it is much easier to get people’s attention because they tend to be very gullible. According to the passage I read, an extinct species called homo naledi was believed to have been rediscovered in South Africa. This recent discovery has led to inspire a Trip to “andBeyond’s Human’s Origins Safari”. The guest would be staying at “andBeyond’s” lodge where they’ll have access to go on game drives in the crater and bush walks. The trip includes this tour of the cradle of Humankind and the trip concludes with a stay at the Sabi Sand Game Reserve and four days in Cape Town. Joss Kent who is the initial programmer of this scheme is putting a price starting from $13,180 that will include accomodations, transfers and tickets to most attractions and private tours. I believe that it is very naive of people to actually fall for this system because even if this discovery was legit, the fact that it is very over-priced in my opinion doesn’t make this a worthwhile trip. I’m not against the whole touring package, it’s the fact that something so insignificant would cost so much money. And it doesn’t only happen in Africa it happens everywhere and people decide to go along with these schemes. Except in America we call it “Marketing” which is the way we attract consumers. I find this a bit ridiculous, but I personally believe that the whole “recent discovery” was just a lie to draw people in and to think that this new discovery was a very big deal. I’m not going to lie it was a pretty clever idea I just think that if someone plans to do something like this, it should be more believable, but if it works out then Mr. Kent will be making great production.

  10. Victoria A. Gaston

    Travel Section Assignment ā€“ Victoria Gaston

    Apple picking is not the only popular autumn season activity this year, according to Shivani Vora, author of ā€œLike Apple Picking? Try Egg Picking,ā€ article in the NY Times Travel section. Vora lets readers know about the few farms this year that are opening their doors and inviting guests in for not only apple picking, but for egg picking as well. Handsome Brook Farm, and Stony Creek Farmstead, which are both located in the Catskills, Kinderhook Farm located in the Hudson Valley, and the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture located closer to New York City, are the few farms that are offering egg picking for reasonable prices, they offer cooking lesson on how to cook the eggs, and they also offer visitors overnight stays. Of course each farm has their own way have hosting their guest, they arenā€™t all they same, they only offer similar services. I was not aware of egg picking until I came across this article, I thought that the egg picking was only done by the farmers and sent off to wherever they do business with. I like the idea of having other options to be able to pick at farms, especially during the fall. Autumn is my favorite season of the years, so if people create more activities that can be done during this time I am all for it.
    The overnight stays add more excitement to the guests visit at the farms. The Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture offers guest the collecting of the eggs, and the preparation of the eggs in different ways for ten dollars a person, and offers prices at two hundred thirty five dollars a night for on of the six platform tents with wood stoves, giving the guest the option to pick their eggs and cook them for breakfast, and delivered baskets with fresh bread and bacon from the farms pigs. In my opinion over two hundred dollars for this stay is a bit too pricey, but I guess the stay makes it all worth it, and I would love to be able to experience an overnight stay, such as this one the Stone Barns Center offers. These four farms are beginning their egg picking activities starting in early November this year, so if anyone is interest in apple picking and pumpkin picking, maybe you should try egg picking this fall. Maybe even consider going to Kinderhook Farm in the Hudson Valley, they have three hundred hens that are laying light blue and light green eggs!

  11. Kristen T.

    Kristen Tsui



    HMGT 1101

    NY time article summary

    ā€œThe Weird, Wild and, Ultimately, Sublimeā€ by Matt Gross

    This article is about the events that happens after midnight at South Korea Seoul. In Seoul there are no such thing as a off button that city is a party city from day to night. Not only they party hard but also the food are hearty and fresh which cannot be compared to other cuisine. Korean food are mainly about the seasoning and the flavor also the ingredient they put in that make a fascinating dish that can captive you right away. Food in general give everyone a feeling of satisfaction but Korean dishes does not only give you satisfaction but also give you a feeling of comfort. ā€œeating the weird and the wild, the tasty and the comforting food made an unforgettable memory.ā€

  12. Mariama Bah

    Travel Section Assignment #2 – Mariama

    Article: An Island Getaway Where Storms are Welcome. – Celeste Moure

    I never thought to use vacation time to go do some Storm Watching but it’s becoming pretty popular, what’s even new is winter surfing locals in Tofino and Ucluelet have picked up winter surfing because the winds from Japan travel straight down to Vancouver Islands which bring strong tides towards the coastline. There are four resorts in Vancouver Island that seem to pick up a lot of storm watchers lately during the winters wishing for rain to come in. They offer vacation packages that allows you to do storm watching and the resorts even rent out surfboards so you can take a spin on the waves. The view, the wind, the weather, the secluded island and the offers are attracting people to this place. Winter Surfing Is a interesting new trend that I’m sure won’t take too long for everyone to pick up on. Monkey see, Monkey do.

  13. carlos_amaro

    Travel Section Assignment #2 – Carlos Amaro

    The article I read this week, titled ” An Eco-Tour of Guatemala’s Rio Dulce Region”, is a personal account of the author and their daughter’s foray with Guatemala’s nascent ecotourism industry. The article also discusses the relatively conspicuous natural jewels that Guatemala has to offer, and how the responsible parties involved are utilizing them to provide a sustainable source income in the impoverished Central American country. When I read the article I found it very encouraging to see how a developing country is turning its underdevelopment into an economic advantage.It also showed promise when the author mentioned the inclusion of the Rio Dulce region’s indigenous people in both environmental preservation and the touristic enterprise. I also found it incredibly endearing how the author took time to personally assist local charities focused on environmental awareness and childhood education. She worked with these charities to ensure that the money she spent there went to the local community. In addition, the author reiterated the nobility of her excursion when she shared how she wanted her fairly privileged daughter to grasp what life is like for most of the world’s people. Overall, the author’s recount gave me as sense of hope. It inspired me to know that such a benighted part of the world has used its limited resources to create sustainable opportunities for all those involved.

  14. Joe

    Johandry Veras
    Perspectives in Hospitality Management
    Prof. Damien Duchamp
    October 6, 2015

    New York Times Travel section assignment #3 in the group HMGT 1101
    When people travel one of the main things they need is a map, not only to know where everything is located but also guide you how to get there either walking or through public transportation. well, what about if I tell you that now in New York City you can just push a button on your phone and a car can arrive for you in around 15 minutes?. Silvercar is a company that slowly is growing up, now moving to west 42nd street in Manhattan. This is a rental car company that offers you an app where you can request the car you would like to rent and in 15 minutes or less your car will be waiting for you when you arrive. What I really love about this app and their system is that you have nothing to worry if you leave the key of the car inside. All you have to do is scan the bar code from your phone on the dashboard and they door will open. I think this is great because for example when you go to the beach, you do not want to take the key out of the car because can end it up loosing it. Another feature on this vehicles is the Wifi, you get access to WiFi so you are able to connect you phone and play music from any online website like YouTube. Something good for tourist is the GPS installed in the car, so the car can take you anywhere you want. I personally think this is a great business and definitely helpful.

  15. Daniella Martinez

    Daniella Martinez
    Prof. Duchamp
    HMGT 1101
    N.Y.T. Travel Sec.
    Title: Eight Hidden Tropical Island Resorts to explore

    Now and then, it’s always a good idea to come up with ways to alter certain lodging systems to please the customers, right? At least I believe so. The more you emphasize a getaway resort, the more people will want to come and stay. Well turns out that Latin America and the Caribbean wants to get their game on to improve certain aspect of their tropical expanded resorts. The first one on the list is the Barbuda Belle which recently opened up in June and unfortunately, it closes seasonally but the good news is that they’ll be reopening in November so that’s something to look forward to. So the resort has interesting features such as scuba diving, going fishing and sailing and the best of all is that the restaurant is focusing on using local ingredients which I find to be a magnificent idea. I also found it cute that apparently they had birds that migrated to the newly done resort and included bird-watching as one of their activities. The rooms start from $890 per night. Now if you’re a nature lover you’ll definitely love this one because I know I would. The British Virgin Islands had invited scientist to research the location to re-establish a wildlife sanctuary which seems quite interesting. Guest can also take tours and taste their orchards and room rates start at $695 including meals which is pretty affordable if you ask me. I think it’s amazing when people invest in the satisfaction of their customers because it lets the guest know that their investment is worth it. All of the resorts have beautiful entertaining features which make you want to take a trip a.s.a.p., but I really do think that if you care for the sake of your own business, than it wouldn’t hurt to improve certain aspects of your resort.

  16. SoniaJ

    NYT Travel Section Assignment #3 S. Jobity

    By MATT A.V. CHABAN “Jersey City Proposes Legislation to Legalize Airbnb”

    New Jersey, known as the “mini-Manhattan” may have something New York may not have coming this November. Mayor Steven M. Fulop is trying to legalize services like HomeAway and AirBnB. Is this to good to be true? Well its said that they will start charging users the same 6% hospitality tax that is currently imposed on guests at regular hotels around the city. The Mayor hopes that this tax will “generate between $600,000 and $1 million annually” on over the 300 AirBnB currently listed in the city. This new income will be added to the $6 million they already make on the hotel rooms each year.

    I’m not sure if this is good or bad, but it seems like the City is just trying to make more money.. The point of using and AirBnB was to get the luxury from not using a hotel, but now you’re being taxed as if you were in one. The only benefit is the city is generating the income from taxing their users. I’ve never used AirBnB so not sure how good or bad this really is.

  17. Victoria A. Gaston

    Victoria Gaston October 12, 2015
    Professor Damien Duchamp
    HMGT 1101


    Jersey has legalized Airbnb! Mayor Steven M. Fulop of Jersey City is expected to pass the legalization of Airbnb in Jersey City this November. He believes that Jersey City ā€œcould soon have something New York City does not.ā€ This is said because legalizing Airbnb will give the host permission to rent out their whole space, and even do so while being away as oppose to the use of Airbnb in New York City where youā€™re only allowed to rent out at least two rooms as long as youā€™re on the premises. Mayor Fulops believes that instead of fighting this change people should work with it, he also believes that legalizing Airbnb can help monitor and regulate short visits, as said in the article, ā€œJersey City Proposes Legislation to Legalize Airbnbā€ written by Matt A.V. Chaban.
    I think that this is a start to a new change many people have been using this type of service to offer services to those who really need it. Airbnb is a great way to meet new people, and extend a community of many connections, with a home feel stay that many people search for when visiting away from home, a home-away-from-home feel. Of course other states have their opinions on it, and feel that the use of Airbnb are not useful and probably even troublesome for some business and housing within their states, but as councilwoman Candice Osborne states in the article, ā€œYou can fight it all kinds of ways, but at the end the day, itā€™s someoneā€™s personal property, and itā€™s a service people want to use, so there is only so much you can do.ā€ I definitely agree with her, you either get with the program or you donā€™t!

  18. Ambre Farrington

    “Why Crystal Cruises Is Adding a Plane and Submarine to Its Fleet”
    By: Shivani Vora

    Chief executive of Crystal Crusies, Edie Rodriguez, has announced the line will be introducing flights and submarine options in celebration of their 25th anniversary. In this interview, Edie says about half of their customers are repeats and are looking for more variety in destination options. They still want the luxurious style of the Crystal Cruise line, but they want to travel to different countries. Although the cruise line offers around-the-world trips, most people don’t have 128 days of vacation (especially consecutively) throughout the year, so they have introduced plane trips that will give plenty of destination options to visit in under 30 days. The submarine will allow for 2 passengers and the captain to explore 1,000 feet under the ocean’s surface for 30 minutes. In this interview, I was most surprised by Edie’s answer to whether she experiences unique hardships as one of few women who hold prominent leadership roles in the travel industry.
    “Whether youā€™re male or female, being a C.E.O. is always challenging, so in some ways, gender is irrelevant.”
    Though it’s a well known fact women still get the short end of the stick in many (or most) professions, its quite refreshing to hear one of these women say that the job itself is challenging regardless of gender. Being chief executive, however, she may be experiencing a little less discrimination in regard to salary (in relation to the men in the same field and similar position) than a woman below her pay grade would, which could account for such a level headed response.

  19. Erick T

    Erick Tecuatl
    Travel Assignment #3
    Airports Create Hotel Complexes, Aiming to Become Destinations

    It seems that investors will never run out of ways and ideas to generate income. A $265 million dollar project is underway, recent approved by governor Cuomo, to construct at the JFK flight center a hotel. The hotel is going to be designed to have 505 rooms, a spa, and restaurants. This seems like a massive project and could revolutionize the way we travel because many travelers find it difficult to find hotels and can have a bad experience traveling. Constructing this hotel makes it super convenient and easy, and seems like this could generate a lot of revenue. Hotels like this are scheduled to open also in San Fransisco, Denver, Baltimore, and many more.

