HW #5

Walker Evans way of photagraphy is unusual because notonly only are the people in the photos not showing any emotion, but Walker Evens gets close to take the photo of the subway riders. Being this close up makes the photo seem awkward.  Many of his photos are taken from the waist up. Not much has changed in subwayriders today. Many people in Evans photos are holing a book or newspaper. Today we see iPhones, iPads, and kindles being used by subway riders. In a way subway riders are still doing what they did years ago, reading and minding their own business. In one of the photos I noticed a man was playing the accordion with a little jar tied in with a string for anyone who wanted to spare him some change. This has not changed one bit, every morning on the subway you will run into someone wanting some money in exchange of them playing an instrument for you or dancing. In many ways people have not changed the way they act on the subway. Even through the facial expressions are almost identical, not showing any emotion on the daily commute to work or school.

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