11 thoughts on “Passion to Win”

  1. Often Times in life i feel like quitting and giving up but then i remind myself why i started in the first place. This gives me motivation to keep going and getting to the end where i wanted to reach when i first started. The harder you try when you want something the more good you feel when you reach your goal. If you give up in between you wasted your time to even start.

  2. The desert we have been placed, is the very situation that too will be our growth from. Walking through the desert will be the mold to our very character. For we have been given what we need at this very moment, so what would be our reason, to not win? Who are we to say we will not be successful for we have been given the very necessities and the very heart to do exactly what much be done.

  3. I like the quote, and I think its a good way to start your day by reading such powerful quotes. They really boost you confidence level. the meaning behind the quote is really valid and true, because we all feel like quitting because we are scared of what will come our way. There is this one line that my mom always says, and it helps me overtime I need help. Its “don’t be scared and give up because after fear comes the actual winner”

  4. I can agree with this but there are of course some exceptions. If your were to quit as soon as something gets hard how do you move up in life? You don’t. You have to work hard and sometimes you have to take risks. Later on you’ll be happy you did. Also to give up once in a while does not make you a quitter. Especially if you plan to try again. Smart individuals know when its best to throw in the towel and there is a kind of admirable strength to those kind of people that can say I cant do it this time. Doesn’t mean you’re quitting forever you’re just preparing to try again.

  5. The passion of winning comes from with in. Sometimes i find my self in situations where I’m not sure if i can solve but if you step back , analyze everything solutions to appear. When your mind is under the pressure of succeeding its hard to think straight because all your actions are towards winning. Stay calm, cool and collective in any situations and you will be better outcomes.

  6. I really like this quote but Winning require loosing or you wont be able to win. sometime is good to quit so you can persuade a better thing. Winner never quit which is true but sometime loser also don’t quit. It all about the determination of a person who lead to win.

  7. This is exactly why we are to have our time to ourselves and mentally stay fit. When we have to much chatter as our meals we too tend to feed on others. Others may even become our very passion. Yet, who are we to hold onto what others say? When truly it is us whom we are to feed for may we not, hunger will be of our meal each moment.

  8. Never quitting is a win itself, to constantly build yourself stronger through experiences and a need to see yourself in a better place. It the strength to push yourself to the breaking point for a better perspective of yourself for yourself.

  9. Winning is a very satisfying feeling, getting though hardships or difficulties and accomplish the task at hard is a great feeling. It so great that once you get you constantly strive to have that feeling again thats why winners never quite.

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