  20. Arian Florez

    Title: In Panama City, a Restaurant That Lives Up to Its Name
    Arian Florez
    Travel Assignment #3

    This article caught my eye primarily because it had food involved, the fact it was Latin cuisine was just the cherry on top. Carlos Alba is the owner of the restaurant Intimo and while the rave is about the food and his cooking style, I was more interested in the restaurantā€™s own garden. Many of the fresh ingredients in Albaā€™s restaurant were taken from the garden. The garden is growing in quantity as well as selection, to the point where the restaurant hopes to get their herbs and spices entirely from the garden. I found this interesting because it doesnā€™t get more authentic than fresh out of the ground. Personally I feel the quality of the ingredients that are being used in some restaurants is questionable at best. Fast food establishments are the biggest culprits of this as half the time you have to question whether youā€™re chewing rubber or not. From a different perspective, I also feel that the growing garden definitely contributes to the ranch-like ambiance of Intimo. Itā€™s a nice change of pace from the formal dining setting even though an average meal for two will run you around $100 (not accounting for tips). The sad conclusion to this article is that Panama City is a quite a trip away but once I win the lottery, Iā€™l be well on my way!

  21. carlos_amaro

    Travel Section Assignment #3 – Carlos Amaro

    For this week’s assignment I read an article titled ” Exploring the Surf in Sri Lanka”. In the article the author discusses the how the eastern coast of the Sri Lanka is becoming the new global surfing hotspot. He also recounts his own trip to the island nation’s eastern shores , and his personal foray into the local surfing scene. The article proved interesting when I read how surfing was a new unexplored facet to the already well developed Sri Lankan tourism industry. I was genuinely surprised to find out that despite Sri Lanka being widely perceived as the archetypical island paradise, it had little recognition at all as it relates to the sport of surfing. I was enlightened when the author explained that the reason this hadn’t been the case in the past was because seasonal weather patterns made surfing on the west coast, where the tourism industry has been traditionally concentrated, less than feasible. In addition, the vicious decades-long civil war cut would be tourist off from much of the eastern coastline which during the conflict was the traditionally part of the stronghold of the ethnic separatist. These conditions changed when the conflict subsided, in part as result of the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami which severely crippled the rebels. It was fairly inspiring to read about the local people of the eastern coastal town of Arugam Bay overcoming those tragedies and seizing on the opportunity to show the world a different side to their humble home. The author conveyed the rather charming unspoiled character the region and its burgeoning surfing tradition. I found worthwhile when the author mentioned that Australians were the pioneers in bringing attention to great surfing potential that Sri Lanka has. Ultimately, my favorite part of the article was when the author shared the humorous account of how he was barely capable of maintaining his footing while on a board but his small children had no problem whatsoever.

  22. Kunle Kernizan

    HMGT 1101
    Kunle Kernizan
    Exploring the Surf in Sri Lanka
    By ALEX FREW McMillan
    This article describes a family travelling to Arugam bay to enjoy the surfing. The article describes the surf scene in the bay and how the war in Sri Lankan influenced it and the people who live in the area.
    The author also describes how Sri Lanka is becoming famous in the Asian surf scene. He also describes how the country was avoided for several years because of the war which also drove many of the local surfers to move abroad. He describes how the east coast of island is only the surfing capital from April to October and then becomes a fishing port for the rest of the year. He comes into contact with Australians who describes the wave as to strong and thinks that itā€™s like Bali twenty years ago. He also travels to a place in Southern Sri Lanka Weligama because it is an easier place to start surfing than Arugam. He describes the townā€™s roti shops and t-shirt stands. He also describes his instructors and how the surf scene was before the war and how the tsunami also devastated the region. He also describes the wild animals and the lagoons that have remained undeveloped because of the war and the tsunami. He also describes how the different religious groups on the island get along well.
    This article is describing a country that has been destroyed by both human and natural disasters, but is still trying to repair itself. The surfing scene was first damaged by the war and later by the Boxing Day tsunami. The author also describes how he and his family learn how to surf.

  23. Kunle Kernizan

    HMGT 1101
    NYT article
    Kunle Kernizan

    An Eco-Tour of Guatemalaā€™s Rio Dulce Region
    By Nancie L Katz

    This article is describing an eco-tour in on the Eastern shore of Guatemala. She first describes how this project is run by the local Mayan Tribes as a way for construction companies to take the timber and stones that are present in the area. The locals are also protecting one of the most unique ecosystems in the world.
    According the author the area is very small (90 miles) and lacks the beaches found in nearby Honduras and Belize. Guatemala has a vast and beautiful rainforest that the writer and her daughter where checking out several places in the Izabal province of Guatemala. She then describes her time as a foreign correspondents and how experiences like this shaped her time in that job. She describes thing she her daughter and her guide did, like her daughter losing her sandal in some mud and finding it after in shoots out of the ground.
    Mrs. Katz also describes some of the other aid groups that are in the area. One example being Casa Guatemala which was set up by backpackers and was a farm and clinic it was founded to a Honduran woman after she travelled there and saw a child die of malnutrition. She describes the school and how it helps the locals to get education (most canā€™t pay the $150 in fees) they eat at several cooperatives for lunch and dinner. They meet with the local people such as a Garifuna (descendants of shipwrecked slaves from Angola) and lived in their town. She describes how local fishing activities have devastated the local fish population and how the local NGOs are trying to increase tourism to protect the local environment.
    They also visit some of local lagoons and rainforests and then describe the best hotels and restaurants in the areas along with some of the attractions.
    This article describes ecotourism in an obscure province of Guatemala. It is interesting because this article describes how tourism can change a region economically and culturally. Before ecotourism came into the region it seems there was very little going on except commercial fishing. The population seems to have problems with infant malnutrition (itā€™s what made the one the locals to create the Casa Guatemala) and educating their children. But with the influx of foreign money they seem to be bringing their standard of living up.

  24. Kunle Kernizan

    NYT summary 5
    Kunle Kernizan

    Shivani Vora

    This article describes a form of tourism called ā€œhuman originsā€ tourism. Human origin tourism takes place in in the regions of East and Southern Africa where the first humans developed. The article specifically describes a company called Andbeyond which does tours for people in several regions of Africa, South America, and South Asia. The idea came from an executive at this company names Joss Kent. He wanted people to explore more of Africa than just its wildlife, and believed that exploring the different early sites of human inhabitations would do just that, the store costs 13,180 dollars and includes accommodations, group and private tours, flights and transfers.
    The tour is seventeen days long and takes place in Tanzania and South Africa. The tour is a combination of archaeological sites and modern city travel. The first part of the tour is in Tanzaniaā€™s Olduvai Gorge, where fossils of some of the earliest hominids where found along with the Ngorongo crater for a game safaris.
    The next leg of the tour takes place in South Africa; the participants meet up with historians in Johannesburg South Africa They can also travel to Rising Star Cave where the newest fossil of a hominid has been found. They can also travel to the nearby Sabi game reserve for another safari. Finally they spend they spend 4 days in Cape Town South Africa enjoying the local culture.
    This tour is interesting in that it is both educational and fun. But it probably leaves out several sites that were important to early humans because they are closed to the public or are very remote. Despite this it is an interesting idea that exposes people to paleoanthropology in an interesting way.

  25. London

    Oct.11, 2015 – NY / Region: By Matt. A. V. Chaban

    Airbnb has been legalized, in New York City for some time now, but our next door neighbors, in Jersey City, NJ have been following the same Airbnb trend themselves, but illegally!
    Jersey City, over time, has come to realize that, the price seems to be quite right for many out of town guests, like tourists, international exchange students, and even our own regional/national neighbors, who are looking for that ā€œhome away from homeā€ to enjoy, while visiting New York. These folks have also found that commuting from NJ to NYC is so terribly easy, that finding lodgings in NJ has become more lucrative than staying in NYC all together, where things are a tad bit more expensive.
    Jersey City would have to pay the same 6% hospitality tax as NYC, but NYC airbnbā€™s are also required to have a host remain present on the premises through the entire duration of the guestā€™s stay. Bonus!!! for Jersey City, because wonā€™t have to take on that responsibility, and the decision could come as soon as November 2015.
    Surprisingly enough, although there was some opposition to having Airbnb around, Mayor Steven M. Fulop and many elected officials, have chosen to embrace the idea of having the Airbnb in town. Itā€™s a win, win situation for all, bringing in income, for those who want to participate in Airbnb, and revenue for the town.
    Since Airbnbā€™s inception, and then global expansion, it has become familiarly known as a ā€œdisruptor,ā€ to the hotel industry, but it seems that, thatā€™s still not enough to bring the hotel industry to its knees.

  26. Kunle Kernizan

    HMGT 1101
    Kunle Kernizan

    Stretching Dollars, and, Yes, Feasting, in Lower-Priced Rio

    This article is about traveling to Brazilā€™s larger cities now that their economy is in recession. He describes how the exchange rate is more favorable towards the Dollar and how he could stay in a hotel in the best part of Rio De Janeiro. He also describes some of the cheap restaurants and the low cost soccer match that he is able to afford because of the new economic issues.
    This article shows an example of a country suddenly becoming a cheap place to visit and the amount of things that people can do when this happens.

  27. Daniella Martinez

    Daniella Martinez
    Prof. Duchamp
    HMGT 1101
    N.Y.T. Travel Section.

    Title: A Place For Pets On Amtrak Routes
    This article talks about the new pet-friendly program which will allow passengers to bring along their furry friends anywhere around the East-Coast routes. It is a flattering advantage that Amtrak would think of such a clever idea. The only downside I believe is that you are only allowed to bring one pet a long with you and must weight around 20 lbs. or less. I personally don’t think it’s fair for every pet owner because there are people who own husky (big) animals. That being said, If I was to ride on Amtrak, I’d only be able to bring my cat with me and I would rather take my dog because my cat isn’t much of an “outsider”. He hates being outside of his home. I have a medium sized dog that weights about 40lbs. so she’d definitely wouldn’t be able to ride.The program will run this process through February 15 of next year, so until then, Amtrak will determine whether or not to continue. I think that $25 dollars to bring a pet on board is super cheap. If I were able to bring both of my pets, I would not mind paying $50 for both. It’s a reasonable price and besides not many rail routes allow to bring animals. The article did state that Illinois was the first state to come up with the idea in 2014 and ever since then, nearly 200 pets have rode on trains. Overall, it is a nice idea and who knows maybe it works out for some people. It isn’t a common idea to have animals ride with you wherever you go.

  28. Arian Florez

    Arian Florez
    HMGT 1101

    ā€œHurricane Patriciaā€™s Impact on Hotels, Cruises and Air Travelā€
    By: Elaine Glusac

    This article talks about how Mexico has been affected by Hurricane Patricia and how the tourism industry has responded. Most of the hotels in Puerto Vallarta have already evacuated their occupants out of the city to Guadalajara. Others have moved into convention centers stocked with food and water while they wait out the storm. Various hotels have also asked many incoming visitors to cancel their trips or reschedule at a later time. Airlines such as American Airlines and United Airlines waived their cancellation fees for those travelling within the days of the storm. As if that wasnā€™t enough disruption to their tourist market, a Princess Cruise ship cancelled its stop in Cabo San Lucas.
    I feel like it this devastates Mexico in numerous ways. They not only have to deal with whatever damage is done because of the hurricane, but they also miss out on all the money that would have come in through travel. People that had to cancel or reschedule their vacations might not be as willing to visit because of the hassle, or the hotels may be damaged to the point where they have to remain closed. It remains to be seen how serious the consequences of the storm will be and how it will affect the travel industry in this part of Mexico. On a side note, it was nice to see initiative from the airlines and hotels to be morally responsible and accommodate cancellations to ensure safety rather than stiffen up and rake in cash from all the cancellations. And to those that traveled for the storm, hopefully they snap some cool pictures and stay out of danger.

