Author Archives: Arthur Liang

(NEW)Act MouthWash Ads. Storyboard-Rough Sketch

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(NEW)Act MouthWash Ads. Storyboard-Final Digital work

Story: Today is Sunday, Milk is planning to go to church with Sophia, and Mike Knows Sophia waits for him in front of church. After they meet together, they get into church inside and find a seat to sit. On … Continue reading

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Act MouthWash Ads. Storyboard


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Mystery&Suspense Storyboard (New)

  One raining night, Milk is going home from his work place. He is only one who at the street. Suddenly he hear some footstep sound appear behind him, even there is heavy rain, he still can hear clearly. And … Continue reading

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Mystery&Suspense Storyboard

One raining night, Milk is going home from his work place. He is only one who at the street. Suddenly he hear some footstep sound appear behind him, even there is heavy rain, he still can hear clearly. And the … Continue reading

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Day in the park

Shot-list Scene descriptions: It happens in a day in the park, the main character, Mike meets hisĀ tureĀ loveĀ of his life, Jenny. Mike plansĀ go to take a walk after lunch. He is surprised that there are full of peopleĀ in the parkĀ even thoughĀ todayĀ hasĀ bad … Continue reading

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This is the first post on your Learning Blog. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! The ePortfolio is both a Learning Blog and an Academic Career Portfolio. Use the Learning Blog to document your learning experiences and class assignments … Continue reading

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