ADV1100 Graphic Design Principles 1

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  • Assignment #2 Aural Topographies: Mash Up Prep
  • #15666

    Oscar: Whenever I drew staccato, the dashes are usually the first thing that came to mind. I love that they travel up and down with rhythm of the music. I like the 6th one the best because they’ve switched places on the second row.



    Xuxa- When i saw your thumbnails i felt at peace , I really like the stac you have top right I can easily tell which is which . i feel like you should add more patterns maybe more details, line and darking parts of your work.



    Vicky – Good Job making use of lines. I like the kind of pattern you use. I like how you used broken up lines to add help for details in you Lion’s Maine(if it is a lion O.o ). I could also see a nice front and back view of a Phoenix (or whatever bird that is XD) and also a Sleeping Wolf. It clearly seems like you love fluffy and fuzzy animals :P And lastly I love the tree and road-looking image. Awesome job using swirls as patterns for the tree’s leaves.


    Jeddy, your work is good, but the swirl in your staccato looks like it should be in your legato, because there are no sharp characteristics to a swirl, but other than that, good job.


    Jenna Spevack

    Yay Yuliya! Gold Star!

    The rest of the class need’s to submit replies with this detail or more before moving on to the Lecture and Lab.



    @Professor: I’m doing the thumbnails, here is my legato, was resizing it and I wonder if it looks legato at all… I was trying to do something different. What you think? I used the song ‘Titanium’ for it.


    wanda-i like your thumbnails simply because i clearly see you put emphasis in creating and portraying the staccato and legato within the artist music.I seen the smooth,flowing within your thumbnail and that great because,those things define legato,i love the way you created your images to where i seen the composed and abrupt or disconnected sounds that possibly changed the idea or sounds of your music.Overall i think it was good,i think you could do a better job in portraying more notely sharply detached rhythm.


    Thank you jeddy! and yes, I do love fuzzy animals xD
    What I tried to do was not to overdo detail, but at the same time, I felt like I had way too much negative space going on, especially with the tree. I tried to make it a little less bland by adding some swirls, give it a nice breezy tree in a field kind of feeling :D



    Jeddy: I like that your designs are simple but look pretty cool. Good use of your lines and repetition because for me it is easy to tell which are Staccato and which are Legato. The only thing that is kind of confusing though is there are designs that kinda looked like you mixed both subjects. On the 2nd column, 3rd design from the top it looks like a mix of both Staccato and Legato maybe if you take some of the lines in the bottom away it will look more clear. Good Job though


    Yuliya Bas

    Vicky, thanks for the con-crit, it’s appreciated. Maybe I’ll make the top staccato more jagged, it’ll fit better with the rest of the set then.
    Anna, thanks! You made me laugh with that Dragon ball z comment, I guess I subconsciously thinking along the lines of something fantasy-like.
    Michael, thanks as well, didn’t realize the bottom right staccato stood out that much, I’m definitely using it for the next part of the project!



    @Julio: Awesome patterns, really creative I must say. :D @ Jeddy: Same about yours Jeddy, one on right top looks really nice. :]


    Yuliya- Thank you for your suggestion on my thurmnails:) I really like yours also especially the one on the right corner of your legato patterns. The design was excellent. It makes me feel like the patterns are dancing with a very comfortable music. Your staccato patterns are also very successful. The first one on the second row gives me a feeling of a very powerful and strong rhythm.



    Julio- YOU’RE A BEAST. nuff said.

    But srsly, Excellent job creating your thumbnails. I can see you took precious time to make these. You are using advanced looking patterns and putting them to good use. I like the DNA-strand looking images and the top-mid image looking like SpiderMan’s Face. Good job with the swirly Grid. I love those tornado’s, especially the one with the dark-light shadings. Excellent Variety of Patterns bro. Kudos



    Vicky: i like the way you used the zip zap move to create animal as part of staccato. and i think you were using more nature in the construction of legato (x
    great job i really like your legato sketches.


    Mario, your legato is cool, its unique, good job

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