

Mon 05/07/24
Room P114

  1. Pop-Up Exhibition Design – (See >> Project Overview)
    Phase 5 Revisions and final edits 
  2. Wayfinding – (See >> Project2 Overview) Situate your pop exhibit within a space on campus and develop a wayfinding system to promote and direct visitors to it. See >>Campus Photographs if you need campus images to work with.
  3. The final project is due Week 14, May 14th – digital final files due Week 15, May 21st. You can find all the requirements under the menu item: Activities/Projects&Assignments.
  4. In Class Critique of Exhibition Development – Make sure you have all your latest work updated in the class Dropbox Folder. Everyone should be ready to present even if still a work in progress:
  5. FINAL PROJECT GRADING RUBRIC >> Grading Rubric Checklist



Continue to work on finalizing everything!

Final Due 5/21 Save all your FINAL work in a folder with your name into the class dropbox folder >>FINAL-PROJECTS