Category Archives: Uncategorized

Medeival Monastery

I enoyed this exercise, I commented on an ARTH class. One blogger wrote about the monasteries. I just added my knowledge on the topic. I noticed that Kris had also commented prior to myself. I like history and I especially … Continue reading

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Frost’s “The Silken Tent

Frost’s “The Silken Tent” In this poem I found myself so attracted to the idea of someone becoming free from their own sin weighing down on them and becoming free. The way the narrator spoke of the tent and certain … Continue reading

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Bondage V.S. Freedom

“The Silken Tent” by Robert Frost was an interesting poem that we read in class. It was somewhat confusing trying to interpret at first and with everyone else’s interpretations being thrown out in the open, I found myself lost in … Continue reading

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The Silken Tent

Robert Frost’s piece, “The Silken Tent,” is one that speaks to me very well. From my perspective of it, I can agree with many of my peers’ opinions of how this looks like a topic of love and care in … Continue reading

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Silken Tent

When it comes to Robert Frost, I’ve been reading a few poems by him since junior high. Usually I love his pieces like “Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening” but I didn’t like “Silken Tent”.  After reading it, I … Continue reading

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The Dancer and the dance

This chapter talks about the rhythms. According to the, rhythm is defined as “the movement or procedure with uniform or patterned recurrence”. It occurs in all forms of language, no matter in written or spoken. It acts as a … Continue reading

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The Silken Tent

During our class discussion about the significant words in the poem The Silken Tent I chose the word bondage. Honestly, the main reason why I chose this word because its literal meaning has such force and strength. Reading the poem … Continue reading

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WW The Dancer and the Dance

In this Chapter, it talks about the universe we live in is a system of rhythms. From the beating of your mother’s heart that matching to your own to when are walking with our legs and arms swinging in a … Continue reading

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Freedom and Bondage

The poem “The Silken Tent” by Robert Frost is about a woman being described as a silken tent with all of its different components. The word freedom and bondage are two opposites of each other. The use of the words … Continue reading

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The Silken Tent

I think that “she is as” is saying that she is like or she is the same as a silken tent. The peom then goes on with an almost never ending comparison to the silken tent. It is as though the … Continue reading

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