Hi, my name is Joralis Gonzalez. I am a Hispanic American kid straight out of high school. For the last 4 years I have been completing high school, having fun, and experiencing new experiences. This year is my first official year of college. Before entering college, I had taken a college now course so I had a general idea of what this would look like. And way before that I used to attend college classes with my mother. I have noticed over the years of going with my mom that the school really have been up with the times.

About a year ago I was working under a program run by Riseboro Community Partnership called WLG, which stands for Work, Learn, and Grow. While I worked, I started working at a cafe, Called Cafe Moca, for about 2-3 months. During my time working there I became really interested in the culinary industry, as I had been kind of interested in it for a few years just watching my family cook and enjoy themselves on holidays, family gatherings, or just hanging out with each other. And that really impacted how I saw cooking and my family.