Monday 2/27/24
Room P114



Pop-Up Exhibition Design – (See >> Project Overview)
Phase 3 Develop concept:

  1. Branding – Exhibit Title and Logo Design
  2. Color Scheme and Typography
  3. Assets: what images are you going to show? Find or create appropriate, relevant illustrations or photography.
  4. Make sure you have 5 high-quality, high-resolution, photographs from around campus where you will be able to (photoshop) an exhibit poster promoting the exhibit.
  5. Make sure you have at least 5 high-quality, high-resolution, photographs of your exhibit area.

Due 2/27 go to >> and browse through a few of the featured projects. Make sure to look at the different categories under ‘practice area.’ Choose one that you think is inspiring and that you can present to the class.

Lab Time

  • Lab time to work: bring the things you need to work in class: files, sketchbook and thumb drive.