  29. Joe

    Johandry Veras
    Perspectives in Hospitality Management
    Prof. Damien Duchamp
    October 27, 2015

    New York Times Travel section assignment #3 in the group HMGT 1101
    Cycling Tours in Antarctica, for a Price
    Some people are mindful about expending money in a vacation, but some are not. Sometimes if you want to have a great experience, something different and original, you have to forget about the money and spend it. Have you ever thought about cycling to the South Pole?. According to Lindsey Tramula, this adventure is positioned as its most challenging ride yet. This trip will be in December 2016 for 10 days. This trip has its special requirements, participants will be training in a weeklong camp on Lake Winnipeg, Canada in February 2016. ā€œTo ensure they have the necessary skills and fitness levelā€ they will be in that camp, says Tramuta. The travelers must be in a physical shape, be healthy and have the right attitude. Besides all of these requirements, this unique experience will not be cheap, Travelers can be expecting a fee upward of $75,000.00. Even though the trip is pricey, I am pretty sure this will be an awesome and unforgettable experience.

  30. London

    Prof D. Duchamp: HMGT 1101

    Paulette Powell

    Article Reaction ā€“ Britain Lowers Price of Tourist Visa for Chinese to Aid Luxury Sector.
    (By Elizabeth Paton_Oct. 21, 2015)

    Ā£Ā£Ā£Ā£ Moneymaker! Britainā€™s choice to lower their visa fees for the Chinese consumer to enter the country, makes absolute sense, but why it took them so long is beyond me.

    Every traveler loves to spend money when they go abroad and find a worthy buy; regardless of its cost, and especially in the luxury department. Tourism is big business for every countries economy, and every country needs its native residents and/or tourists (especially) to bring in revenue, on a routine basis, to help keep the global market turning. Now, what better incentive than to provide cheaper access to the countryā€™s consumers that bring in more than 30% of global luxury sales annually. I remember two classes ago, that Professor Romasanta had mentioned that the largest consumer spenders globally were China & Brazil.

    This is one of the many ways that exist, that keep the hospitality trade relevant and thriving.

  31. Kristen T.

    Kristen Tsui
    travel summary
    In this article “A Scourge in Pair, Love Locks Prevail in Other Cities” was about the problem of love lock in Paris. Many people visit Paris because of the moment of putting love lock on the fences or the bridge make them believe their love will be forever lasting. But because of they type of belief it is causing problem for Paris architect. In the article it state that 700,000 pad locks was remove from the Pont Des Arts Bridge because the weight of the pad lock was putting a lot of weight making the fences collapse. So the people in Paris wrote a petition to ban love lock and there were 10,000 people agree and ban love lock. Through those event show how love lock and destruct Paris architect one day.

  32. Mariama Bah

    Travel Section Assignment # 3 – Mariama Bah

    We have official upgraded from having monthly unlimited metro cards to monthly unlimited plane rides. “All- You- Can Fly, for a Monthly Subscription by Amy Zipkin ” introduces us to a new company called Rise. Rise is a new and upcoming plane company that offers it’s rider unlimited plane rides from 1,650 to 2,650 a month in four Texas cities Austin, Dallas, Houston and Midland. They don’t have a single plane as of yet but they lease from a charter company. The plane ride offers Wifi and snacks and the service of a concierge for help with connection. This can be a new trend that picks up quickly with more companies having chances to grow. I feel as though this may give big plane companies a run for their money but why pay 300+ per flight especially when you travel a lot within a month and within a short distance instead of paying a monthly fee with unlimited rides. No more 200 mile drives just park your car hop on and hop off.

  33. Zhigang Gao

    According to the article,ā€œBritain Lower Price of Tourist Visa for Chinese to Aid Luxury Sectorā€ by Elizabeth Paton. The author describes Britain intends to make it easier for Chinese tourists to get a visa, and two years multiple-entry visa fee is half cheaper than last year, Britain is considering opening ten-year multiple-entry visa to Chinese tourists. Britain to do so because China has become their biggest tourist market country, Chinese visitor contributes 500 million pounds to British economy. They especially spend money on the luxury consumptions. The number of Chinese tourists to buy luxury goods accounted for 30% of global amount and each Chinese tourists on average spend 2700 pounds in the UK tour, so let Chinese tourists easier to get a tourist visa is especially important.
    This news is good news for my family and friends in China. My uncle and his families got a visa to go to France recently Travel to Europe, not only can enrich their knowledge, but also understand and completely different Chinese architecture and culture, let the heart get sublimation.
    After I read this article, I feel very happy, because Iā€™ve always wanted my parents coming to United States to visit me. Last year, however, because they have no developed countries visa record, so America embassy rejected them. So this time, they can go apply Europe visa, if passed, to get America visa will be easier.

  34. Erick T

    Travel section #3
    “Touring the dark side of Los Angeles”
    This article is one of the more interesting articles that i have read on the nytimes travel section. This article is interesting because tourism deals with mainly the nicer parts of a city. People are often blinded, unaware that the city is not all it seems to be. The article talks about touring Los Angeles, but to famous death sites like Peg Entwhistleā€™s leap of death from the ā€œHā€ in 1932, back when the Hollywood sign was Hollywoodland. This is an interesting concept, especially for Halloween approaching, and is extremely unique. THere are other tours in Los Angeles that tour into abandoned , and perhaps haunted houses, mansions, and even theaters.

  35. Ambre Farrington

    Cycling Tours in Antarctica, for a Price
    Author: Lindsey Tramuta

    Although the price is pretty steep ($75,000+) this is actually a great opportunity to experience Antarctica, a continent most of us will never get to see. There really isnā€™t much to see besides snow and ice, but itā€™s still pretty awesome. Although I do prefer the cold, I think Iā€™d rather take part in the other cycling tours offered by the TDA Global Cycling company. Participants cycle for five months from Cairo to Capetown or along the Silk Road from China to Istanbul. I would definitely pay $75,000 to take a tour of basically a quarter of the continent of Africa. I donā€™t know how my legs would feel about it though.
    Also, I recently learned from one of my favorite shows that the Piris Reis map of 1513 apparently shows the coastline of Antarctica, a region now called Queen Maud Land, that wasnā€™t discovered by modern humans until the invention of seismographic equipment.

  36. Victoria A. Gaston

    Travel Section Assignment ā€“ Victoria Gaston

    Looks like lovelocks are becoming a problem in Paris! Justin Sablich published an article in the New York Times travel section called, ā€œA Scourge in Paris, Love Locks Prevail in Other Citiesā€. This article is focusing on the recent issues on the lovelocks that people over the years have locked onto the Pont des Arts Bridge in Paris. The city removed about 700,000 lovelocks from the bridge this pass summer. There are many debates on whether or not the popular love locking is the most reasonable and safest thing to have available to the public anymore. Many feel that those who do participate in it should have the freedom to do so, because the lovelocks do represent the love of some who have locked up their lovelocks on the bridge, and in other places around Paris. Others feel that is a major safety hazard amongst the sites that people are locking their lovelocks on. ā€œThe locks pose a danger to the infrastructure and the cars on the bridge.ā€ This quote refers to the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City, where the lovelocking has traveled too. Many of the locks do threaten many of the bridges that they are pilled onto, and some cities are not ready to deal with possible accidents due to the weights of the lovelocks. Other places, such as, Vancouver, are ready to welcome lovelocks, finding places within their cities that will allow all to lock their lovelocks on whatever is in that location. In Vancouver, they made Queen Elizabeth Park the future lovelock site for all to come. I do agree that lovelocks may cause certain threats to properties and transportation use, but if there is a set place where people are allowed to lock a lovelock, it will certainly decrease the chances of having any for of accidents. Iā€™m excited to see how the lovelocks turnout in Paris, and as well as the many other places that it seems to be reaching.

  37. Victoria A. Gaston

    Travel Section Assignment – Victoria A. Gaston

    Stephanie Rosenbloomā€™s article ā€œChoosing a Vacation Mystery trip,ā€ in the NY Times travel section is asking, why travel, instead of where to travel. Travel agencies, airlines and tour companies have been offering better deals for those who want to ā€œblindlyā€ travel. Instead of picking and planning their own trips there are itineraries created for the travelers that do it all for them. Priceline, Hotwire, Virgin Australia, Air New Zealand, Germanwings are some of the few that have been offering travelers such deals for some time, as well as local companies, like Voyages Traditours in Canada and Magical Mystery Tours in Washington, D.C. Over the last few years the surprise travel services have branched out to other companies such as, CheapCaribbean.com, KLM Royal Dutch Airlines and Brown & Hudson, a London-based agency, allowing many more people to experience having itineraries plan their surprise vacations. Philippe Brown, the founder of Brown & Hudson states his concept of this type of offering; he calls it ā€œ A Journey with No Destination,ā€ and the tag line, ā€œSometimes youā€™re better off not knowing where youā€™re going.ā€ I think that his concept is very unique and interesting, it gives people that rush of excitement knowing that they are going on vacation but donā€™t know where they are heading to, after already purchased the trip. There may be a few that feel otherwise about his concept, maybe because they enjoy planning their own trips and being aware of what they are putting their money towards which is completely understandable, but for those interested in this type of travel services, there are itineraries that ask you specific questions about yourself and the things you like, such as, how you want to feel when you are on your vacation and how you want to feel when you get back from vacation, in order to pick the perfect trip for you. I would definitely try this out one day for the experience. As it seems, this offer is being introduced into many other travel companies, as it should. The more deals the better; itā€™s a daring deal that many should explore!

  38. Joe

    Johandry Veras
    Perspectives in Hospitality Management
    Prof. Damien Duchamp
    November 1, 2015
    New York Times Travel section assignment #5 in the group HMGT 1101
    Protect the Nature
    The Google view of Elephants has started to help to expand the awareness of conservation of their living. Through those picture people will be able to meet the beauty of them and also understand they habit but overall realize that we as human being are not protecting these beautiful animal. According to the article, Street View Imagery of Kenya is funded by the Kamburu County Government and with partnership with Save the Elephants. Kenya Street is one of the 17 Google Treks that are more fun because instead of typing in atypical address, as you pass an elephant in the park using the white arrows, un information box appears describing the name, family and facts of the elephants which makes it more interactive and interesting. I think this is a great way to educate the society about protecting the nature.

  39. gaozhigang

    NYT Travel Section assignment ā€“Zhigang Gao [Gina]

    According to the article, ā€œA Google View of Elephantsā€ by Marsha Goncharova. The author describes Google street view imagery of Kenya; try to protect Africa elephants through tracking their action. He also point out that visitors can just use the white arrows on computer, the name and family will appears on the screen. The author says Samburu Park takes five steps to protect elephants: collaring, monitoring, patrolling, rehabilitating, and planning.
    In my opinion, this is very good technology to help save elephantā€™s life, because the elephantā€™s survival in under threat from poachers. Conservationists estimate that 30,000 to 38,000 elephants are poached annually for their ivory, which is shuttled out of West African and, increasingly, East African seaports en route mainly to China and other Asian consumer countries such as Thailand. [1]
    The African elephant is the largest animal walking the earth and the ivory is expensive. For this reason, poachers are desperate, try to killing the African elephant as more as they can.
    Hope this technology can really play the role protect elephants, when it mature, in the same way to protect wild tigers, lions and other wild animals. For protecting wild animal is equivalent to protect ourselves. We

    1. Popular with tourists, Satao fell to poachers May 30, group says.
    By Christine Dell’Amore, National Geographic PUBLISHED MON JUN 16 12:02:00 EDT 2014

  40. London

    HMGT 1101: Professor D. Duchamp (By Paulette Powell)

    Latest Hotel Amenity: Books
    Travel Section / In Transit:
    Article by Shivani Vora – October 28th 2015

    Technology and social media have become our way of life, from home to travel. We have great expectations of having access to it, at all times, from the moment we wake, to the minute we close our bloodshot eyes that have gorged on it, all day, on every miniature device we own. It is still not enough for some though. We donā€™t get nearly the same satisfaction, that only, a good ole fashioned book can give us.
    Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and every other imaginable social media outlet, only give us a momentary bout of gratification. I sometimes look at social media as ā€œfast food,ā€ for the mind and books as, ā€œfine dining.ā€ Nothing beats a book, when you want to have that slow-down time, and flex the noggin with some riveting literature. Whether itā€™s our digital friend the ā€œkindleā€ or the lick-of-a-finger as we thumb through the pages of a classic piece.
    So for our travelers out there, who love a good read no matter where they are in the world, and packing your favorite books, or knowing where the local library is, is not an option, here are a few hotels that will bring the books to you;
    1. Castle Hill Inn ā€“ Newport, R.I.
    2. Ivy Hotel ā€“ Baltimore, M.D
    3. The Chatwal (a Luxury Collection Hotel) – New York.
    4. Library Hotel ā€“ New York.
    5. St. Regis New York ā€“ New York.
    ā€œThese libraries help guests make a meaningful connection with their hotel,ā€ said Bobby Zur, who owns Travel Artistry, a consultancy in Franklin Lakes, N.J.
    ā€œBooks in your room are a counterrevolution to technology overload and are almost comforting for guests,ā€ he said. ā€œThey also give the properties a unique identity.ā€


  41. Kesso Diallo

    Kesso Diallo
    Prof. Duchamp
    NYT Article # 1

    In the article ā€œNew Hotel Checkout Time: Anytime You Wantā€ written by Charu Sur, talks about something new some hotels in different places are making changes for the check out policies. A Few hotels are now letting late check outs with its price and its a new app that permits a guest to choose any time they want to check out for example the hotel named Yotel. Being able to check out whatever time you want is better than someone making you leave at their own because because you may have things to do and not finish doing your business . Also you feel more comfortable because you can plan on where your going next or maybe pack some of your items that needed to be packed. However hotels such as Resorts , The Absalon & the Peninsula give you 24 hour to stay and leave whenever they feel.

