Lorraine Hernandez Lighting Direction


I think this image is beautiful because its an extreme close up and every little detail is seen. A large amount of contrast is seen in this photograph. Also I was able to make it happen because the lighting direction. The light on the side of the studio allowed the light to shine through the petal and made this image special. The light being on the side allowed me to get a hint of the leaf in the background smothly out of focus.


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Lighting Direction


This photo use high contrast, black and grey color on the background. And also very high contrast on the leave.  Rule of third and I can see very detail on the flower.  This is very focus.  I choose this photo because I like the background. I never take a picture like that before.  It is cool.


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Henry Huang LL3


I like this photo because of the spot light from the side makes the left side of the flower darker. It is also extreme close up and wide depth of field. It also has the rule of third and the background is pitch black because of the lighting. The edge of the flower makes a nice curve line that is on a diagonal. There’s also a lot of detail in the flower as well as shades of dark and light. It also have a dramatic feel to the photo almost like a movie angle and lighting.


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This photograph is my personal favorite because of the oblique angle and the shallow depth of field. The light direction is from the side using the soft box creating a low contrast image.


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A pair of rose.

I like how the lighting in this image makes the roses looks high resolution. The lighting from the side makes the yellow rose more brighter than the red one. This photograph also gives a romantic, yet playful feel to it. It looks nice because it is pretty balanced and it gives a good amount of white space. Also i like how the roses on focused, while the stems aren’t

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LL3-Lighting Direction

Post a small file representing the best photograph you shot today. Describe in your own words how lighting direction help you create mood in this image.

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A Woman at Convent Avenue Baptist Church, 1977

A Woman of Convent Avenue Baptist Church, 1977

In Dawoud Bey’s photography, what caught my eye was this photo: “A Woman At Convent Avenue Baptist Church, 1977.”

This piece of photograph looks very powerful. It reminds me of an event that is very important, that you would actually need to look fancy and in this image, the woman wearing a hat brings that modification that there is a special event going on. The mood for this photo looks very serious because I know of how a formal church would act and there is professional manners inside the church due to respect. It looks as if everyone is quietly sitting down and patiently waiting for something, so they appear to look calm as well.

The photographer used very nice framework, Bey put the woman’s hat in the center. He also balanced the woman in the middle with one person next to her on each side. There is also a shallow depth of field, the woman in the hat is on focus while everything else is off focused. There is great contrast of light on the top left to the top right, bringing the hat out more in hierarchy. The dark contrast is everything else giving a focal point to the beautiful hat. The vantage point view is in eye angle position. This image looks as if you are actually sitting directly behind this woman.

These elements give this photograph a significant feel bringing happiness in this picture as well. I feel this way because when you go to a church, you are supposed to feel welcome and in this image, even though you do not know if these people are related, Bey gave a peaceful feel by putting them together in this image. The man on the left has his head slightly lifted high making him look like he is relaxed.

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The pole


I find this image most pleasing to me because it is one of the photos that i took that didn’t look too bad while getting the point across.The image displays a close up shot of the pole of a chair eye level view point.It shows a strong vertical line and a shallow depth of field.The camera mainly focuses on the pole while the background is soft and blurry.


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First Class Photo shoot

This gallery contains 1 photo.

Today was our first class photo shoot i Really enjoyed the opportunity to get on hands experience with working with a camera. We learned how to  use the camera to create several different types of pictures.         … Continue reading

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Lesson 2 – Joel Fuller

_MG_3565I chose this image because I thought it had a very interesting composition. I like that It has a number of techniques such as a medium shot, rule of thirds and shallow depth of field.  I also think that even though all the colors are basically gray, everything has a different value, and the image captures each texture. Lastly I love the cropping of the chair. In my opinion it adds a dramatic feel.

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