flower personality

My friend send me an interesting article about testing people’s personanlities by choosing the flowers.
There are nine different flowers. Which one is your favor flower? Do you think the explaination  in accordance with your personalities?




Your motto? “The early bird gets the worm!” Other people wonder at your mellow temperament and seemingly-endless energy, and they’re happy to come to you for solutions to problems they’re overwhelmed by.

You have a knack for empathy, and can often be found taking care of others.

You’re a traditionalist through and through. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have plenty of fresh ideas, but your taste is classic-chic to a tee! You love history and tradition, and can often be found poring over biographies of fascinating historical women.
You also have a deeply passionate romantic side, but you’re very private. Only a select few ever get to see that aspect of your personality.

You’ve never cared much about the opinions of others. You live a wholly original life, entirely on your own terms.
You might share your life with someone else, but you’re fiercely independent, and you like it that way. You might be an artist or creative, or simply have an unquenchable creative spirit. And you put your passions before everything else!

At first glance, you seem whimsical and ethereal, but when people get to know you, they quickly realize that you have an inner wild-child. If you’re under the age of 30, you may still be living out the hard-partying youth of a bright young thing.
If you’re a bit older, you may have reinvented yourself into an Earth mama, with a tattoo or two leftover from the bad old days, and a pocketful of wacky and hilarious memories!

You can be quiet, and you can be subtle, but there’s nothing mousy or awkward about you. You prefer a mellow life of understated charm.
You make your home out in the countryside, or hope to one day, where you can pursue your passionate love for green things.

You’re a dyed-in-the-wool romantic, and you’re proud of it! You’ve had your heart bruised a time or two, but it’s all worth it for the fairy tale ending.
When you finally found your Mr. or Mrs. Right — or if you’re still looking — they weren’t what you were expecting at all, but you couldn’t be happier. And you have every intention of living happily ever after!

You’re elegant and striking, to the point that you sometimes intimidate people who don’t know you well.
You’re a born leader in the workplace and in your select friend group, but once people get to know you, they quickly realize you have a soft side, and would do anything for a friend or loved one in need.

Busy as a bee, you always have a project in the works! You move fast and talk faster, but no one minds because they’re hanging on your every word waiting for the next punchline!
Your sense of humor is legendary, and your tongue is notoriously sharp. You love to be in charge, always spearheading the next big thing, and your fashion sense is, in a word, outrageous. But in a good way.

7 thoughts on “flower personality”

  1. I really enjoyed this post. I have to say that am a mix between a Tulip and a Daisy. Both descriptions suit me quite well. It is so funny how a simple little thing as a flower can have an impact on a person’s personality. Just like some flowers, we as individuals can be delicate and we can also endure the toughest elements.

  2. I really enjoyed this post. I have to say that I am a mix between a Tulip and a Daisy. Both descriptions suit me quite well. It is so funny how a simple little thing as a flower can have an impact on a person’s personality. Just like some flowers, we as individuals can be delicate and we can also endure the toughest elements.

  3. hi i love the flower personality because you get to discover something new about yourself.I found out that i am like the tulip because i like to help others when they are in trouble and anybody can come to me to ask for a solution.

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