  42. Kesso Diallo

    Kesso Diallo
    Prof. Duchamp
    NYT Article # 2

    ā€œAll- You- Can Fly, for a Monthly Subscription by Amy Zipkin ā€ introduces us to a new company called Rise. This company is new and its a plane company that gives riders unlimited plane flights 1,650 to 2,650 a month in particular cities in Texas. This plane ride will give free wifi and provide snacks and steward who will be at your service. However I think this will be a successful idea because people love to travel all around the world and if they start off like this its good. Instead of paying $500 for a plane ticket every time you need to travel , you have an unlimited ticket and just scan as you go.

  43. Kesso Diallo

    Kesso Diallo
    Prof. Duchamp
    NYT Article # 3

    This Article ā€œTouring The Dark Side Of Los Angelesā€ by Leslie Pariseau , is about tourism and the nice places around the world. The author talks about the touring Los Angeles, about the the death sites such as Peg Leap of death from H in 1932. Some people may not know what the city is all about ( whatā€™s behind it ) . For example when The hollywood sign was HollyWood Land ; Includes mansions , theaters and scary houses.

  44. Kesso Diallo

    Kesso Diallo
    Prof. Duchamp
    NYT Article # 4

    ā€œA Google View Of Elephantsā€ by Marsha Goncharova , tells you about the google street view image of a country in Africa called Kenya, this imagery tries to protect the elephants. The author describes how the Samburu Park help protect the elephants . Well first off by collaring meaning to label so they can be able to identify each elephant, secondly monitoring ; looking after them making sure everything is good, patrolling, rehabilitating and planning . However this is a good idea they came up with to save elephant lives because they estimated that annually 38,000 elephants are poached for the ivory.Then the ivor is shipped to East Africa, China & thailand , these elephants are one of the biggest animals alive as of now and we should not harm them.

  45. Kesso Diallo

    Kesso Diallo
    Prof. Duchamp
    NYT Article # 5

    According to this article ā€œJersey City Proposes Legislation to Legalize Airbnbā€ by Matt A.V. Chaban , Mayor Steven Fulop is trying to legalize services like Airbnb.If they do legalize these services they will start charging users the same 6 % hospitality tax that is being taxed on guests at regular hotels. This may be a good idea and to others it may not be because of the tax being imposed as if your in a hotel. The mayor stated that he hopes the tax generates between 6000,000 and higher.

  46. Erick T

    “Finding Vacation Deals with a Surprise Built in”
    Some people like to be spontaneous, and adventurous. With this in mind, companies and airlines such as Priceline, Hotwire, Virgin Australia, Air New Zealand, Germanwings, Voyages Traditours, Magical Mystery Tours, and many more, are offering discounted rates to unknown destinations. This means that you purchase a ticket, not knowing what destination you’re going to, and after it is paid for, it then tells you the destination you are going to. An example of this was a ticket to Mexico, again not knowing where you’re heading, the price for the ticket was around $700 per person. Staying at Riviera Maya in Mexico, you were worry free about where you were staying and the price of the plane ticket was included. This is a very neat idea, and adds a great twist in traveling, while in the meantime affordable.

  47. cecebezou

    Christine Delva
    “Tour and Food News: Cooking in Peru; New York Chefs Branch Out”

    Travelers can get a close to Peru and it heritage with the trip from South Americans travel specialist JourneYon. The trip begins and ends at Lima plus internal flight Cuzco. The Andean civilizations made up a loose patchwork of different cultures that developed from the highlands of Colombia to the Atacama
    Desert. They are mainly based on the cultures of Ancient Peru and some others such as Tiahuanaco. People who never visited Peru are familiar with its profoundly rich cultural heritage and the amazing Inca Empire. The astonishingly long history of the Andean culture is brought forth and center in this new tour, which, includes, but goes well beyond just visiting the famous sites such as the Machu Picchu. The Lima of Peruvian were you could traditional dance, music, horseback and etc. The travelers learn the importance of corn Andean agriculture and cooking lesson. The trip was about 2,000 per person which include variety of things: meals, entrance to the sights and flights. If I could have the opportunity I would have jump at it full force. Each New York chefs branching out bringing the modern dishes grown in French countryside is amazing. Travelers will be able to immerse into all of these aspects of the Andean culture as well as learn about one of the most important ways the indigenous people of the Andes carried on knowledge without a written word, by weaving iconography. Beautiful landscapes will be enjoyed on a horseback ride, while unique activities like salt harvesting, llama trekking and cooking lesson hosted by a local family make this a truly outstanding experience. Many of the festivals, rituals, and actual ways of life remain from pre-Columbian time. From traditional clothing to popular folk art expressions, and belief systems to ways of working and even cooking, Peru is full of customs that maintain the legacy of its ancient cultures. A single trip is not enough to discover all the wonders of Peru. Those are highlighting just a few magical places and experiences that must be lived and appreciated when you visit this country.

  48. Mariama Bah

    Travel Section Assignment #4 – Mariama Bah

    Spreading Love through locks? Justin Sablich informs us of the love lock epidemic that seems to be spreading past Paris and into other Cities. New York City’s Brooklyn Bridge being one of the many of the list. But these locks are posing risk and the cities aren’t liking them. After the removing of the love locks in June 1st on the Pont des arts bridge people have found other way to hang these locks all over Paris under bridges, garbage cans and even the eiffel tower. The resident’s of Paris aren’t to happy with this because they believe the locks can cause tons of damage and that the tourist should consider the impact it would cause on the people who live there. In order to fix this problem Paris is installing a permanent anti- reflective glass panels on the bridge and plans to do it on other bridges that have picked up the trend. But while Paris is finding ways to ban these locks from their bridges other people are accepting this trend. Vancouver has accepted this trend but only allows it in places where they believe there will be no damage. In the end some places accept it while other places want to initiate a ban on them. I personally feel like there is many ways to express your love for someone without causing a damage to the city but everyone has a different input on love so depending on where you live you may or may not be able to spread your love for your significant other through locks.

  49. Mariama Bah

    Travel Section Assignment #5 – Mariama Bah

    When touring big places such as Los Angeles, Las Vegas, NYC and etc. the first thing on a tourist mind is where are the famous deaths but Leslie Pariseau takes us to the Dark Side of Los Angeles in her travel article. Past the beautiful line Palm trees. shopping centers and delicious food there are tours offered in Los Angeles that takes you through the deaths of many people in LA. Creepy much? But it’s a good way to make a profit and attract tourist that want to find out the history even if it’s horrific murders important death. Some of the companyies like esotouric takes it passengers through the San Gabriel Valley to a Chateau where Phil Spector shot the actress Lana Clarkson and also shows them places that hold cold cases. Another company Dearly Departed caters to a more death with humor side. So if you plan on visit L:A and want to know all the in’s and out these two company are definitely the go to’s.

  50. Arian Florez

    Arian Florez
    HMGT 1101
    Prof. Duchamp

    NYT Article #1: With Help From Kickstarter, Chicago Gets a Museum That Relishes the Hot Dog
    By: Matt Beardmore

    This article talks about a museum called Foodseum that was opened up in Chicago as a result of a Kickstarter that raised over $33,000. In attempts to pay homage to the hot dog and its history in Chicago, they opened an exhibition that will run through December highlighting the history of hot dogs and the process by which they are made. The idea behind the exhibit is to get people more aware of the kinds of food that we eat, though I donā€™t believe their purpose is to focus on the health aspect of it. Also worthy of noting is that from October 1st through the 7th, the Chicago Park District came together with the 11 museums and 1 zoo on the property to host the first ever Chicago Museum Week.

    I like this article for numerous reasons, one of the major reasons being I find it pretty funny to pay homage to street foods such as hot dogs. Nevertheless if I had the opportunity to visit the exhibition, I definitely would even though Iā€™d likely keep away from hotdogs for a couple months. On a more serious note, I like that things like Kickstarter exist because it gives people that donā€™t necessarily have the economic means to support their ideas get to actually see them come into fruition. In terms of the inception of Chicago Museum Week, I hope that this continues as any time spent promoting education is time well spent. At the same time, it offers people something to do as well as an event people can plan a trip to Chicago.

  51. Arian Florez

    Arian Florez
    HMGT 1101
    Prof. Duchamp

    NYT Article #2: All You Can Fly, for a Monthly Subscription
    By: Amy Zipkin

    As the title suggests, This article is about a service called Rise that offers unlimited flights for a monthly fee. Membership ranges from $1,650 to $2,650 and offers scheduled flights within Texas between Austin, Dallas, Houston, and Midland. The target demographic for this service are wealthy business people that travel frequently for work. Interestingly enough, Rise doesnā€™t own any aircrafts, instead electing to lease them from charter companies. These planes seat 8 passengers and depart from private terminals. However, passengers connecting to different flights must pass through TSA prior to boarding. The company allows for passengers to arrive up to minutes before departure, they offer free parking, wifi, snacks, and a concierge to assist with connections.
    I found this interesting because itā€™s kind of like beating the traffic during rush hour. It makes sense that those with the means to make it happen would choose to elect a faster mode of transportation. Not to mention it is nice to see disruptors in a seemingly already dominated industry. For someone who has to travel frequently for whatever reason could find that a membership service such as Rise could help cut costs. The only downside from this as mentioned in the article, is that in the long term this business isnā€™t guaranteed success as rival airline companies could market against smaller companies like Rise. Furthermore, they would have to adjust the kinds of aircrafts that they use if they get more and more members. Otherwise they will find themselves running into capacity problems at peak times which could defeat the whole purpose of becoming a member in the first place.

  52. Mariama Bah

    Travel Section Assignment #6 – Mariama Bah

    Cereal all day? Two London restaurant have adapted to serving their customers a variety of cereal ALL DAY! In this article “At two London Restaurants, It’s All Cereal, All the Time” by Christine Ajudua she give us the details on two restaurants who have opened their restaurants with the intention of serving cereal all day. One of the places Cereal Killer Cafe has 120 boxed cereals lining the brick wall with 30 different types of milks and cocktails and they have VHS tapes playing shows like Care Bears and Friends, the environment itself makes you feel like a kid again. The second place called 26 Grains, where they serve Grain based dishes either hot or cold in various ways. I feel as though these restaurants will really take the restaurant industry to a whole new level because sure we have spots that serves breakfast all day but would you choose a spot that serves breakfast all day or a place that offers you many different cereals in many different ways with televisions playing you childhood shows all day. I’ll take Cereal All Day for $200 sir!

  53. Ambre Farrington

    “A Google View of Elephants”
    by Masha Goncharova

    Google street view has started a project called ‘Street View Imagery of Kenya’ which allows people all around the world to get a closer look at elephant life and spread awareness of the endangered species. Unlike most google street views, this Kenya project includes pop-ups with elephant facts that are specific to each animal you pass as you click the white arrows. For example, elephant families are given a theme, such as ‘Royals’, and each family member has a corresponding name (Elizabeth, Henry, Noor).

    I absolutely love this new feature and I think it is necessary for the conservation and protection of elephants. Unfortunately, we sometimes find it difficult to support a cause that doesn’t [seem] to directly affect us, which is why many organizations– especially those for research of terminal diseases– spend so much time raising awareness; those people who are not yet affected must be called to action by some kind of emotional appeal. This new feature provides that emotional appeal. People who are far removed from nature and wildlife (the majority of the western world) can now have a peek at the life of an endangered elephant and make a connection. That connection, however small it may be, can inspire people to think and act differently in matters concerning wildlife and may interest them in learning more. It may change the mind of a consumer who thinks having ivory hanging around their neck is more important than an elephant calf having its mother alive.

