Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wikipedia Assignment: 1st Draft

I found a lot of interesting things about the poet I picked, Frik. I found 4 sources with 3 being books and an article from a website. I’ll only use 2 of the sources for my first draft, but will add to … Continue reading

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Wikipedia assignment

here is the link to my wikipedia assignment My first draft: Waltner, (2006) wrote “Psalm 100 is a simple and beautiful hymn inviting God’s people everywhere to enter into worship with thanksgiving and praise.” Waltner also found that “the whole … Continue reading

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Draft wikipedia

Fingerplay is a term used to describe hand action or movement combined with singing or spoken-words to engage the child’s interest. Some chants or common rhymes that incorporate fingerplay include Itsy Bitsy Spider and Peek-a-boo I See You. The article … Continue reading

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Class Notes – 4/25/12

– Describe the wikipedia stub you’ve chosen to expand. What is it and what type of page is it (ie., poet, aspect of poetry, genre, etc.) – Describe what’s currently on the page now – Describe the general direction of … Continue reading

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Wikipedia- 1st Draft

The page on wikipedia that I chose to update is on the book A Monster at Christmas. This specific title caught my eye because for some odd reason it reminded me of one of my favorite movies, The Nightmare Befor Christmas. I … Continue reading

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Wikipedia Assignment: Poet Stub

Sorry for the late blog post for last week’s assignment. I chose to update the Wikipedia page of the poet, Frik. A small amount of history with beliefs of fatalism and rebellion against the religious clergy were revealed about him. It interest … Continue reading

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From what I seen so far on the material some students posted on the open lab, Anti-poetry seems to be popular. I found it difficult to find a person or a subject to write something of in wikipedia. I had … Continue reading

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Wikipedia Assignment: Draft 1

The Wikipedia page on Anti-Poetry is pretty bare. I’m going to be editing and expanding the page and provide a longer definition and examples so the researcher can understand the meaning a little better. Anti-poetry is an art movement that … Continue reading

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Wikepedia Assignment: Draft 1

I will be expanding on the Eye Rhyme stub ( Currently this stub doesn’t have any examples or sources. Eye Rhyme A rhyme in which two words are spelled similarly but pronounced differently. Examples Wreath: breath Height: weight Sphere, here: … Continue reading

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The Art of Anti poetry Wikipedia 1st draft

Some History-Elias Petropoulus had tried to describe the art of Anti poetry according to one of his protegees and admirer John Taylor. In his “notebook” Indeed in Berlin contain verses which included intentionally made mistake in regard to prosody, grammar and rhyme. The inspiration … Continue reading

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