Air Pollution

In summary, many years ago volcanic eruptions used to be the cause of air pollution but now human are the one who is causing the air pollution. In the article “Air pollution” by national geographic, air pollution is when gas, smoke or fumes is launched in atmosphere which creates  harmful gases for everyone and everything. The level of carbon dioxide (CO2) went higher than it used be in million year, and it is caused by burning fossil fuels such as natural gas and gasoline those are human activities and it make earth warm. Air pollution doesn’t only put chemicals in air it’s also one of sources that caused global warming because when we burn fossil fuels and the  smoke mix with air, it goes in atmosphere then it make hole in ozone layer. So, how can we reduce the air pollution is that first we have to reduce using of fossil fuels and second the writer says that government should take an action on it like limited discharge of greenhouse and CO2, also says that we should less driving and flying. This how we can reduce air pollution.  

4 thoughts on “Air Pollution”

  1. Pollution comes in different forms which we don’t even know we are causing. E.g. When u defecate on the ground u are causing pollution, when you throw garbage into the sea you are equally doing the same thing

  2. Unfortunately, human activities are worsening air pollution. Some negative environmental effects include acid rain, ozone depletion, crop and forest damage and global climate change. In addition, the harmful pollutants in the air may also lead to health problems and diseases in humans. In my opinion, many people do not pay attention to their daily activities that are contributing to air pollution because the negative effects of air pollution are not perceived as an immediate threat. In the following article attached, the California Environmental Protection Agency listed several ways to improve air quality. Some suggestions include turning off lights, driving less, and recycling. On a smaller scale, these steps are simple and contribute to a cleaner environment.

  3. Air pollution is also a great issue in our world today not only is it something that is harming our ozone layer and environment but also our health. Individual are getting greatly ill from breathing in or being around these harmful chemicals that being used. I saw a documentary about individual getting lung cancer and other respiratory diseases because they lived next to or close to a location that excretes coal. Coal miners also are having great health issue in a really young age because of their job. Air pollution is an extremely serious thing that is both harmful to the environment and us, many individual don’t realize the direct impact that pollution has on us

  4. Air pollution is also a great issue in our world today not only is it something that is harming our ozone layer and environment but also our health. Individual are getting greatly ill from breathing in or being around these harmful chemicals that being used. I saw a documentary about individual getting lung cancer and other respiratory diseases because they lived next to or close to a location that excretes coal. Coal miners also are having great health issue in a really young age because of their job. Air pollution is an extremely serious thing that is both harmful to the environment and us, many individual don’t realize the direct impact that pollution has on us

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