Prof. Garcia | ENG 1121 - O427 | Spring 2021

Finalizing Discussion question

Final Question: Will Child protection Services ever be fully successful and sufficient? 

This topic has grabbed my attention because it is a topic that isn’t mentioned as much. Or its importance to society of social injustice. This topic has been something that some have heard but many children go through and we don’t even know it. There have been cases where many children weren’t helped by child protection services and they have failed to notice the situation they were in. There as well have been stories where children have seemed helped but aren’t able to be helped. So it has come to my attention to what isn’t allowing the child protection service to find these clues in helping instead of failing to notice.with research I have found a good amount of numbers of cases of how many children were neglected. And there have been cases where children have gotten hurt. With this going on we noticed that there are failures and with this we need to improve it.

1 Comment

  1. Ruth Garcia

    You questions is really not answerable–how can we know if this system will ever work? But you might research (and this seems to connect to what is in your paragraph) the following question: how can child protection services be improved? And then see what comes up–you might need to narrow down further to research one set of ideas and beliefs of how child protection services can be improved.

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