Journal 8 In this moment at my placement site i’ve completed the designing of the sponsorship packet to the street exhibition banner competition. The next step is to create a submission form that will go out to the artists and art organizations we are trying to target in NYC (especially those in Harlem). In addition, a request for design that features all details involving the design esthetics will also be made. These artists will need to look over this document of requirements before submitting their final designs. I’ve also started to create a draft of a timeline for this event. This is one thing I’ve notice to be common in all events, by creating a timeline it ensures all things goes as planned. Come to think of it creating a timeline for almost anything is a must because it simplifies accomplishing all things on your to do list. Another thing I’ve learned is that inspiration is not limited to design, inspiration can be used in any work field. The way we use inspiration at the BID is by viewing how other companies execute their events and applying those key compose and figuring out how they fit into our mission for our upcoming events. The application we are using to post the submission form is and being that we never use them it’s helpful to us to look at examples so we know what right information we should be putting in our forms. All the things Im learning thus far are useful to my major because I’m getting a business perspective. It’s making me knowledgeable in this area and that’s one of the reasons why I like working at the BID.