Hotel Visit, March 5

Where: NoMo SoHo Hotel

Hotel Location: 


1 (866) 486-5557
1 (646) 218-6400 

Meet in the outdoor reception area.

When: Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Transportation: We will meet at the hotel. N, Q, R, W is the closest subway line

Attire: Professional/Business, As a reminder here attached is the site visit dress code retrieved directly from your Openlab site

More information: Don’t forget to prepare chapter 3 in your textbook for the tour and create questions to ask management. 


Reflection, Due before midnight March 11th

Read, think and write about any two of the following questions. Create a post on the OpenLab under the category “Hotel Site Visit”:
  • What was the most significant information you learned while at The 1 Hotel?
  • What action will you take to network with the people you met?
  • What did you like/dislike about the site visit to The 1 Hotel?
  • What one aspect of the site visit made you want to or not want to work in the lodging industry?
  • Did you feel prepared for what you experienced during the site visit?
  • In what way do you believe you need to prepare for a career in the luxury hotel market?
  • How did you feel about going to The 1 Hotel?  
I look forward to joining you all on the tour! Please let me know if there are any questions.