Week 11: Monday, 4/12 – Friday, 4/16

Here is the information I mentioned during class and said I would share with you:

  1. Agenda:Week 6: This has a link to the Unit 2: Annotated Bibliography guidelines and the student samples of Unit 2. You can also find the Unit 2 guidelines under the Major Assignments Tab. Remember that the student samples are not perfect but they give you a good sense of what to do and how.
  2. Literary Arts Festival (LAF) Registration Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/city-techs-40th-annual-literary-arts-festival-tickets-142906648633
  3. Staceyann Chin videos, poems, and articles: Here is the LAF OpenLab site where you can check out Chin’s work


Tuesday, 4/13 (asynchronous: work due on our class site by 11:59 pm)

WRITING: Drafting– Finalizing the Annotated Bibliography Project

  • Continue working on your Annotated Bibliography Project.
    • You do not have to post anything today but be in touch via email or during office hours if you have questions.


  1. In class on 4/8 we worked on pulling together the pieces you drafted for Unit 2 into a google doc. Continue working in that document to complete your draft, and then final version, of Unit 2.
  2. Notice that I postponed the deadline of Unit 2 until Friday so there is an extra day listed in this assignment. If you need an extension, just let me know.


Thursday, 4/15 (synchronous session: reading and viewing of resources should be done before our virtual/Zoom class meeting)

 READING (do this before coming to class):

 RESOURCES (watch these before coming to class):

 Classwork: Introducing the Multimodal Project


Friday, 4/16 (Unit 2 submission due by 11:59 pm)

  • SUBMIT Unit 2: Annotated Bibliography Project (submission due by 11:59pm)
  • Write a Post the includes the following:
    • A short reflection (approx. 150-200 words) on the research process and what you learned. In your reflection, consider the following questions: What did you find difficult about doing this type of research? In doing this type of research, what did you learn that you can take to future classes?
  • Before publishingyour post, make sure you do the following:
    • Title it “Unit 2: Annotated Bibliography Project”
    • Pick the category “Unit 2”
    • Set the visibility of this post to “private,” Go to the top left corner of the post page, click on the word “edit” next to “Visibility: Public” and choose private