In the article ‘ What New Rules Means for Travel to Cuba” the author discusses the rapidly changing legal regime surrounding travel by American citizens to the island nation of Cuba. As a result of the recent rapprochement between the historically antagonistic nations there has been a loosening of travel restrictions on Americans visiting the island and a broadening of the legally sanctioned categories under which travel is permissible. The author goes into precise detail on how said legal changes are for example allowing American cruise lines and airlines to travel directly to Cuba and maintain active operations there. They also speak to the expansion of categorical license in travel to Cuba, so that now American citizens can visit simply if they have family on the island. They also are given license if they report that they have a vague professional, educational or religious goal behind there visit.
This article particularly intrigued me because as a person who for many years lived in South Florida, where a plurality of the nation’s Cuban-American population lives, this current state affairs would of been considered a miracle of sorts. Few people, including myself, would of thought there would of been such a expeditious tidal shift in policy on the part of the American government, but I can honestly that I am proud of how swiftly the U.S. government has abandoned its previous antiquated Cold War policy with respect to Cuba. Although in the article it states that Americans still cannot travel for purely touristic reasons, the twelve delineated categories of permissible travel allow enough room for the vast majority of current would-be travelers to obtain legal entrance. It is this progressive development that makes me personally look on with optimism at the future of the relations between both countries and the tremendous opportunities that lie ahead for the hospitality industry.