  54. Ambre Farrington

    “Driving Alaska’s Dalton Highway:
    Finding that there can be solace in solitude in a 400-mile drive on one of Americaā€™s loneliest roads.”
    By Alan Feuer

    There are only 3 “towns” along the 414 mile stretch of Dalton Highway, with no other places to eat, sleep or use a flushing toilet for at least seven hours of the 3 day trip. Since there really are no sites or attractions to speak of along this road, all anyone talks about while on the road is, the road. Dubbed the loneliest road in America, Dalton was made specifically for the building of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, which delivers oil from the northern slope (the town of Deadhorse) to, I assume, the rest of Alaska.

    Feuer’s spontaneous trip down Dalton came about because he was left alone for the first time in twenty years when his girlfriend took a trip to Europe without him. He found out along the way that being alone does not necessarily equate to being lonely. “If loneliness is the state of being aware of your aloneness, then solitude is different: To be solitary is to be inside yourself with no need for escape ā€” a separateness without the human ache of isolation (Feuer).” As someone who appreciates and requires alone time regularly, I am glad Feuer has learned the difference between being lonely and being alone. These two words are often used interchangeably but clearly do not have the same meaning.

    This article reminded me of one of my favorite poems written by William Wordsworth, I thought I’d share:

    I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

    I wandered lonely as a cloud
    That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
    When all at once I saw a crowd,
    A host, of golden daffodils;
    Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
    Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

    Continuous as the stars that shine
    And twinkle on the milky way,
    They stretched in never-ending line
    Along the margin of a bay:
    Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
    Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

    The waves beside them danced; but they
    Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
    A poet could not but be gay,
    In such a jocund company:
    I gazedā€”and gazedā€”but little thought
    What wealth the show to me had brought:

    For oft, when on my couch I lie
    In vacant or in pensive mood,
    They flash upon that inward eye
    Which is the bliss of solitude;
    And then my heart with pleasure fills,
    And dances with the daffodils.

  55. Joe

    Johandry Veras
    Perspectives in Hospitality Management
    Prof. Damien Duchamp
    November 10, 2015

    New York Times Travel section assignment #6 in the group HMGT 1101
    5 Headphones for the Frequent Flier
    Wearing the right set of headphones can make a trip, specially a air travel more enjoyable and comfortable. There are five great headphones that can help you to have a better flight. This article name them and explain how good they are and how they are different from regular headphones. One of my favorite is the Bose QuietComfort 20 Acoustic Noise canceling Headphones which is an in-air headphone that can shout out sound and have an awere button on the cord to turn off the noise-canceling feature. Another that amazed me is the N90Q, this is from AKG which personalize sound depending on the anatomy of the wearer, also help minimize air pressure and block noise. This one in particular surprised me also because of the price $1,499.99. To finalize with the five different headphones in the article also mentions the Soho, Solo2 Wireless, and Hi-fi Insider. I am not so crazy about these three because they are not so different like the first three i mentioned. these three are just flat and use bluetooth. I picked this topic because I am a very laid back person in some aspects. I never thought about these feature and benefits that a headphones can provide. I got to say that I will definitely will go to check them out because they sounds incredible.

  56. Daniella Martinez

    Daniella Martinez
    Prof. Duchamp
    N.Y.T. Travel Response

    Title: In Panama City, a restaurant that lives up to it’s name

    Carlos Alba who owns a restaurant in Panama city says that he would’ve never imagined or intended on having a restaurant that is living up to extraordinary expectations. The place was vacant for 30 years prior to owning the restaurant and the entire area was thick with vegetation. Things naturally appeared like papaya plants, cilantro, chiles..leaving a broad variety on menu specialties. Carlos Alba expects that within two or three years the garden will be able to fulfill most of their produce needs. This is a really great outcome specially for someone who wasn’t expecting it. Mr. Alba has a huge imagination when it comes to creative foods. The restaurant is known for it’s majestic, peculiar food combinations. Mr. Alba likes to rearrange throughout the 11 courses to create flavors that are new. It is very important to have a creative mind when owning a food business. There are so many different possibilities to create different types of dishes from sources that are unusual and that’s the magic involved with cooking. The interior of the restaurant is also very appealing an d all of that counts. People love to see new things specially when it stands out.

  57. clotilda

    Clotilda Hamilton
    Prof. Duchamp
    N.Y.T Travel Response

    Title: A $1,000 Day in New York City for $100. By Seth Kiel November 4th.

    In this article I found many interesting things I could do in a day with a budget of $100 in Lower Manhattan below 14th street. ln this article, Seth Kiel gave two options. The high priced option and the low priced option when it came to where to have breakfast, where to have lunch, where to have dinner, he also gave a list of options when it came to shopping and sightseeing. He had very knowledgeable friends when it came to where to eat but, I I’d most likely take the high priced options when it came to breakfast and dinner. For lunch, “Le District”. For the entertainment, the low priced jazz option “Arthur’s Tavern” sounded very interesting especially because people could get a little flack for using cellphones, I love it. In all I loved this article and there are many places that I would to experience.

  58. Erick T

    Erick Tecuatl
    Nytimes: Driving Alaskas Dalton Highway

    This article is interesting, due to the fact that there exists a road, so lonely that it’s actually dangerous to navigate through the road. The road is called Dalton Highway, which is approximately 414 miles and for 240 miles there are no gas stations, cell reception, restaurants, hospitals, and even hotels of any sort. This means you actually be prone to starvation, hyperthermia, or even fatigue if your gas runs out or your tire goes flat. Being stuck on that road means trouble, and you better hope that you have enough gas or a spare tire through this road. The scenery is nice though, so you have that going for you.

  59. London

    HMGT 1101: Prof Duchamp

    NYT: Travel Article, by Paulette Powell

    The True Heart of French Seaside Chic
    By Alexandra Marshall

    Nov. 9, 2015

    ā€œLet the partiers keep the Riviera. Just a few hundred miles to the west sits the alluring little island of Ǝle de RĆ©, and its unspoiled pastures and vineyards.ā€ (Marshall, 2015)

    This hidden jewel, was once upon-a-time the home for the out-of-town elite, and now lends itself to folks such as, ex-prime minister Lionel Jospin fashion designer, Sonia Rykiel, and many more Thereā€™s nothing better when you can seamlessly mesh, ā€œvintageā€ with ā€œcontemporaryā€ styles. Not just indoors, but outdoors.
    These sandy, cobblestoned streets are laced with a variety of mismatched cottage style homes (now hotels), some built back in the 19th century. This undiscovered Parisian beach getaway, was able to retain its original beauty for so long, simply, because it was not connected to the mainland until 1988, where it is now protected under Franceā€™s ecological & architectural preservation.

    This is a great example of how past meets present, and the needs for the modern day traveler can still be met, without having to even go to a local museum for a history lesson, when in actuality you get the opportunity to LIVE it, through these elegant little cottages, that house only 10ā€™s of rooms, verses 100ā€™s, like their franchise counterparts.

    Who wouldnā€™t want to visit and explore, this quaint town, where time elegantly stood still?

    How much would you care if you didnā€™t have, ā€œWifi?ā€

    For the true travel, not a care in the world, and for the rest of us, we have to learn what it really means to ā€œenjoyā€ travel.

    This is a place that shouldnā€™t be missed!

    Marshall, A. (2015, Nov 9). NY Times Tavel Section. Retrieved from New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/09/t-magazine/travel-france-seaside-island-ile-de-re.html?rref=collection%2Fsectioncollection%2Ftravel&action=click&contentCollection=travel&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=sectionfr

  60. Kunle Kernizan

    HMGT 1101
    Kunle Kernizan

    Can a Trip ever be Authentic
    This article describes the idea authenticity in travel. The author describes people traveling to different places and finding that they have become more modern. The author describes traveling to Oman and finding Chinese restaurants that are staffed and frequented by Indians and traveling to Yemen and feeling that he was in a place that had not changed in anyway since the time of Muhammad that the cars played la cucaracha and people sent all their time hanging out in internet cafes he lost this feeling. Conversely his wife who is from Japan is disappointed when she found a Vietnamese restaurant in Orange country and Ethiopian markets in Washington DC.
    He then describes the authenticity that he and many travelers are looking for are really fantasies that they developed in their minds. He describes how this was always the case with travelers it has become an even bigger deal now because people can see any place on TV or the internet anytime they want. He then describes how tour guides are trying to be even more authentic for instance building hotels that look like traditional villages and fake tribal dances in Bali. He then compares this situation to a 19th century French naval officer named Pierre Loti who complained about the city of Nagasaki not having a Japanese feeling and mentioned his friends in the modern age saying the same thing.
    The author is describing the ways in which reality does not always match up with what people excepted. Many places in the developing world for instance have changed a great and may not meet certain exceptions that travelers may have from older travel documents. Westerners are surprised to go to places like southern Arabia and finding things that are common to their countries and the authors wife was shocked by immigrant influences in the USA such as Vietnamese and Ethiopian restaurants in California and Washington DC. This shows that this is universal feeling that travelers feel when they come to a place but find that it is different than what they expected it to be.


  61. Victoria A. Gaston

    Travel Section Assignment – Victoria A. Gaston

    Seth Kugelā€™s ā€œA $1000 Day in New York City for $100ā€ article in the NY Times travel section is schooling us on how to save our big buckets in our highly expensive city of New York! I must say, this is definitely a good read for those who usually go all out on food and activities in New York City. As a New Yorker, from my perspective, youā€™ll usually find ways to budget yourself, often coming across bargains within the city. Kugels article compares the High and Low pricings for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, art, shopping, sightseeing and jazz thatā€™s in New York City. The Highs that are being compared are based on his listening from Kayla Passon, describing a $1000 day in New York City, particularly in downtown Manhattan. Passon gives her advice on where to go for those few things in New York City, giving details on location and what they offer and how much. In this article, her suggestions are considered High spending compared to the suggestions Kugel gives, such as, for breakfast, Passon will have ā€œtiered stand of house salmon, with onions, tomatoes, cucumbers and capers, bagels on the side and coffee at Sadelleā€™s, an upscale New York deli, for $25 including tip.ā€ As oppose to Kugel who will have the same quality at Murrayā€™s Cheese Shop, ā€œmolten fontina, crisp Nueskeā€™s smoked bacon, and a free-range egg tucked inside an English muffin for $6.52; with tap-water-filled bottle.ā€ All good quality foods, yet Kugel was able to find the most reasonable price for pretty much the same thing Passon suggested; he also probably had more on his plate than she did!
    I believe that for those who insist on visiting New York, or for those who already are New Yorkers, you must learn how to find the best deals on things in the city. Donā€™t immediately buy something because thatā€™s the first one out of a thousand you find, price everything, youā€™ll be very surprised what you will come across. But for those who do want the very best at itā€™s high cost, I guess you can go for it, but youā€™ll definitely be losing money that can be saved!

  62. Mariama Bah

    Travel Section Assignment #7 – Mariama Bah

    “Choosing a Vacation Mystery Trip” written by Stephanie Rosenbloom gives us an insight on booking a mystery vacation. There are two options either you choose the destination and the hotel is a surprise or the destination is revealed until a few days before departure and then you can choose a hotel. Pretty neat huh? The way it works is the clients are asked some questions to help find them places that best fit them. Cheapcarribean.com being one of the companies that offer this deal recently introduced a program called seas the deal. This deal allows you to book upscale places for less, you are allowed to choose the location and the hotel is a surprise. They believe by focusing on why your traveling instead of where plays a “therapeutic role.” I feel as though this method is worth it especially if the prices are decent because a lot of people want to travel but they pick places that are very common or was referred by a word of mouth but end up staying at common hotels and not really taking in the scenary, whereas if your place is picked for you, you get told what you should pack and it gives you that feel that everything is being handled for you, you just have to provide the money and you will appreciate the vacation a lot more.

