Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - O427 | Spring 2021

Drafting The Annotations

MLA Citation:

Abrams, Stacy. “What do you think are the reasons behind this growth in women running for, and being elected to, political office?”

In the first edition in a series exploring women in international affairs, March 2019.


In an online article, Stacy Abrams an American Politician give her view on “What are the reasons behind the growth in women running for and being elected to political offices. 

            We know that women have come a long way and have made remarkable achievements such as gaining voting rights, people of color are now able to utilize public transportation, being court Judges, achieving a sexual harassment act and of recently attaining the position of Vice President of the USA and the list can go on. Women have also been balancing their domesticated duties and striving for these senior positions in the field of work quiet well and should be proud of these political achievements and should not let it end here. 

            In this article Stacy Abrams stated â€œWe have seen not only more women coming into the body politic through the 100 years of suffrage and the 45-year history of the Voting Rights Act but an increased opportunity for participation because of their inclusion in the workforce and in leadership positions”

            Abrams went on to say that the more the opportunity for leadership has grown, the more it has translated into electoral power. We have an increasing number of women – especially women of color – in mayoral positions, and each time we see this increase, it galvanizes others to believe it’s possible for them too. I stand to agree deeply with Abrams because we see this resonate in Kim Janey rising to the status of Acting Mayor of Boston and may become the Mayor.Abrams made it clear that whether we are taking the election of a record number of women to Congress, or what we saw happen in a number of states a few years back where more young women and more women of color were elected to state legislative offices these are the people who open the door for others to follow by hiring more young women of color and thereby creating an ongoing machine that creates more opportunity for women.

            This is a “fruition” Abrams in making reference to Bella Abzug, Shirley Chisholm and Barbara Jordan who were the founders of the National Women’s Political Caucus in 1971 – and others, she stated that she believes it will continue.

Rhetorical Analysis:

The reason I have chosen this link is because it is a very informative piece and it leads one in the correct direction on the research topic â€œWhat do you think are the reasons behind this growth in women running for, and being elected to, political office?” Because the genre was in the form of an interview of Stacy Abrams who is a very active and vibrant Politician; she tends to be the perfect individual since she started out from grass root when it comes to politics and from a female point of view. 

There are many other relating articles from this source that can be found that would give you a more in-depth information as it relates to women and politics here in the US. This statement 

            â€œIt is a Democratic proposition in that opportunity should belong to all but that there has to be engagement by government leaders to push aside oppression and create that space. That, left to our own devices, we aren’t necessarily always going to create space for everyone to participate and that, although we don’t need government to do everything, government has a role to play.”

This quote really stands out to me that there should be inclusiveness and should not be biased, and this seems to make it a credible piece even though it’s in Abrams’s opinion it was coming directly from her.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    Some things to think about:
    1. The formatting of the citation and entry are still not correct. There is missing information in the citaiton. Additionally spacing matters for this document. This should be the citation and two cohesive paragraphs.
    2. The summary reads as incomplete and/or disconnected. Your readers should be able to read the summary and have an overall sense of what the article says.
    3. In the evaluation/rhetorical analysis say more about the value of the article for you and how it helps you answer your research question.
    4. Integrate your quotations into the summary and evaluation–don’t just have them listed.
    5. Also, though it seems obvious, comment on why this is a credible source.

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