Mon 3/12
Room P114


Pop-Up Exhibition Design â€“ (See >> Project Overview)
Phase 4 Design and Production

User Experience Focus Group: Elliott Mower of Media Current, a digital design agency, will be joining us for part of the class. He is interested in learning about your thoughts and experiences navigating City Tech with the goal of creating a more engaging and informative entrance into the College.

Pizza will be served. Questions to think about:

  • What are some spaces that you’ve visited that have successful wayfinding? What makes them successful? Do they use technology or is wayfinding analog?
  • What makes a space hard to navigate? 
  • When you visit a new place, how do you get familiar with the physical environment?
  • Are there any public spaces that you could draw a map of from memory? How detailed would it be?
  • What makes a place feel welcoming? What makes a place feel unwelcoming? What’s the best example of each from your personal experience?


  • Mid-term grades will be posted to Gradebook on this site by 03/24. The midterm grading scheme is as follows:
    • P=Passing work
    • BL= Borderline
    • U=Unsatisfactory
    • SA=Stopped Attending


  • Lab time to work: Bring the things you need to work in class: files, sketchbook and thumb drive.