  63. Daniella Martinez

    Daniella Martinez
    N.Y.T. Travel Section Summary
    Prof. Duchamp
    Title: Bear Watching in the Smokies

    This interesting article speaks of a lodging resort in North Carolina which is deciding to charge for the exposition of black bears since right now all they do is eat and sustain themselves until hibernation season is over. It will be taking place during Thanksgiving week, which fall on days 22-28 of November. Instead of focusing on turkey for Thanksgiving, this lodging system will have another animal to focus on which is kind of rare but still appealing. I think it’s such a cute idea to have the opportunity to view these animals. It’s like a last goodbye until the next year. Hopefully, it’s still around for next year. It’s ideal for a family vacation specially one with kids. I believe kids are the main target here because people know that animals fascinate kids, so it seemed as if this were a clever tactic to appeal to families with kids. The lodge is placed near Waynesville in the great smoky mountains. There will be a host whose name is Michael Pelton and he has studied the North American bear since 1968. It’s always interesting to learn something new specially facts about black bears.

  64. Joe

    Johandry Veras
    Perspectives in Hospitality Management
    Prof. Damien Duchamp
    November 17, 2015

    New York Times Travel section assignment #8 in the group HMGT 1101
    In the New York Times, The article ā€œWhat the Travelers Can Expect from Paris,ā€ Vora talks about flights, hotels, and of course travelers. I picked this article because it is obvious what is the traveling main focus on these days. According to the article all the airlines are being flexible with their customers, giving them an non fee option to change their flight date and destination. for example American Airline is giving free change of date and destination for tickets purchased for these days: November 16 to 22 and their customers can change it any day before December 15. Another very important effect happening in Paris is the hotels reservations. Hotels like the Hilton Worldwide is waving that has six property in Paris is waving reservation cancellations. This terrorist attack is impacting the tourism in Paris and France because now people are afraid of going there. Hopefully this will change soon and everything will be normal again.

  65. Ambre Farrington

    Striving to Make Travel Truly Pet-Friendly
    By: Charu Suri

    Melissa Halliburton created the website bringfido.com to assist travelers who prefer to bring their pets along for the trip. The site provides a directory of places and hotels that are truly pet friendly, provide activities for pets as well as people and other pet-specific amenities. Her book, “Ruff Guide to the United States” also lists places to stay with a dog. I think this is a great new service, many people do travel (or attempt to travel) with their pets so I see this aspect of the travel industry growing in the future.
    Pets can also develop separation anxiety when their guardians leave for extended periods of time so I would encourage pet owners to take them along if its feasible. I would probably use the website if I had pets.

  66. Ambre Farrington

    Hotels Offer Variations on an Afternoon Tea Theme
    By: Shivani Vora

    Some hotels have recently changed their afternoon tea menus to incorporate new culinary trends and break with tradition. Normally scones and tiny sandwiches are served at ‘high tea’, however, guests can now enjoy various wines and champagnes with gluten free scones, bacon scones and mini pork pies. Some chefs also provide some variation of their own cultural foods, such as, chocolate churros and Indian-spiced chickpeas on naan bread.
    I like the idea of afternoon tea as a social event, but it seems like much ado about nothing at these high end hotels. I wouldn’t pay $70 for a scone and glass of wine even if I could afford it. That seems wildly unnecessary. I’m happy with my tea and crackers at home.

  67. Ambre Farrington

    Travel Alert or No, Many in U.S. Are Determined to Go Places for Thanksgiving
    By: Julie Bosman, Richard PƩrez-PeƱa, Emma G. Fitzsimmons and Jad Mouawad

    “I think people are refusing to be terrorized” -George Hobica (founder of airfarewatchdog.com).
    I agree, and I think its wonderful that American citizens have faith in the security of their country with continuing terror threats. I thought the recent attacks (and planned attacks) would certainly deter people from traveling for the holidays, but most Americans decided seeing family and loved ones was more important and worth the risk. One man said ‘whatever happens, happens’. I believe this to be a popular sentiment as well.
    I was a bit surprised my family wanted to travel, especially my mother. Of course security was heightened, especially at airports. I would have been alarmed to see police in the airport with shotguns and rifles. I can only imagine what the children must have thought.
    It seems Americans will continue to travel in spite of bombings, hijackings and planes disappearing without a trace. But no one wants to put their life on hold for terrorism, and they shouldn’t.

  68. Daniella Martinez

    Daniella Martinez
    Prof. Duchamp

    Title: Cruise and Air Travel News: JetBlue Streaming

    Surprisingly, the Airline named JetBlue has been working with Amazon to introduce an unlimited video streaming on more than 150 plane that are equipped with Wi-Fi. People who have a 2-year subscription have access to thousands of movies at no additional cost. And as for other fliers, they have access to rent or buy movies the day after they’ve aired. This is a really great combo because honestly, who wouldn’t want to watch movies on a long air ride? I think it was really clever and it’s fascinating news for those who love to travel. It is rare to watch a good show on plane so it’s pretty interesting the way both companies will be working hand in hand. They’re also trying to install high-speed internet service, but the outcome will be known in 2016. I can’t wait to see how this works out, specially since my dad loves to travel and sometimes I get the opportunity to travel with him so I might be able to get the chance of traveling and figuring out if it actually works out.

  69. Arian Florez

    Arian Florez
    HMGT 1101
    Prof. Duchamp

    ā€œDip in Tourism After Most Attacks is Short-Lived, Study Saysā€
    By Jad Mouawad

    This article talks about the attacks on Paris have affected the travel industry and how many people were cancelling flights and hotel reservations in the wake of all the mayhem. There was also a drop off in reservations for the coming months as travelers are clearly still weary of the state of France. France was the largest tourist destination last year with 84 million foreign travelers, which accounted for approximately 9% of their economy. The study that was conducted found that on average, it takes about 13 months for tourism to recover after a terrorist attack and about 24 months after an environmental attack. Those conducting the study are confident that Paris will once again become a tourist hotspot in the coming weeks in part because the city is so alluring and large cities like Madrid were able to bounce back after terror attacks. This isnā€™t always the case though as Tunisia has been plagued with bombings which have crippled its tourism industry beyond reparation.
    I found this article interesting because I feel like there are opportunists that would use the attacks on Paris to their advantage. Obviously what happened is tragic and one can only hope these kinds of things will stop happening, but there is a positive for those that choose to travel to Paris anytime soon. There is a safety risk but itā€™s likely that airlines were offering reduced airfare for flights that werenā€™t cancelled. I feel that the study talks about the dip in tourism as short term because even if there are some people unwilling to travel due to safety, there are always those that are willing because of a price drop.
    At the same time, I wonder how this is gonna play out for the people in France that work in the hospitality field. If too many people decide against traveling, that could potentially mean people losing their jobs. I do agree with the article in that whatever the result of these attacks, France will recover from this quickly as they are a strong developed nation with a rich history that draws in visitors dying to set their eyes on the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and other monuments.

  70. gaozhigang

    Travel Section Assignment- Zhigang Gao

    In Miami, the Brainy Side of the Beach by ELAINE GLUSAC (NOV. 26, 2015)

    Elaine Glusac by her article ā€œIn Miami, the Brainy Side of the Beachā€ points out Miami Beachā€™s great places of interest which are not yet known to all of us. After reading it, I started to surprise why I havenā€™t heard about them before, especially museum of the streets. Usually I get used to see drawings on the walls of the buildings some of them make me feel scared, but these street museums are not frightening, meaning that you can get pleasure once you look at them.

    For instance, Mr. Goldman Properties gave a chance to ā€œartists to decorate more of its 30 buildings rigorous in about 20 vibrant blocksā€ and they made amazing job. As the tour guide said their production can be compared with meccaā€™s graffiti. Thatā€™s a good comparison which shows how cared and loved are these graffiti.

  71. Erick T

    Erick Tecuatl
    NyTImes Summary
    “Travel Alert or No, Many in U.S are Determined to Go Places for Thanksgiving”

    It is obvious that after the attacks in Paris, the security in airports would increase. What was not obvious, or even expected is that people would have begun to cancel their flights, and flights would have, or should have decreased. But, in fact people are nervous, but confident about flying. Over thanksgiving, the number of people flying stayed arround the same, if not increased. It doesn’t mean that people aren’t worried though. After several interviews, it was determined that people are a lot more cautious about flying, avoiding large crowds and touring popular spots. Flights to Paris and Brussels have not decreased. With this in mind, tourism around the world is not shaken up, and people remain strong despite the looming danger or the Islamic State. Airport security increased, which meant that the lines were longer and more time consuming.

  72. Joe

    Johandry Veras
    Prof. D. Duchamp
    December 1, 2015
    HGMT 1101
    New York Times, Traveling Assignment
    Going over the Traveling section in nytimes.com, I crossed with this article ā€œLawyer is Refused to Boarding on La Guardia Flight After Revolving-Door Mix-Upā€ (2015). I got shocked reading this article. Mr. Abtahi who is a lawyer in Texas was traveling through Virgen America Airline and the crew in the plane did not allow him to board, instead they closed the door literally right in front of him. He got upset and of course tried to complain and request to be explained. The airline in general said that it was just a misunderstanding from both sides and that they apology for this such a terrible experience that Mr. Abtahi received. Trying to cover this incident the airline offered to return the money of his flight and give him two free flight for the future. Of course Mr. Abtahi did not take the flights. I think this is a very bad customer service that happens a lot within airline at airports. This airline can warranted that they have lost a customer already.

  73. Arian Florez

    Arian Florez
    HMGT 1101
    Prof. Duchamp

    ā€œā€˜Star Warsā€™ Fever Extends to an Ancient Irish Islandā€
    By Lucinda Hahn

    This article talks about a relatively unknown island called Skellig Michael. This island is located off the west coast of a tiny fishing village called Portmagee. People visit this island by renting boats and making their way to the island. The island is rich in history as monks previously constructed a huge monastery that could only be reached by climbing 618 steep stone steps. The reason there is a sudden attraction towards this island is because of speculation of the role it will play in the upcoming Star Wars movie. In 2014, the island was met with tons of producers, film crew, and actors such as Mark Hamill, the actor that plays Luke Skywalker.While the role that this island will play in the movie is unclear, our predictions will be confirmed when the film releases on December 18th of this year.
    I found this article to be enjoyable because Iā€™m a fan of the Star Wars franchise and the release of this movie should be very successful. I like that they chose to incorporate a real location as opposed to just generating everything electronically. It is comforting to know that locations like this still exist in their raw and beautiful forms. One can only hope that the additional tourism that the island will generate wonā€™t take away from its authenticity and history. The inclusion of this site in the movie should prove beneficial for tourism because Star Wars has such a large fan base and because of ecotourists that want to take in the sights. This would be reaffirmed if the plans to include the site in the sequel to the Star Wars movie go through. Overall, Iā€™m just excited to watch the movie and if that means learning about beautiful places around the world in the process, so be it!

  74. cecebezou

    RE: Striving to Make Travel Truly Pet- Friendly

    Traveling with pets internationally can be much more challenging than domestic travel with pets because of long waiting periods, quarantine requirements and other importation regulations. If you are considering traveling internationally with your pet, it’s important to begin planning way ahead of your intended time of travel. Proper planning will help better prepare you and your pet for the trip, lessen the stress on both of you and provide realistic expectations of international pet travel. You will need to know the basic requirements for that particular country, regardless of the method of transport. International pet travel requirements can vary country to country but will most likely mandate certain vaccinations and a veterinary health certificate. In this article I read, Melissa Halliburtonā€™s inspiration for creating a global resource for travelers with pets in tow came from personal experience. After graduating, she wanted to take a road proved to be a challenge in the Boston metropolitan area where she lived. ā€œI called several hotels and even though signs said ā€˜pet friendlyā€™ much of the information was incorrect,ā€ she lamented. Her solution was BringFido.com, a site with detailed information on hotels, restaurants and events across over 14,000 cities in 91 countries that allowed pet-friendly travel around. The company estimates that over 30 percent of pet owners in the United States now regularly bring their companions on family vacations, weekend getaways and even business trips and there are 365 places to stay with a dog. It has stated Europe makes traveling with pets a lot easier. Even restaurants there will welcome dogs, but, thankfully, changes are a foot in America. More airports now have pet-service areas, and hotel brands like Kempton and Loews are catering to four-paw types with canine spa services and even in-room pet menus. There are limited options for safely transporting pets by air. Traveling by train is an area for improvement, but Amtrak is currently testing pet-friendly carriages in four markets. That option will hopefully expand nationwide. Some pets cannot handle travel because of illness, injury, age or temperament. If your pet is not good with travel, you should consider a reliable pet-sitter or talk to your veterinarian about boarding facilities in your area. If you are taking your pet across state or international borders, a health certificate is required. The health certificate must be signed by a veterinarian after your pet has been examined and found to be free of disease. Your pet’s vaccinations must be up to date in order for the health certificate to be completed. For more information on the types of injuries of transported pets, visit the Department of Transportation’s consumer report page. Scroll down to the last page for animal incidents. The reports are by month and year.

