During this time at my placement site my co- worker and I are working on a banner design competition called the Street Exhibition that the BID has every year. My specific duty is to design the sponsorship package so that we can get business corporations to help fund our event. In doing this task I’ve learned that there is no such thing as a perfect final piece and there is always room for improvement. You are going to have multiple versions and drafts of what your working on. Also feedback from your co-workers as well outside business people are critical to produce the best version of your project. One important thing I’ve learned in regards to the industry and business is that corporations or companies are only going to work with you if they benefit from it. I learned this through feedback on the sponsorship package I’m working on . This is something I keep in mind for every slide I design, to keep the attention of our target audience I have to make sure the package features a piece of information that displays the sponsor’s benefit. This way they would want to stay on board with the idea as well support it. My typical day on the job at this moment consist of improving the sponsorship package and posting events going on in Harlem on the BID’s website.