Hall English 1101 Fall 2020

Maybe i could save myself by writing

Amy Tan really said a lot in her article and she expressed how she learned to differentiate and understand how her mother’s english was different from society’s proper english. She was explaining how she was so used to the way her mother spoke that when she was around her english changed. The way she would speak in public wasn’t the way she would speak around her family. Later on in the article she realized how if she didn’t notice how her english was changing when she was outside and when she was inside . but one thing that i appreciate is how she made herself understand her mother’s point of view of the world and spoke the way that she did. She understood that it has something to do with race because in the article she said “ Sociologist and linguists probably will tell you that a persons developing language skills are more influenced by peers.”” But I do think that the language spoken in the family, especially in immigrant families which are more insular, plays a large role in shaping the language of the child”. And this reminded me of Jose Olivarez from “Maybe i could save myself by writing” when he was explaining how he felt out of place because of his surroundings because he was so used to his parents culture in the article he says “Around the time I entered high school, I knew with complete certainty that I needed to move to MĂ©xico. I was living in the wrong country. I didn’t make sense in the United States, but if I moved to MĂ©xico, I would make sense”. This shows how much of an impact your surroundings can have on the way you speak and think and that is the reason why so many people see immigrants english as broken. They don’t understand that it has to do with surroundings and cultures. In “Three ways to speak English” by Jamilia Lyiscott she says how “And when I’m on the block I switch it up just because I can. So when my boy says, “What’s good with you son?” And the reason why i chose this part of the poem is because of the way Jamilia changed her English when she was around her friends and this is to show you how someone’s surroundings can have an effect in their language.


  1. Carrie Hall

    Esther, some of your work was getting a little lost because you weren’t choosing the right category– while we are writing this unit, make sure you choose “Unit One!)

    Good analysis! I’m wondering if you have a particular experience of your own education that you feel you’d like to write about?

    • Esther

      Opps sorry! But thank you for letting me know. And yes i do have an experience id like to write about.

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