  75. gaozhigang

    NYT reaction assignment-Zhigang Gao
    Where to Shop in Romeā€™s Campo Marzio by SHIVANI VORA (NOV. 25, 2015)

    The article written by Shivani Vora gives a spectacular view of shopping stores of Romeā€™s Campo Marzio neighborhood. While following the lines of the article, I got a desire to be there and see these stores in fresh. The list of fashion, blanket, perfume stores, and even the store for dedicated to cats and dogs arouse my interest toward knowing more about them.

    The most attractive point of this description is there exists the store for cats and dogsā€™ fashion clothes. ā€œā€¦accessories like a leopard-print bodysuit, a gold-studded beige collar, a dog bed with an army camouflage pattern and colorful drinking bowlsā€ give the owners of pets a great chance to dress up their pets due to their desire, taste and imagination. Because usually owners have to order clothes for their pets online or ask a tailor to make clothes for pets. Visiting this store

  76. Victoria A. Gaston

    Travel Section Assignment ā€“ Victoria A. Gaston
    Chef Nuno Mendes, owner of Taberna do Mercado has caught many eyes recently due to the Portuguese style menu he serves! Located in East Londonā€™s Old Spitalfields Market, youā€™ll find a little Portuguese style tavern seated for forty with additional tables and a charcoal grill outside. Author of ā€œIn London, Portuguese Fare, Served With a Twistā€, Edward Schneider, took time to visit Taberna to try all the delicate foods that people seemed to be yearning for. He describes the menu at Taberna, it being divided into snacks, cheese, cured meats, house-tinned fish, small plates, sandwiches and desserts. Schneider in his words refers to Mendes cooking as ā€œvivid, high-class cooking.ā€
    This article described the Portuguese style dishes that are being served in East London, which began this year back in May. From what I read, it seems to be a welcomed new style of food and culture that people canā€™t get enough of. I wouldnā€™t mind traveling to taste the exciting dishes on Tabernas menu. Hopefully this small venue continues to be successful!

  77. London

    HMGT 1101: Professor D. Duchamp (By Paulette Powell)

    The Lastest on Marriott and Starwood Reward Programs
    Travel Section / In Transit:
    Article by Elaine Glusac ā€“ November 18th 2015

    The recent worldwide merger, between the Marriott International and the Starwood Hotels and Resorts, is not a surprising one. The Marriott is obviously the stronger of the two franchises, and was bound to happen at some point.

    Although mergers of this magnitude do take an obscene amount of time to complete its integration of staff and services, with a minimal hiccups along the way, it only comes with the territory. What works wonderfully for both of their guests (Marriottā€™s 54 million) & (Starwoodā€™s 21 million), is that both companies offer very worthy reward plans, and you can only image what rewards or specialty points program that they will continue to offer them, to maintain their loyalty.

    **Remember: They canā€™t downsize on what is currently being offered. It can and must only get better. The Marriot has to now tantalize the Starwood guests and make them Marriot loyal.
    Great for business, if done in an effective, efficient and enticing way. Major bonus for the guests!


  78. Mariama Bah

    Travel Section Assignment #8 – Mariama Bah

    Google does it again they take an idea that’s already been done and makes it their own but better Stephanie Rosenbloom tells us all about Googles new wave of offline maps in her article “With Google’s offline maps, getting around gets cheaper” Stephanie breaks down how Google has found new ways to help people get around a lot easier even without a mobile network or WiFi. It’s as simple as it sounds while you’re on WiFi you download a specific area that you will be exploring or want to explore and off you go its will give your turn by turn navigation with sound without WiFi i mean where can you go wrong with that. Whether its the streets of Brooklyn or a back alley of Toronto if you download the map google will help you get there. I feel as though this is huge for google because a lot of third party apps have offline map features but with everyone already using google maps this is a huge approach and it will make our lives easier then having to stop at a place with WiFi just to get to where you need to go

  79. Mariama Bah

    Travel Section Assignment #9 – Mariama Bah

    The article “Wanted:More Women on Slopes” by Elaine Gulsac lets us know that Men aren’t the only men on the slopes anymore. Recently after doing research they have come to the realization that more women are getting on the slopes after having a lot of activities and classes for the children. Multiple Ski Resorts up in Colorado have done their research as to why a lot of women were dropping their ski classes and they came to the conclusion that once the mother’s drop of the kids at the Ski classes the other classes have already begun to change this they changed up the way they offered the classes, hired female instructors to teach the classes and made in into small classes to give the mothers that undivided attention. I feel as though this is a great way to get women involved in a “MAN” sport. They already are traveling to the resorts to drop off the kids so why not take a couple lesson themselves. It’s a great approach and I approve.

  80. London

    HMGT 1101: Professor D. Duchamp (By Paulette Powell)

    NYT Article: How to Eat on a Budget While Traveling
    Travel Section / Frugal Traveler
    Article by Seth Krugal ā€“ June 24th 2015

    When people travel to major cities around the world, they always worry about whether theyā€™ll like the local fare, or what it will cost them to stay fed, and fed well. First, if youā€™re a frequent visitor or new to the place, and hungry! Ask the locals, even with a language barrier, everyone knows a hungry face when they see one. ļŠ
    Asking a local is bound to get you to a place, where you can eat something good, that tastes like mamaā€™s home cooking at the fraction of the cost of a moderate/fine dine restaurant would cost. How about going to the local markets, where fresh home baked goodies await.
    If youā€™re feeling adventurous, food trucks have gone global, so look around as you tour, and donā€™t forget the roadside vendors. They can be found in just about any country you visit, especially around the tourist zones.
    Another hot tip about eating cheap! Snack throughout the day and save one time in the day where you can splurge on yourself, and go gourmet. Your tummy will love you and so will your wallet!

    Oh, and donā€™t forget to fill up on water before each meal. You stay full and spend lessā€¦LOL!


  81. London

    Prof D. Duchamp: HMGT 1101 (By Paulette Powell)

    Finding Cheap Flights and more on Black Friday
    Travel Section / The Getaway
    November 16, 2015: By Stephanie Rosenbloom

    Thanksgiving, traditionally is the time of year that weā€™re supposed to, ā€œGive Thanks!ā€ If we are all such smart and savvy shoppers on ā€œBlack Friday through Cyber Monday,ā€ then who says it should stop there. Who knew that travel could be so cheap too? So, why not buy a heavily discounted trip for you or a loved one. Whether youā€™re just buying the airfare or an entire package deal, this would be the best time of year to book a bargain trip.

    Checking out sites like, Expedia, Cheaper Tickets, and Travelosity, will give you a vast selection to choose from. Donā€™t forget! The hotels are also cashing in on this idea, by offering great discounts of up to 25% off, with hotels and resorts like, Starwood (Rosenbloom, 2015). Donā€™t waste or give up opportunities like these. Start shopping for next year!

    Rosenbloom, S. (2015, November 16). Travel Section / The Getaways. Retrieved from New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/22/travel/black-friday-cyber-monday-cheap-flights.html?rref=collection%2Fcolumn%2Fthe-getaway&action=click&contentCollection=travel&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=3&pgtype=collection

  82. Victoria A. Gaston

    Travel Section Assignment ā€“ Victoria A. Gaston
    In the NYT travel section, the article ā€œTulumā€™s Original Boutique Hotel, Updatedā€ by Whitney Robinson, shares information on the few new things the Coqui Coqui hotel has added to attract guest. The Coqui Coqui has decided to keep its image, still having an old island like setting for the hotel, but because many new hotels are opening and the many other luxuries that are being offered at other hotels nearby, Coqui Coqui felt it best to do the same. The added a perfume shop, and a little boutique shop where you can by all your beach equipment, as well as have cotton sheets and still keeping the mosquito netted beds around.
    I honest believe that this hotel is a beautiful hotel, but with the little renovating and the little things that were added to the hotel wonā€™t keep it open in my opinion. Itā€™s competing against other major hotels that have swimming pools and air conditioning, and room service, things they do not offer, things that most travelers are looking to have while on vacation. Their ideas are cute but definitely not the best business move in my opinion. How can you possibly compete with other resorts and hotels that are offering those types of luxurious additions when yoju arfent willing to do the same or even offer a beter experience? In this generation people arenā€™t interested in being in the heat all day long people want entertainment and activities. The Coqui Coqui is a nice little space to probably experience for a day otherwise I donā€™t see how the hotel can survive now that it has big competition heading its way.

  83. Victoria A. Gaston

    Travel Section Assignment ā€“ Victoria A. Gaston (Edited)
    In the NYT travel section, the article ā€œTulumā€™s Original Boutique Hotel, Updatedā€ by Whitney Robinson, shares information on the few new things the Coqui Coqui hotel has added to attract guest. The Coqui Coqui has decided to keep its image, still having an old island like setting for the hotel, but because many new hotels are opening and the many other luxuries that are being offered at other hotels nearby, Coqui Coqui felt it best to do the same. The added a perfume shop, and a little boutique shop where you can by all your beach equipment, as well as have cotton sheets and still keeping the mosquito netted beds around.
    I honest believe that this hotel is a beautiful hotel, but with the little renovating and the little things that were added to the hotel wonā€™t keep it open in my opinion. Itā€™s competing against other major hotels that have swimming pools and air conditioning, and room service, things they do not offer, things that most travelers are looking to have while on vacation. Their ideas are cute but definitely not the best business move in my opinion. How can you possibly compete with other resorts and hotels that are offering those types of luxurious additions when you arenā€™t willing to do the same or even offer a better experience? In this generation people arenā€™t interested in being in the heat all day long people want entertainment and activities. The Coqui Coqui is a nice little space to probably experience for a day otherwise I donā€™t see how the hotel can survive now that it has big competition heading its way.

  84. cecebezou

    Re: In London, Portuguese Fare, Served with a twist?

    Chef Nuno Mendes was born in Lisbon and was taught and trained in the United States. His London restaurants made him very famous especially for the most recent one called Tabena dĆ² Mercado in East Conlon’s. The restaurant was very small place seating up forty people. He made it look as Portuguese tavern but too fancy. The food he served were eyes of imagination of how good it was dividing into snacks, cheese, curved meat and tinned fish. In May, he did a big changes regarding the seafood department. By providing and creating different seafood that compose with different condiments. Several dishes such as cod, cuttle fish, and pork that Portuguese dishes served by Mendes. Yet London would be surprise if a country could muster such elegant flavor to be high class cooking. All customers begin with turnoverds whether its one order or two compare to one plate of Taberna savoy dish. Why I is that still going on no one knows just have observe and keep look out for new things.

  85. Daniella Martinez

    Daniella Martinez
    Prof. Duchamp
    N.Y.T. Travel Section

    Title: Finding the perfect gift for every type of traveler

    Everyone loves receiving gifts, especially for the holidays. But sometimes it becomes hard trying to figure out what to get for those who love to travel. Although every trip has four components, which include preparing to go entertaining yourself during your journey, making the most out of our destination and remembering it all when we come home. And according to these categories it, we can figure out what is essential when traveling. The first one on the list is a lightweight leather tote which is essential to store our belongings when traveling. The second one on the list is an atomic field watch which is a pretty cool because it sets back the time according to the country you’re traveling to. The third one on the list is a luggage tag, we don’t want our luggage to go missing, right? The fourth one on the list is an extended first-aid kit, which I highly believe should be in everyone’s travel list. It is super ideal to consider the following when traveling to other countries and who knows maybe for Christmas, you might be receiving one in the mail.

