Category Archives: Uncategorized

Eat-ing a bowl of Tea

This week, I went to a History of Immigration, Ethnicity & Nativism course blog. I searched the course list for a blog I thought I find interesting and this particular history course caught my eye. The experience itself was fun … Continue reading

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My Experience

For this week’s assignment, I participated in a discussion in an art history course. I read a post about the life of monks during the medieval times. I was interested in this course because I am also taking an art … Continue reading

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Open Lab Thoughts

Open Lab is more of a personal social website that provides, or has greater potential to give students more educational support. Personally this can and will help out students if the proper material that can be posted for students at … Continue reading

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My Experience On OpenLab

This was a great experience because I learned something new and I’m also taking Bio II this semester. It was about a plant called Gaint Hogweed. It has a toxic compound that can cause severe skin and eye irritation, blistering, … Continue reading

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A Trip 2 Another Poetry Class

For this assignment, I’ve traveled to another poetry class and commented on a member’s posting. I learned that not many of the other classes are as interactive on Openlab as we are but there was a poem that stuck out … Continue reading

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A thought for another

This week’s assignment was very different. I like that we are allowed to express our thoughts and ideas regarding the course and other courses. It’s not all just memorize and repeat in different words, so I find that welcoming. I … Continue reading

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My Expierence!

When Professor Gold first introduced the Openlab I was a little nervous and confused because I had never heard of it before. The only online site I’ve used in my other hybrid courses was blackboard. I thought this week’s assignment … Continue reading

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Perception of this week’s assignment

  For this week’s assignment, I participated in a discussion in another poetry course. I gave my portrayal of the poem “Still to be Neat” by Ben Johnson by commenting on a student’s post. Although the student did not respond, … Continue reading

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My experience : Photography, Tumblr, and Copyright

This week’s assignment was to visit another class’s blog post. The class that I commented on is Tu/Th HIsotry of Photography. The blog post is about Photography, Tumblr, and Copyright. There was an article that you have to read related to … Continue reading

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My experience!

I was very nervous having to write a post on another class’s site. It was like going into uncharted territory. After i got over the shock of it i felt as if i was snooping around on other people’s discussion … Continue reading

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