Journal 9

I was recently designing a flier for an upcoming event that the BID is having, this event is more like a contest and we are seeing what block in Harlem has the cleanest street. We are striving to decrease the litter on the streets and continue to work on the overall health and cleanliness of Harlem. In doing this task I found that when printing out the final piece you have to make sure that the every component is presentable. The way you create it in the computer should  appear the same way when it comes out the printer. I say this because when I presented multiple versions of this flier to the CEO of the BID she actually thought the old versions were way better than updated one. All because the printer made a black smudge on the updated flier I created. In her own words, This is not something we can present to people” , she felt it wasn’t good enough and I agree with this point. I saw this flier as a final draft and all we had to do next is just get the printing in in order. Right after this occurred my supervisor called the printing company to see what the problem was and turns out the printer in the office needs to be updated. It’s good this happened now rather later because just imagine if we printed out a bunch these fliers, it all would have been a waste.