  86. Ambre Farrington

    36 Hours in Oakland, California
    By: Freda Moon

    Oakland is located across from San Francisco, divided by the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge and water. There is a lot of art in this city; Etsy-like shops, old theaters, even one of the book stores showcases its items in art gallery form. It is a very diverse city, offering lots of cultural cuisine fusions and seems to be fond of the juxtaposition of old and new, a revival style.
    One of few circus schools in the US, Trapeze Arts is located in Oakland as well. It was founded in 1994 and some of its students have gone on to perform with Cirque du SoleilĀ andĀ Ringling Bros.Ā and BarnumĀ &Ā BaileyĀ Circus. I really enjoy Cirque performances, this is the only circus I attend; I stopped attending animal circuses in middle school.
    Apparently, lodging is pretty scarce in Oakland, and the few scattered hotels are not cheap (Joie de Vivreā€™s Waterfront Hotel starts at $209/night).
    The ā€œattractionā€ that stands out most to me is the Frederick Law Olmsted-designed Mountain View Cemetery, which is designed to look more like a park than a burial ground. Iā€™m more accustomed to seeing cemeteries packed with tombstones and gated off from the surrounding area. This cemetery, however, is spacious and is enclosed by trees, which cut it off from the city skyline and probably make the visit a lot more peaceful for mourners as well as passersby.

  87. Kunle Kernizan

    HMGT 1101
    Kunle Kernizan

    Tubingen Germany
    The Kugel is describing his re naturalization into the country of Germany. Kugel’s father was a refugee from the Nazi regime and describes how he could have easily gained a German passport but simply no one in his family had any reason too. Kugel traveled to Tubingen Germany and stays at an Air b’n’b. While he was at the house he chose to stay in this location as opposed to his early trips in college where he went to several different towns and other historical sites. He then muses about Syrians refugees and the indifference that the locals have toward his re naturalization. The writer also describes how he injured himself but got free medical care from the German government. He also talked to his doctor in the USA and he chose to take the American Doctors advice because he feels more American.
    This article describes someone returning to their ancestral home country and finding that it isn’t insanely interesting. The writer basically says that while he traveled to country that he technically had become a citizen of he was still American and that Germany had developed culturally on its own in the last 79 years. When he talks to Tubingen citizen about becoming a German again they don’t care that much and even he thinks it is more of a luxury, comparing his lot with Syrian refugees who are being assimilated into Germany now who need such things. In a way he is still both a German and a New Yorker because he spends way more time talking about the price of food than any kind of connection he feels with this country.


  88. Kesso Diallo

    Kesso Diallo
    Prof. Duchamp
    N.Y.T 5 Travel Section

    Article ; On Dominica, A Carnival Celebration As it Was Meant To Be
    Iā€™m the article, the author talks about choosing to go to Dominica a very small island. Nowadays, most of the Caribbean islands have lost their traditions and heritage when it comes to Carnival, but in Dominica the people pride themselves on their authenticity of their culture. ā€ The island prides itself on a carnival that stays true to its 18th ā€“ century roots: a European pretty lent bacchanal, co-opt ed by slaves mimicking the French and British colonizers and infusing the festivities with west African folklore.ā€ Dominica is one of the most beautiful islands in the Caribbean. Itā€™s lush and green with 365 fresh water rivers. I would love to visit for the carnival.

  89. Kesso Diallo

    Kesso Diallo
    Prof. Duchamp
    N.Y.T 6 Travel Section

    Title: Cruise and Air Travel News: JetBlue Streaming
    JetBlue has been working with Amazon to introduce an unlimited video streaming on more than 150 plane that are equipped with Wi-Fi. People who have a 2-year subscription have access to thousands of movies at no additional cost. And as for other fliers, they have access to rent or buy movies the day after theyā€™ve aired. It is rare to watch a good show on plane so itā€™s pretty interesting the way both companies will be working hand in hand. Theyā€™re also trying to install high-speed internet service, but the outcome will be known in 2016.

  90. Kesso Diallo

    Kesso Diallo
    Prof. Duchamp
    N.Y.T 7 Travel Section

    Title: ā€œTravel Alert or No, Many in U.S are Determined to Go Places for Thanksgivingā€

    After the paris attack, people who come in or go out there ; thereā€™s going to be more enforced security. However with the little holiday coming people will be coming and going some people are scared and some people are like its okay. Over thanksgiving, the number of people flying stayed around the same, if not increased. It doesnā€™t mean that people arenā€™t worried though. After several interviews, it was determined that people are a lot more cautious about flying, avoiding large crowds and touring popular spots. Flights to Paris and Brussels have not decreased. With this in mind, tourism around the world is not shaken up, and people remain strong despite the looming danger or the Islamic State. Airport security increased, which meant that the lines were longer and more time consuming.

  91. Erick T

    Erick Tecuatl
    NYtimes travel section

    “U.S Airlines Preparing to offer flights to cuba”
    On December 17, the United states and cuba agreed to restore commercial flights between the two countries for the first time since the cuban missile crisis. They plan to institute flights in 2016, as many as 20 flights a day to havena, and 10 daily to the other cities. Southwest, united airlines, and jet blue all plan to releases low fair services to cuba.

  92. Erick T

    Erick Tecuatl
    NYTimes Travel Section:
    “How to Navigate America’s Busiest Airports”
    Although I haven’t experienced the hassle of airports, eventually there will come a time where this article will come in handy. The article talks bout how the December holidars are among the busiest in terms of traveling across the country. With the recent attacks in Paris, airport security is expected to increase,making the lines, and commute a lot longer. The article goes in detail with different airports across the country, such as ORD airport in Chicago, Atlanta international airport, JFK and many more. It breaks down each airport form the layout, to security, dining experiences around the airports and different amenities. This goes for every airport, and it is astounding with the amount of things you can do while waiting for a flight.

  93. Erick T

    Erick Tecuatl
    NYTimes Summary:
    “With Its Focus on Air Travel, U.S. Leaves Trains Vulnerable to Attack, Experts Say”
    With the attacks of 9/11 and the attacks in Paris, a large chunk of money is devoted into protecting the airports by increasing the amount of bomb sniffing dogs, and more security guards. But officals have failed to increase the security in subways. The problem with putting airport like security in subways is that it is “impractical” and the busy daily commutes would be at a standstill. They are impilementing security measures such as putting more video cameras, and having more trained personel. MTA’s “if you see something, say something” is being more strongly enforced, and the number of bag checks have been steadily increasing.

  94. Erick T

    Erick Tecuatl
    NyTimes Summary
    Hawaiiā€™s Dengue Fever Outbreak Grows

    During the winter, people tend to travel to much warmer parts around the world. With this in mind, people like to go to Florida, Caribbeans, and Hawaii. However when traveling to Hawaii this winter break, be conscious about the dengue fever outbreak that is going on. The dengue fever is spread mainly by mosquitoes as well as just human contact. It causes fever, headaches and pain in the eyes joints and muscles. Its been spreading since the start of September, and officials say that it was spread by another person from around the world, since it is very uncommon in Hawaii. So when traveling this season, remember to stay safe, and stay informed about where you’re heading off too.

  95. SoniaJ

    NYT Travel Section Assignment #4 S.Jobity
    By Cruise News: Culinary Sailings, French Polynesia by Ship

    As you can see Iā€™m starting to have a fascination with cruise ships, as one day I will like to go on one. The author is talking about a couple different topics but I will focus on the Culinary Sailings.

    Windstar Cruise Ship is partnering with the James Beard foundation in offering three culinary themed cruises. They are saying since cruise lines never offer quality food, they will have chefs who have either won a James Beard award or has been nominated to one. They will offer one 8 day cruise around southern Spain and Morocco and two 10 day trip to Spain, Portugal and France. On the cruises they will also offer two cooking demonstrations, wine tastings with wine paired meals, a nightly dish. The cruises main focus will be culinary. All of this starting at 2,499 a person.

    This is all very exciting as it seems they are trying to make the cruises more appetizing for travelers who love food. I find this is pretty good as I would love to enjoy a tasty meal. As for the price WoW!

  96. SoniaJ

    NYT Travel Section Assignment #5 S.Jobity
    Hotels Offer Variations on an Afternoon Tea Theme

    The article is talking about how some hotels are trying to change their afternoon teas by changing up what they normally serve. For example instead of serving traditional scones and bite sized pastries, the West House Hotel in Midtown Manhattan will have a twist on their menu. Although the spread changes daily they will offer pea soup in shot glasses, Mediterranean spread such as tzatziki with watermelon slices for dipping and unlimited champagne and cocktails made with cocoa liquor. In London their take on afternoon tea is also interesting as the Milestone Hotel is catering to men with mini bites of pork pies, bacon scones and a brandy soaked tart.

    The West House Hotel offers the afternoon tea free for its guests, rooms prices start from $490 a night. The Milestone Hotel offers their gentlemanā€™s afternoon tea for (Ā£42, Ā£62 with a whiskey flight).

    The article featured other hotels but these two stood out the most.

  97. SoniaJ

    NYT Travel Section Assignment #6 S.Jobity
    Airline and Cruise News: A Trip Sale From British Airways

    The article has a couple of topics but I will talk about two.
    FROM AIR NEW ZEALAND, A SERVICE FOR CHILDREN FLYING SOLO, in this article Air New Zealand introduced a high tech wristband for children flying by themselves. This band allows their parents/guardians to keep track of them as soon as they board the plane until they get off. The band is called Airband, itā€™s embedded with a chip that is scanned during important stages of travel, such as check-in, boarding, landing and pick up that sends text message notifications to up to five contacts. The wristband is made for children ages 5-11 and up to 16. After Feb 3 it will cost $12 per child on one way New Zealand domestic flights and $35 for one way international flights.

    As I donā€™t travel, not sure if here in the states we have something like this, but I think this will make parents/guardians will sleep better at night if we have these.

    Cibo Express Gourmet Markets serve customers with special diets such as vegetarian and gluten free. The company introduced a Kosher Market at Newark Airport, they will be selling over 60 grab and go items, sandwiches, sweets and dairy products that meet kosher standards.
    This is a great idea as I myself do not eat certain foods and this is a great option

  98. SoniaJ

    NYT Travel Section Assignment #7 S.Jobity
    Travel Deals: Food Tours of Eastern Europe

    In the Article the author was talking about Intrepid Travel expanding their food tours into eastern Europe in 2016. Real Food Adventures will introduce travelers to street food, local food markets and home cooked meals in four countries. The first trip is to Slovenia and Croatia and guests will be able to dine on slow roasted lamb in Dalmatia and sip schnapps in Ljubljana. The fare for this trip starts May 29 from $2,119. The second trip is to Montenegro and Macedonia and guests will be able to taste wines made locally with indigenous grapes and home smoked hams fresh pressed olive oils with families whom have been making them for over many generations. The fare for this trip starts June 9 from $1,647.

  99. SoniaJ

    NYT Travel Section Assignment #8 S.Jobity
    At Some Resorts, Itā€™s Always ā€˜Island Timeā€™

    In this article the author talks about island resorts that has different time zones so and guests to experience longer sleeping times as to catch the sunrise. Basically the clocks are set an hour before utilizing central time to extend daylight for guests. Some of the resorts boats used for arrivals and departures run on mainland time as to keep in sync of the flights.

    In Costa Rica, Las Catalinas has its own time zone, their clocks are set forward by two hours. They say itā€™s the best times for doing outdoor activities is in the early mornings and the temperatures are much cooler. Also stated the reason for the change is smoother water and active wildlife.

  100. Kristen T.

    HGMT 1101
    NYT travel summary
    Title: Hotel Reservation Are becoming more Complicated, and Costly to Cancel
    Author: Amy Zipkin

    In this article it explain many hotel as of now in 2015 are require to receive of some sort of cancellation fee. Big hotel like the Hilton and Marriott and many more are now doing that because of the increase user in Airbnb . Airbnb have a lot benefit and not only because of the price but also giving the since home which hotel can’t give. Since hotel are at loss they decided since people are booking and canceling last minute then people would have to pay a fee because ensure people coming to the hotel and avoid to pay the cancellation fee.

  101. Kristen T.

    Title: Traveling to Tokyo With Three Generation
    Author:Bonnie Tsui

    This article explain the difference change in Japan that the author didn’t recognize.She went to japan with her in laws and her sons which show three generation traveling together. Every little things were a memories and she was very optimistic and everything was going her way, until little problem startled to happened from work to different atmosphere in Japan. Now she fully understand the trip during college to Japan were different now because when she was in her 20s she was carefree now she has many other responsibility.

  102. Kristen T.

    Title: From Milan to Rome, Bikes and Beer
    Author: Diane Daniel

    In this article it about bike and beer and with those two they are going to travel from Milan to end up at Rome. The tour starts in Milan and ends in Rome, with much of the exploration in northern Italy. Travel is by bike and high-speed rail, with a combination of scenic cycling, dining, culture and beer tasting, for a total of 155 miles on mostly flat terrain. There were a couple of stop like the terminal 1 in Codogno to taste beer with some food pairing and many more.


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