Living Learning Earning

Week 7 Spring Break & Florida Heat

It is a never dull moment in Adventureland, with a huge crowd of guests going out for spring break along with the Florida heat, everyone is trying to cool down with Dole Whips. Our coordinator notified this beforehand letting us know that the crowd will only double during the next few weeks. Working with new people again as the people that I used to work with when I started were getting cross trained into the Front and Back of House. Creating a magical moment for a kid by giving them a free soft serve. Having the opportunity to be able to work in one of the stalls that closes early, everything felt brand new, so I had to learn things from scratch because most of my shift are always closings. Being a Churro runner having to throw away all the products after they pass their TPHC quality holding time. It was quite shocking to learn how much food is actually wasted. Working longer hours, I was originally only working for 6 hours shifts but lately, they have started to increase recently, I was also told that when I get Front and Back of House, it can even be longer. Being able to do register and mobile orders at the same time keeping things efficient, doubling the workload but it was fun and interesting. Closing Aloha Isle with a strict leader who has a reputation of checking everything thoroughly making sure that every corner where it may have sticky residues from the soft serves are cleaned making sure that we have cleaning supplies on hand to clean the spots that we might have missed.

Me as a greeter in Adventureland costume

1 Comment

  1. Daniel De Leon

    That’s great. You look cool in Adventureland costume. I hope you learn a lot from the experience.

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