Living Learning Earning

Read and React

I have picked up at various locations and was able to get an understanding of different leadership styles. There was a location where I was at where the Leaders were different. Their cast members were like vending machines and the leaders were trying to force a result their cast member was not able to perform. Leaders are supposed to lead by example and from what I can see their way of leading was not helping the cast members perform at their best. At my location whenever it gets busy our Leaders/Coordinators jump in and help the stations which are struggling. I have Leaders coming into stations and asking if we are okay. I had a Leader help me restock because I was alone at a station and could not step away. Learning how to work under different leadership took time to get used to and I noticed how they lead depending on the location.

Working in Food and Beverage we spoil a lot of food. However, the food which gets spoiled gets composted which is recycled into the soil. During orientation, they shared Disney’s goal to have zero emissions and be able to dispose of food waste properly. Anytime I spoil food I know it is going to a better place. Disney is a big company, so I was surprised as to how organized their system was. There are recycling bins in the kitchen as well as outside which include a bin for hard plastic and has signs labeling what counts as hard plastic.

Persevering the environment is a crucial part. We have Oasis which is disposed in a specific drain. We have labels to make sure we’re getting the right product into the spray bottle. There is another solution which is next to Oasis and we have to make sure we are using the right one. Whenever we dispose of a liquid we make sure to ask our Coordinators were dumping it in the right location. We keep our resort clean by removing any stickers left by guests. There are still some stickers left by guests which have been there for so long their difficult to remove.

1 Comment

  1. Prof. Karen Goodlad

    Hi Xochi, It is not clear which read and react this post supports. Please copy and paste this information into the the comments section of the article you are a reacting to. Thank you.

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