For all criteria, please see the Unit One assignment sheet under “Major Assignments” 

Use Category: Unit1 Final Paper.  Please also label your paper clearly so that I know this is your final essay.  That said, I would like you to give this essay a title that is a real (meaning: interesting) title, not “essay #1.”  What is something you would want to read?

Please note this paper is worth 20% of your final grade for this course. 

If you are having an issue with the paper, please discuss it with me with plenty of time BEFORE that essay is due. Remember, discussing with me is actually hearing back from me, not emailing me at 3 AM the night before the paper is due.

You can upload it as text to the OpenLab (as a blog post) or as a doc or pdf by using the “add media” function, which I discussed in Tuesdays class. (note: the upload function has been fixed. If you’re confused about how to upload, I’ve made a little video HERE)

Again, if you have questions, please contact me at

Click on the box below if you want to see the slideshow we watched in class on Tuesday about P-I-E paragraphs: