MAT 1175 – Fundamentals of Mathematics

active 8 years, 6 months ago
MAT 1175 – Fundamentals of Mathematics
This Course is OPEN.
Course Code
MAT 1175
Semester / Year
Fall 2011
Course Description

Topics include linear and quadratic functions, intermediate algebra, plane geometry and trigonometry of the right triangle.


This course was created by: Jonas Reitz

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[...] “online notes” page for each lecture of our introductory algebra class […] See MoreComment on "Day 8 – Linear Equations and Slope"

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professor Reitz these notes are very helpful with the homework in terms of the properties. See MoreComment on "Day 6 – Properties of Integer Exponents"

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I like all the problems because they just foil. See MoreComment on "Day 12 – Polynomials 1"

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